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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. 'Long-term investment opportunities' don't sound too concrete to me lads. If it's admin, I'd like to be the preferred bidder for the key to the sex-dungeon.
  2. And a 6 for Friday. Is it good or bad that I've never heard of 80% of the people mentioned in these Aussie quizzes?
  3. Allowing your common parlance definition of karma, I'd like you to draw a causal relationship between United (and most other SPL clubs) voting not to allow the Newco directly into the top league and United's current financial and performance issues.
  4. I don't think you understand the concept of karma, bud. Karma only applies to future existences - more appropriate to this Rangers incarnation than any other team. I think you might have meant hubris but I'm still not sure. Let us know what you meant and we'll let you know if there's a word for it.
  5. If I could have given this two Charles, I would have. Some fans don't seem to be able to get their heads round the fact that not everyone in a position of power will abuse it. Try finding anyone interested in being SPFL Chairman who doesn't support an SPFL team. Every chairman to date has supported one team or another. Should they all have stepped down in favour of my Aunt Betty who hates football?
  6. I believe he's got the money, or his family does, but that he doesn't want to waste it on buying Rangers. He had some share sale go through recently and said the money was to be ring-fenced for this offer. Now he's using the SA currency transfer regulations as a get-out. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that he hasn't even started the process, hasn't even asked the authorities if it's OK to transfer the cash to the UK.
  7. If King's original call for an investigation had been behind private and via official channels, you might have had a point.
  8. And you're trying to suggest that Rangers don't know Desmond's businesses like the back of their white-gloved hands?
  9. It was in ALL the papers at the time, bennett. Well, the ones you'd expect it to be in. http://www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/news/AN_1520440397754379600/independent-news--media-appoints-murdoch-maclennan-as-chairman.aspx https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/inm-targets-new-era-under-maclennan-sl8h8l7gx https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/maclennan-takes-top-chair-at-inm-g5d9n9g2q http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/pa/article-5289855/Independent-News--Media-chairman-steps-board-changes.html
  10. Rangers only defence seems to be that, if they don't market a new strip immediately, they'll go bust. Basically, 'please don't make us stick to the agreement we signed last year cos it's not very good for us'.
  11. https://rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/club-statement-89/#.W0DXXsUOdmM.twitter Looks like the SPFL have told Rangers to do one. But Rangers still contend Murdoch MacLennan isn't 'fit and proper' to continue in his role as SPFL Chairman. I;d sue if I were him. Impugning his impartiality.
  12. I thought the judge setting a return date of next Tuesday rather than, say, Thursday was a bit of a missed opportunity for giggles.
  13. I'm ashamed to say I got the first one wrong. I'd heard of 'ships' chandlers', so I'd always assumed they were to do with fitting out ships. Hence a toss-up between two answers.
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