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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Do these guys have no long term view? Are they so driven by the mighty dollar that they don't care that posterity will lump them together as craven cowards long after they're gone? They're only around for 70 or 80 years but their reputations and actions will be laughed at for decades after that. If you're so driven by the moment, only concerned about instant gratification, you might as well spend your whole life masturbating in the corner. Grow some.
  2. I wonder whether this case will force the government to re-think the whole concept of football companies escaping their debts by going into liquidation. The situation is slightly different for a family-owned building firm or a retail chain - new funding to be found, the directors now have a 'history' which will make it difficult to attract trade to a newco etc. But, a newco football team? The new owner can call on the history and 'goodwill' of the old firm, basically for free. It also looks as though, in this case, they'd get access to the assets - grounds, players etc - for free. It just feels unfair. And the government, especially the Tories, are awfully good at addressing unfairness, particularly when it impacts their tax income. It makes me wonder where they'll say no to a CVA, even if liquidating means less cash for them, if they can then claim Ibrox and Murray Park as their share of the sale. Making a point and doling out punishment at the same time.
  3. Sorry, can't hear you. Your missus is blowing sweet nothings in my ear!
  4. Chocolate, please. Push them down the landline - apparently I've got a fat pipe now.
  5. They seem to think that, since their debt is miniscule compared to the loan to the RoI, that it's neither here nor there. I think they've misunderstood the difference between a loan and theft.And, because the loan was to Ireland, that Celtic are somehow involved. It's a strange world of half connections and shaky cause-and-effect that they live in. Wonder what will happen when the football disappears and there's nothing left to prop up their fantasies.
  6. I look around their squad and I find it hard to see who I'd want to add to add to United's squad, even on a free.
  7. Let's pretend you meant 'incision' in which case Irn Bru bottles will indeed do the job, but only once cracked over a bun's napper.
  8. Away with you, buttock-cheek. We want nothing to do with your tainted dollars.
  9. In light of the findings in the report they released yesterday, they wouldn't dare do that.
  10. Agreed. Real Madrid, Barcelona, Man U, Arsenal, Chelsea - they all play fantasy football and I grew out of fantasy just after I finished reading Lord of the Rings 30 years ago. Give me the reality of Scottish football. The wee stories of Scottish football are every bit as exciting and real as the pumped up soap operas of the EPL or La Liga.
  11. I'm not doubting you but I don't see anything in that part of the document that says a UEFA license is required to play in the SPL. 3.3.2 says that a license is required to play in 'the UEFA Club Competitions' but there's no mention in the section you've linked to that says it's needed for SPL participation. I'd be delighted to be proved wrong - is there another section that covers this?
  12. But the SPL will change the rules now 'to ensure this doesn't happen again, clsoing a loophole. You have all been warned.". All we can hope is that the next culprits are 1 of the OF.
  13. What happens if the creditors decide that they could get a better return by liquidating the company and selling the assets individually? I'm sure that would come to more than £11M. Isn't that supposed to be the administrators' role? And can't those creditors object to the transfer of assets?
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