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Everything posted by BFTD

  1. Is it though? I thought about making a thread on this topic a while ago, as I can remember a few tournaments where the winners were on dogshit form right up to the knockout stage. It's obviously preferable to be doing well, but it would be interesting to see. Also, they were on poor form until last month, and have only won two games; still a bit early to be thinking they're back to their traditional best, surely. It gets pointed out a lot on here that tournament odds have less to do with who bookies think will win, and more about what they think will get them the most revenue, as evidenced by the fact that England generally get different odds elsewhere in Europe to the ones we see. The gamblers will know more than me, but Germany being third favourites might be more to do with them being a popular bet here and the bookies wanting to limit their risk on a traditional superpower. Technically we can win the tournament without scoring a single goal. I don't see John McGinn allowing that to happen though.
  2. Thankfully I think I've missed the "I can still pull off the young team's look" phase of decrepitude Edit: mainly because I couldn't pull off the young team's look when I was one of them.
  3. I'm assuming that's another pissweak troll attempt from a serial offender, considering the Lib Dems are very much part of the "anything but independence" camp.
  4. The name's not familiar, but I've probably heard a few of their songs.
  5. One of my many "I'm officially out of touch" moments in recent years has been the rise of laddies with wee skinny legs wearing skintight troosers to accentuate it. Seems very popular. Maybe a throwback to the Seventies glam rock look?
  6. Ooft, just seen his other posts. Talk about self-reporting. Edit: is this PerthshireBell again? He's the lad who gets wound up about traffic stuff, isn't he?
  7. Are we thinking that most folk just aren't aware of Forbes' views/abilities and think she looks like a nice lassie, but they'll be in for a shock if she takes over? Ash Regan permanently looks like someone took a shit on her porch and she's not impressed by how the polis are handling it, so that's probably what scuppered her.
  8. Alright, let's not panic too much about Ze Germans yet. They've had two good friendly results, but let's look at the broader picture here. Maybe they'll be contenders by June, or maybe they're going to make a c**t of this tournament too - the latter still seems more likely. Claiming they're going to batter everyone in the group is a huge overreaction.
  9. It's undeniably interesting to watch them slowly try to push at the boundaries of acceptable behaviour. Many moons ago, I remember someone on here postulating that the war on the unemployed was just about lazy scroungers and benefit cheats, and their beloved Tories would use the money saved to increase allowances for people like the disabled, who were still mostly considered a class that people felt sympathy towards. Fast forward ten years and the disabled and even pensioners are now the enemy. Once they're emptied, I wonder how long it'll be before yet another generation forgets the lesson that, with the Tories, there's no such thing as "just the tip". We're all getting fucked eventually.
  10. Had never occurred to me until now, but they must get slipped fake notes for lapdances all the time. Never been to a strip club, but I presume the lassies don't whip out a UV light from their arsecrack when handed cash?
  11. Used to work at a Post Office. Can confirm. We would get folk coming in all the time for services we didn't do, and it would always turn out that their website said we did. According to the boss, no amount of asking them to change it would make a difference.
  12. ^^^ from the soundtrack to that godawful Nineties Godzilla film with half of The Simpsons cast. I get Christmas songs stuck in my head and find myself humming them months into the new year. Strangers must think I'm one of those folk who cooks a Christmas dinner every day. I think it's finished for this year, so hopefully this doesn't revive it
  13. Most banks will let you pay them into your account, at least up to a few years ago. As a charity shop worker, we'd regularly find the odd ancient paper note in donations, some of which had ceased being legal tender even before the plastic notes came in. Never had a problem banking them. I thought they were just being nice to a charity, but staff at HBOS and RBOS both told me they did it for anyone with an account, so long as they didn't come in with a wad of them or anything. Presumably the issuers all have an agreement to cover each other's losses.
  14. Can confirm Alien was great in the cinema; saw it as a double-bill with Aliens in the cinema a year or two back. Oddly, I don't think Aliens loses anything from being seen at home. Much the same experience. I'd no idea they 3D-ified the original Jaws - I always hear that those efforts to add 3D to films don't turn out well. I did, however, see Jaws 3D in the cinema when I was a wee boy, and if anything it was even worse than seeing it at home. Don't know how Jaws: The Revenge gets so much flack for being shite when the third one was so criminally boring. The effects are godawful too, and they fucked up the 3D so they've never been able to produce a 2D version that isn't blurred round the edges.
  15. Interview from thirty-odd years ago; I guess he's still in denial about why his missus divorced him and he wasn't allowed to see the kids.
  16. There's something reassuring about seeing Falkirk head back to the perennial battle with Morton for the title of Scotland's worst full-time club. It's become tradition.
  17. I always look for the Lib Dems when there's a new poll out to see who they're trailing behind now. Surprised Abla haven't overtaken them yet, but surely it's only a matter of time before the Christian Family Party (or whatever) pick up more votes from the Highlands and Islands. It's amusing because they're completely devoid of principle and destroyed themselves just so the likes of Nick Clegg could get cushy industry jobs. The current lot of potential parliamentary candidates must privately hate them. Edit: we definitely need Willie Rennie back though. His photo opportunities were magic.
  18. Oh, it's potentially a questionable choice alright, I just don't get why it bothers some folk so much. Most people who own shirts by bands they don't listen to will have them because they saw it and liked the design; nothing more than that. It's a bit weird that people automatically transpose other motives onto strangers and care about their listening habits, considering them buying the shirt has presumably contributed to the profile and bank balances of the band. Seems a bit hipsterish. Bet you can't name five songs by Nirvana anyway. If they're all from Nevermind you're a poseur. Also true if they're all from Bleach.
  19. Douglas Ross claiming to have seen off Nicola Sturgeon! I stayed in a Las Vegas hotel once, so I pumped multiple strippers, did enough cocaine to kill a rhinoceros, buried a prostitute in the desert, and both won and lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in the same night.
  20. You do have to wonder how Humza thought this was going to pan out. It's not like there's been any surprises here. Best case scenario is that he thought the guy who used to have his job but now nurses a grudge would strongarm his bitter former leadership adversary into backing him regardless, which would make him a simpleton.
  21. I can't believe that baseball cap shops have made it over here. They were about the only things left in the half-empty Southwest malls last time I was over, and I was assuming they weren't paying rent or were money laundering fronts.
  22. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom One will give you the boak and make you despair for humanity. The other is Salo.
  23. @Wasps1 is a massive Coldplay fan, which is all you need to know. Music for people who find Kenny G too threatening. Remember when everything sounded like them for a while in the 2000s? An explosion of popularity for Nazi black metal would've been less disturbing and depressing.
  24. Of course; got to plan for the future. I never liked him much, but I'd no idea he managed his image so cynically. Call me naive.
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