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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. What evidence do we have that he got it wrong? He, or his paper, were approached by The Rangers and told to 'cease and desist' - and they did. It's easier to back down than take the chance of going to court. And they still got the story out there: no one believes the retraction.
  2. Bus wankers? Is that a thing then?
  3. Thought I only knew 2 but apparently I knew 7 for Wednesday. Maybe this guessometer business is really just pulling answers from the stygian depths of your memory.
  4. Maybe the Sheep should start running up a budget deficit. Wonder what another 6 or 7 million a year would do for Aberdeen's chances. All over the park.
  5. Jist the 5 for Thursday. That's me off the top of the leaderboard. Knew the chemical symbol, the tea-leaf and... that's it. 3 guesses right out of 78 isn't bad. Guessed the Aussie sports question wrong. Naturally.
  6. Ahem, Wednesday's quiz (link here *). A fair number of educated guesses gives an 8 for Wednesday. I was four times too good on my answer to the flag question! * Sorry - archive function on their website seems to be gubbed.
  7. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/mind-games/quiz?quizId=8643&sectionId=1 4 for Tuesday. Talked myself out of the right answer to one of them. Guessed the Aussie sports question right, so it's not all bad.
  8. Here we go again on the way out Wacky Races. A confidence-boosting 8 out of 10 for Monday. I don't think The Ashes counts as an Aussie sports question so it was OK to get that one right. Still got the other two Antipodean questions wrong, the painting and the UFC questions.
  9. Starlets used to be young actresses with aspirations to become a star. When did that change? Or has it?
  10. I read the rules again and you are indeed correct, FoD. I hadn't spotted the mention of 'Scottish Registered'. Still, imagine the embarrassment of fielding a getting-on-for-full side of loanees. If you went on to win the league, would you really have the brass neck to claim credit?
  11. I thought a club could only have up to four temporary transfers registered at any time and up to five over the course of a season. By my counting, Rangers have already had five - John, Murphy, Nemane, Goss and Dalcio. So what's this talk of further loan deals for Russell Martin and Jason Cummings? And, happyaccie, it looks like Docherty is staying with you for the rest of the season. https://spfl.co.uk/docs/067_324__therulesofthespfl_1375800603.pdf
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