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Everything posted by Sting777

  1. That makes no difference whatsoever to my opinion. If all Scottish football club chairmen were asked to vote and ours voted to save them, that would be me and my family finished at Firhill
  2. Firhill contract finished on Saturday....today is Monday = they dont play at Firhill!
  3. I said this in a post yesterday. 100 years of my family watching the jags would die with me and my 2 kids refusing to set foot inside Firhill ever again if we were in the SPHell and David Beattie voted to keep the biggest bigoted, cheating football club in the planet, in the league. It would be a no brainer for me
  4. Mmmm ....they dont play at Firhill and am pretty sure they have taken quite a long lease at the Showgrounds. Their average gate at Firhill was around 4500 which would be lost at Ipox as pre Sourness Rangers fans will know full well!!!
  5. Correct and it cost us nearly £1,000,000 to upgrade the main stand and build the away end stand. We were told in no uncertain terms that if it wasnt done we wouldnt be allowed in and that there was no facility to allow groundsharing. In a nutshell, money that would have been used to strengthen our squad was spent on the stadium, that never at any point had 10,000 spectators in it...even when the City filth visited!!Then fast forward to the end of the season when we got relegated and ICT won the 1st division. The 10,000 all seater was reduced to a figure that we could have accomodated in the Jackie Husband stand and they were told that they could ground share until their stadium met requirements We were shafted big time by the SPHell and have never ever recovered. When you see what this lot of cheating barstewards are gonna get away with it makes you want to puke!!
  6. Maybe this is Millers masterplan. Make Rangers an all Catholic club, run by Catholics from head to toe, build a new chapel inside Ibrox, give out rosary beads with every season ticket bought. Now if he did all that I would gladly see them getting off scot free!!
  7. Feckin hilarious. Wee mascot bawlin and greetin going out with Bocanegra.....obviously thinkin... I dont want to be associated or filmed with cheatin b*****ds....lol
  8. Jeez what a sickfest on Sky at the start of the game. A Bill Struth rallying call from the grave. Gary McAllister...this club is an institution....aye a feckin mental institution....a bigot institution. Get me a basin!!
  9. Exactly my thoughts as well. Untypical Rankgers fan one day, typical Rankgers fan the next!!
  10. He worked with the Sunday People up to a few years ago and similar to Tam Cowan with Motherwell, (not that I am in any way comparing them) nearly every topic he wrote about involved the bigot club from the South side of Glasgow
  11. Brian McNally ‏ @McNallyMirror Some very good sources indicating the wheels of #Rangers liquidation are in motion & a statement may not be too far away. Hope Mr McNally has got this spot on!!!
  12. Just what is Sandra Jardines role at Ipox?. Is he still on the payroll and if so...why? Its bad enough that Durrant and McDowell are still there getting paid when they cant even pay their paper bills. Why has this guy, that has never had anything interesting to say for 35 years, suddenly emerged as the MAJOR stiirer upper on the South Side
  13. Journalist friend.....no names, dont want him getting threats, so just leave it at that!
  14. I have been told (dont ask for sources!) that the initial findings of the SPHell inquiry into the dual contracts senario is so damning and implicates a lot of people, that the SPHell are not sure how to deal with it but its so serious it could lead to them being EXPELLED from Scottish Football. The end is getting nearer and nearer!!!
  15. My mate lives over there and has just text me to say thats the march started.....crowd estimation........around 500!!!!!
  16. Cant find a link but crackin article by Tam Cowan in the Record today, says it as it is....no doubt the death threats and bombs etc will now be targetted at TC!!
  17. Leggo has now taken to doing videoblogs....I fear this might be his first and last one!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HY-03vYYAjA
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