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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Just for Tedi. I asked this in another thread. I'll let him decide where he'd like to answer it. (BTW the original question was asked of Bennett but Tedi felt he could give a better (read 'more sarcastic') answer.) Bennett, this isn't meant to be an aggressive post - I'm interested in the views of a Rangers fan. Do you really not think there's much chance of an admin event this season? If so, I this a common position among the fans you're friendly with? To me, it seems nailed on, short of another source of funding being found in the next few months or a sell-off of some assets (players, MP, etc.). Has something happened since the last accounts were issued that makes you think things are looking more positive? I'm not wishing this on Rangers - if they can find a way to get the faithful digging down the back of the sofa, good luck to them - but it seems like one of the groups is missing something.
  2. The endgame is near. The board are keeping the current assets in a nice, neat bundle, ready for the next saviour to step in and buy as a package. Club-plus-Ibrox-plus-MP is much more attractive than a simple 'team with a pitch'.
  3. Has this one been lifted? http://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/latest/rangers-ban-bbc-over-ally-mccoist-axe-plan-story-1-2920626
  4. No wonder they're going bust. Look at the number of hangers-on sitting on that bench, all presumably drawing a wage. BTW Has Durrant shrunk? He looks like a ventriloquist's dummy.
  5. NoB, there's an undercurrent in your posts hinting that Scottish teams' underperformance in Europe has something to do with your club's financial problems and resulting 'punishment' - karma, if you like. Is this the case?
  6. Greenie given as a consolation. You must be bitterly disappointed at missing out on European football. (Mistakenly posted in reply to Calum, originally. Not that he won't be bitterly disappointed about missing out on European football but, in his case, I don't really care.)
  7. Not necessarily. If the polis aren't being paid, the leccy bill will be next. Next thing you know... oh, they've gone bust. No team left to fulfil the fixtures.
  8. Cancelling one or more games would have caused grumbling from the Bears but I don't think they'd have rioted.
  9. I used to have the memory of a goldfish. Can't remember where I left it, though.
  10. I thought it would the SFO that would investigate a reputed fraud of this scale.
  11. No. The BTC wasn't taken into account when the CVA was rejected. Rangers owed the taxman £21M (undisputed and not including the BTC). As this was more than 25% of the debt in question (roughly £55M), Hector had the power of veto over any CVA agreement. And he exercised that veto. The question is whether, without the BTC hanging over the club, Murray would still have sold to Craig Whyte for a pound. Was it the threat of the BTC that forced his hand or would he have done it anyway? Personally, I don't think the BTC matters either way. It was just a diversion. OldRangers were still a basket case - without SDM's on going cash injections, they were spending more than they earned.
  12. If it had just been that year's PAYE| and VAT outstanding, would HMRC still have been the biggest creditors? If not, and the CVA had been accepted, I wonder where oldRangers would be now? Would they still have gone ahead with the share issue to fill the funding gap? Or would they have continued losing money, month-on-month... and be in much the same position they are now?
  13. It's only a rumour at the moment (from you-know-who) but if the auditors really are saying that ST cash is off-limits until Rangers come up with a workable business plan, what will this mean for them between now and the first match of the season? Will they pay the bills in July? I know there are a dozen obvious questions ("Can Deloittes really insist, even via Rangers' NOMAD?", "If they won't sign off on the accounts if Rangers ignore them, so what?" etc.) but let's go with the mental experiment. Could this also explain why the loans haven't been repaid?
  14. So, without knowing the details of his options deal, we can't be sure what price he is paying and, therefore, how much money is going into the company's bank account?
  15. When Stockbridge exercises his share option (714,000 at 1p, £7K), does he actually just pay 1p per share or does he pay the current market price (£214K)? Or does he pay the share price at the time the option was originally agreed? I assume it's the former but there's so much smoke-and-mirrors that it's hard to tell. If it's the 30p, is this to ensure there's enough money in the bank to pay off the Letham loan? Will I have to pay for any financial advice provided in reply?
  16. But is he not in cahoots with other big shareholders? Does this tip their overall holding over the 70%.
  17. Someone mentioned a few weeks back that whoever owned 70% of the shares got to call the shots. Do the new shares take him and his buddies up to that level?
  18. I am honoured. Let me know when you're ready and I'll move to polysyllabic words.
  19. And wage inflation can only go so far. Once the EPL, La Liga, Serie A and the Bundesliga have filled their boots, who's left to pay inflated wages? After that, we get back to normality and Scottish clubs begin to find Scottish players affordable again.
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