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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Unfortunately, that doesn't help the 'club and company are the same thing' argument: the words 'where the context admits of it' suggest that they may NOT be synonymous in other contexts.
  2. While you're educating us, remember that 'hoi' means 'the'. Somewhat appropriate for the The Rangers' fans.
  3. The talk was that his knees had gone before he left us. What's changed?
  4. I suspect Ashley has already asked to have the loan repaid. Either he's got no response or a response he didn't like. Escalating to an ëxpensive EGM is pretty much one step away from going to war. The only way he could have gone further would be to 'force' administration by issuing a formal demand for his loan.
  5. But the change to four-clubs-in-the-play-offs was more likely to disadvantage Rangers - at least from the perspective of a year or so ago. Did anyone really see them finishing third or fourth rather than first or second? Apart from the more perceptive members of this forum, of course.
  6. This must be costing him more than £7.5K in legal fees. Is he just being a tosser or is he fighting for what he thinks is right? (Anyone remember The Flashing Blade? During the Banana Splits, wasn't it?)
  7. You're just looking to be offended. If Bennett had deleted his post, we'd all be criticizing him and saying that we 'still had the evidence' in posts that quoted his original. It was an honest mistake.
  8. Maybe they won't come back at all. Where's the money for a third incarnation going to come from?
  9. Bennett, if, as seems likely, Rangers hit a 'terminal negative financial event' sometime between now and the start of next season, do you really believe that there won't still be a Rangers incarnation somewhere in the 4 divisions come the start of August? And, to achieve that, what financial contortions do you think are... possible?
  10. From http://www.cms-ag.com/publications/delisting-from-aim/http://www.cms-ag.com/publications/delisting-from-aim/ I wonder what benefits Rangers thought they'd be getting by listing in the first place.
  11. No, the damage was done over the last 10 -15 years or so. The chickens, however, have only started getting broody in the past couple of weeks. Doesn't really matter whose fault it is, the results are the same.
  12. Doesn't ISDX insist on you being able to demonstrate you have enough funds to see you through the next year? Mightn't that be a problem?
  13. I wonder if Rangers have continued to pay Deloitte for auditing/accountancy services. Maybe by Direct Debit. That would be... delicious.
  14. And, unfortunately for them, facts are chiels that winna ding - no matter how much they, the press and the disgustingly complicit authorities, try to rewrite history.
  15. Surely it's more than £70 million by now? There's the MASH and Three Bears loans that we know of. Then there's all the creditors that we're not hearing about. Yet. It must be at least £76.5 million.
  16. I registered on the Express site just to post a correction. Wonder if The Rangers' lawyers will come after me.
  17. And United, 106 years of tradition or maybe just 91 years, but they're still older than me. WAATPAW (We Are Also The People As Well).
  18. Spending more than they have? Believing in reincarnation - but not karma?
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