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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. For the Oz questions, I've been hitting 2 every time but now that there can be 3 of them in a quiz, I thing I'm going to have to be a bit more subtle and hit 1,2 and then 3. Wine o'clock was about 3 glasses ago.
  2. Pussy. (How big's your cupboard? Room for two?)
  3. The HAVE cleared it up. Their statement said "To be definitive, a non-executive position on a PLC does not constitute a business relationship between that individual and a minority shareholder in the company and therefore no investigation is warranted." What do you expect them to do? Hold a 21-day investigation and come back to say, 'On second thoughts, maybe it does constitute a business relationship'? What new evidence is going to change their stance? FWIW if you're looking for a non-exec chairman, you're going to be hard-pushed to find someone from Scotland who's interested in football but doesn't support one of the 42 clubs. Maybe someone from the Juniors?
  4. The part where he brings the Scottish game into disrepute. So, all of it. ETA: If he wasn't looking to stir up the hordes, he could have submitted this challenge formally and quietly. A little bit of decorum. As it is, this stinks of 'Who are these people?' We deserve to know.'
  5. At Tannadice? No idea. And what do you mean 'again'?
  6. It was good while it lasted. 3 for Thursday. Annoyed that I swapped away from thee other correct answers by trying to be too clever. Or not.
  7. 6 days of Grenfell Tower tributes do not constitute headline news on the BBC. Pages of OK or Hello for these human interest stories.
  8. So near yet so far. 9 for Tuesday. Got the musical wrong but, on the positive side, guessed the Aussie politics answer.
  9. I'm going to start an unfounded rumour. Kenny Miller seen getting out of a taxi at the Swallow.
  10. They'll just turn up the microphones near the Celtic fans.
  11. Give it time. His fridge must still be full of stuff - he's not been eating it.
  12. I've suspected as much for a while now. they're just taking the XXXX. Knew 2 and guessed 2 for a feckin 4 for Wednesday.
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