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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Left out non-essential words - didn't want to overload any Funsters that were still on the course.
  2. 5 for Thursday's Aussie quiz. Got all 3 Aussie questions wrong. https://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/mind-games/quiz?quizId=9713
  3. A high proportion of the lovely ladies are professional models.
  4. Far too late. There was an Asian comedian who got it spot on - over 60 and you shouldn't get a vote. You've likely paid your mortgage and you're not looking for work or a better pension so leave it to folk who's lives it's really going to effect. I've some sympathy with that view but I'd up it to the state pensions age. Although, if we're talking about taking the vote away from people because they're done contributing, should all long-term unemployed be disenfranchised too?
  5. Or catch the b*****d who did the dirty while Chris was pished.
  6. All of a sudden the words sweep, sweeper, sweepy look weird and have become meaningless. I suspect they've disappeared from my vocabulary now.
  7. Well I could, but as the account has now been set to private you wouldn't be able to see anything unless you already follow them. Which is why people take screenshots so that shitebags can't hide from it. You can still see the tweet under the original RangersFC timeline - the screenshot is legit. From his own tweeting history, Robbie1872_ does seem to be overly-staunch though. A very, very deep plant?
  8. Wouldn't expect anything less from PB, to be honest. Pampering yourself while mutilating the bodies of others.
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