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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Acknowledged by whom? I give you a Scotland international playing in the top division in Scotland AT LEFT BACK. Andrew Robertson is already looking better than Wallace did at the same age. A Scotland fixture for the foreseeable future. And why would any club pay silly money for a player being sold in desperation? There's not going to be a bidding war.
  2. I'm implying nothing. I'm caling you out on your statement that 'most clubs' have said they have benefited from Rangers' support. [edited for clarity]
  3. As compared to the 34K they announced in August last year. They still have a couple of months to double their sales. Any idea what it was at this time last year?
  4. Ah, I understand now. So, assuming the 43M new shares takes them up to the 75%, spending 8M gives them the opportunity to do what? What happens at 75%. Whatever it is, I can't believe it's going to be good for Rangers fans.
  5. Does anyone actually believe the share issue will raise the full £8M? Even if it does, history suggests the cost of the exercise will eat up 20% of that. It's a hell of an expensive way to cement your holdings (i.e. dilute every one else's holdings) in what will always be a loss-making enterprise - a bigger share of a negative profit. Assuming the share issue, the STs to date, the PATG and the advertising revenue see them through this season, what do they do next? Another share issue?
  6. Two good horses. I thought Kingston Hill was going to come back in the last half-furlong. Maybe that's why I should stay clear of in-running betting.
  7. A few quid on Fascinating Rock. I'm hoping he'll stay since his last 3 were on softer ground - effectively lengthening those races.
  8. Until recently, that was my ale of choice but it tastes like it's changed slightly and is a bit too overpowering for my delicate palate these days - echoes of the dentist's surgery.
  9. If, by 'at the moment', you mean 'for the last 20 years and for the next 10'.
  10. Rangers broke football's laws by not disclosing to the football authorities that they were paying players more than they said they were. They were fined accordingly. You have to assume that Rangers didn't disclose these side-payments to the football authorities because they were worried that the taxman would hear about them and decide that they weren't really loans. Since the football authorities don't have any laws pertaining to EBTs, what LNS was saying was that Rangers could have happily disclosed the side-payments without retribution. I.e. no advantage on the field of play as far as the footballing rules go. "If ye'd telt us ye were paying 50% more, that would have been fine - if only ye'd telt us we widnae have had tae fine ye. The taxman, though..." From the taxman's point of view (assuming the appeal is successful), Rangers did gain an advantage in that they were able to pay more than they could reasonably afford.
  11. Not necessarily. That the old club cheated is fact. That they gained no advantage is only his opinion.
  12. Great occasion, good atmosphere, United didn't turn up. Again. Well done St Johnstone. Well-deserved.
  13. I'm as nervous as a teenager waiting for the results of his girlfriend's pregnancy test. I really don't which way the game is going to go. If both teams play their best game, I'd expect United to shade it but every fan thinks the same of their team. Off to walk the dog. Then it's shower, shave and shit. And probably another shit or two. Then it's off to sunny Glasgow.
  14. It's Friday and I can't really be bothered being too precise but... I can remember seeing that his company - not him personally - had put £20M (X) into old Rangers. I can remember someone showing that he had taken bonuses/withdrawals/salary (Y) (delete as appropriate) from the company. Whether Y was anywhere close to X, I can't remember. As I said, it's Friday, I'm pissed already and I can't be bothered putting together a coherent search.
  15. That "do you, aye?" response really winds me up. Smacks of everything I hate about weegie-country.
  16. I don't know. He and the rest of you have supported 2 different clubs over the last few years. What's one more?
  17. timmy, what's your source? Is it a twitter feed? If so, while quite a plausible rumour, you'll excuse me if I wait for something a bit more reputable before I head out for my j&ic.
  18. Either things aren't as bad as we P&Ds are saying or madness reigns at Ibrox. Since the recent accounts would tend to rule out the former, there's only one conclusion.
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