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Everything posted by Sting777

  1. Chasbo's has set up a new company to get some wonga in https://www.mrgreen.com/?btag=654988_83987D423A8E4EDB87D52BB4ECCBB228&sref=AFFID&AFFID=1_0-016-13
  2. http://www.thescotti...homepage/sport/ Chasbo issueing threats again. "If Rangers are suspended, there is no Sky contract, no Old Firm derbies, no revenue for smaller clubs when Rankers turn up, the knock on effect for Scottish football would be catastrophic 1) Has Sky given a statement that the TV deal is null and void? 2) Glasgow will be a safer place if there are no old firm derbies. Hospitals (and families) will breathe a sigh of relief 3) The Orcs have already said they are gonna boycott most Scottish grounds 4) The knock on effect would be a fantastic boost to Scottish football The guy is in a state of panic!!!
  3. Yep The Sun front page today is magnificent, time to get the laminator out!!!
  4. Is there a Sportsound speshal tonight with Traytor, Dung, Roddy Foreskin and Billy Prods all telling us Rankers must stay in the SPHell or we are all doomed!!
  5. Agreed but the fun of it for all of us will be seeing the greatest, most successful team (according to Rangers fans) in the world playing East Stirling etc next season. I dont give a feck what happens in 3,5,10 years time. Live for today!!!
  6. SSN are wheeling them out now. Wiggie Smith, a pair of alkies Alex Rae and Goram, debt dodging Colin Hendry. Same message....Rangers must stay in the SPHell. Chairmen take note!!!
  7. Ah Colin "Bravetart" Hendry....that fine upstanding gentleman, that screwed his best mate out of £95,000. Why do they give these cretins airtime!!!
  8. Am I incorrect in saying that if the newco are voted back into SPHell by the chairmen, they are gonna be in a better position ...... for example..no debt!!! How many SPHell clubs would love that senario. The chairmen better have the balls to listen to THEIR supporters
  9. If true, no reason for the Chairmen to give any other decision than a minimum Div 3 demotion. Anything less spells the end of Scottish football as we know it!
  10. I really dont know what some of these guys are on. Alex Rae in todays Record..."Ally needs a chief executive to be appointed to give him a hand off the park"....and eh how much is that gonna cost? Throw in the millions that Chasbo is gonna give Ally once they give the creditors 2p in the £ and clear their debt. Is it any wonder that they are probably the most hated club in the World. The arrogance is staggering!!!
  11. This is fantasy island stuff and yet another reson for EVERY single creditor to knock back the CVA
  12. P45....to all us Jags fans he is known as Traytor after his 2 page article in his paper during Save The Jags saying that we should not be saved and should be allowed to die. Not what he was saying a few years later when the shit hit the fan for Airdrie. He is a wuckfit!!!
  13. Clueless Sally praises Renal for wanting to sign for £12,000 a week instead of picking up £200,000 a week in China or the Middle East. Just one thing Sally, where is your club, that could owe anything up to £150,000,000, but is offering buttons to creditors, getting the £624,000 to pay for a 34 year old, injury prone, Italian thug? We demand answers!!! http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/spl/4364449/Coistys-praise-as-Gattuso-eyes-deal.html
  14. Apart from the usual media tossa's that will give us the party line all the way to the end (Traytor, Dung, Hatefigure and Gollum) you can sense a change in the wind as far as all this goes. Pretty sure a month or so back, Waddell was saying Scottish football wouldnt survive if Rangers were put into Div 3. Mmmmm has he had a change of heart??? http://blogs.dailyre...h-for-fans.html
  15. Agreed....with all the money they owe they should be ordered to cap wages at £500 pw until every penny they owe is repaid. £12,000 a week would probably cover most of MY TEAMS wages for the week, yet this club, that could owe up to £150,000,000 want to pay this to a washed up Italian thug!!!! No wonder most people want this club to disappear for good!!
  16. I will vouch for Kyle Hutton. Had a great spell at Firhill in the 1st part of the season and no surprise that when he returned to Ipox, that our season fell apart. Mind you we are a diddy club in a diddy league according to you, so take out of that what you want!
  17. Its a feckin impossibility from anyone or anything to do with Rankers Football Club.....It was all Whytey's (the owner) fault, nothing to do with us......Doh!!!!
  18. Agreed given the size of Ipox, Murray Park and the car park, how on earth can it be worthless?
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