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Everything posted by Sting777

  1. Was reported in the Mail on Sunday yesterday.....but I think we all know what the statement will be at the end of the day, something along the lines of.....we will have another meeting in a fortnight...etc,etc....zzzzzzz!!!!
  2. From the column The Monday Jury in The Record today where they ask 4 of their "sportswriters" their views on certain questions, one of the questions is How will the SPL clubs vote on whether or not to allow Newco to play in the SPL next season Answer from Chris Roberts (Record sportswriter)....Some clubs might go against Rangers but I dont think there will be enough of them to kick them out of the SPL and nor should they because my family and friends down in Manchester arent bothered watching any Scottish clubs bar the Old Firm when they are on the box. Magnificent piece of journalism from one of the Records sportswriters....... add to that Traytors collusion story about Sally quitting and the crap about Sky pulling out on the same day, I have just cancelled my Record delivery if thats the standard of journalism I am paying 45p a day to read. Unbelievable!!!!!
  3. and as confirmed in the front page headlines in the Sun today. Just as an extra....what a tosser Hendry is, going by the other story in the headlines!! http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/news/
  4. Great letter but would change that bit about Enkleman gracing your turf!! Pretty sure your chairman will think its a hoax letter
  5. Yet, similar to Newco guys I know, they were happy to accept all the spending, the glory, the titles, the cups won by all the cheating...the £5/£10 jibe at Sellik......they really are scum and thick to go with it!!!
  6. Can you accompany me to the bank on Monday and represent me regarding my loan............................................... Thought not!!!
  7. Brilliant. Didnt like Cowan that much but his columns in the last few weeks have been nothing short of brilliant. Get Traytor and Dung on Off the Ball with Tam and Stuart....now that would be worth the license fee!!!
  8. They are coming out the woodwork now. Here comes The King...looks like it was him that gave Traytor the Sally story and guess what he is coming over from South Africa to have a chat with Wattie and back his bid. How much longer before Kennedy and Murray (possibly the two Murrays!!!) come back into the fray with this lot http://www.dailymail...ys-Rangers.html
  9. Oh feck, not another march, then again they are probably gettin some practice in for the 12th!!! In Wattie we trust!!!::lol: ......aye to leave us in the lurch, allow the club to be liquidated, make false stories up with Traytor and get the club on the cheap while shafting hundreds of innocent creditors!!!! http://www.dailyreco...86908-23896589/
  10. William Hill have opened up a book on the next Rangers owner. This guy is a 1/5 shot!!
  11. As we all know it was a made up story to get Wattie into favour with the fans. The very fact that Wattie is saying in the Sun today that they will throw money into the club if they get control should alert the SPL/SFA/ etc etc, to hammer this lot with either expulsion or having to beg the SFL for entry into Div 3
  12. Dont know if its been posted but pretty good article in The Sun by Bill Leckie!! I am all for the bit right at the end. Let Newco play Sellick 38 times a season in their own wee league and let the rest of us get on with it!!! http://www.thescotti...conditions.html
  13. Its a Daily Record conspiracy to get Wattie on board. Good on ye Spency!!
  14. Agreed and that has probably been the plan all along. Enter a version of the Blue Shytes and a £10m offer and Chasbo has made a lovely little profit and the Shytes have a debt free club. The onus now is that the Chairmen MUST relegate this lot to Div 3
  15. As per SSN....Chasbo has just poured cold water on Watties bid. "We have now purchased the club" says Chasbo...... TALK ABOUT A ROLLER COASTER RIDE!!1
  16. Whats the betting on 2 of the members of Watties Consortium being Paul Murray Brian Kennedy
  17. Was pretty sure the car Chasbo jumped into tonight, while being interviewed, had this in the back window!!! http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc74/sinky1965/pfan.jpg
  18. Ah the irony....the biggest story in world football about the worlds biggest football club (in the Orcs eyes that is) cant even get top story on Reporting Scotland or Scotland Today and on RS it came after Andy Murray getting knocked out at Queens. Worldwide brand....hahahaha!!!
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