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Everything posted by Sting777

  1. Fan pressure can nip all this in the bud. 2 days of meltdown on our fans site after our chairmans comments, warnings that long term fans would walk away forever and ask for ST refunds, emails to the club, resulted in our board issuing an update last night. Its not a NO but its a substantial improvement on Beatties original statement http://www.ptfc.co.u...t_from_the_club
  2. Maybe fan power has changed the outlook at Firhill. Bit of a meltdown on our fans site yesterday with about 95% of the posters saying they were finished with Thistle if we voted to allow NEWCO back into the 2nd tier. It prompted another response from the club last night (or maybe it was my text getting put to Jackie Mac on OTB yesterday..lol) that sits a lot more easily with our fans. Still a bit to go, but at least the club are acknowledging the outrage our chairmans comments has caused amongst our support http://www.ptfc.co.uk/news/2012-2013/june_2012/follow_up_statement_from_the_club
  3. Whahaay!!! Just got read out. Jackie says chairman has been misinterpreted....mmmmm!!!
  4. Text sent to ask Jackie to explain our chairmans comments. Lets see if it gets read out
  5. Jackie McNamara is on Off The Ball today so hopefully all fans (not just Thistle ones) will bombard Tam and Stuart with texts and emails about our chairmans comments about NEWCO parachuting into the 2nd tier
  6. The Record has been so far out with its stories in this saga, I will wait and see if it transpires but if it does that is me finished with Partick Thistle and any sort of football in this country for ever. Do they know what they are doing? NEWCO will win Div 1 next season and that means a debt free NEWCO back in the SPHell within a year with basically a slap on the wrist. The football authorities in this country are corrupt and if this transpires I will not be spending any more of my hard earned money on a pastime that is rigged for one cheating bigotted scumbag of a club
  7. Chris Jack/Herald, Evening Times sportswriter!!! What a twat https://twitter.com/#!/chris_jack89
  8. St Mirren take over on hold till after the vote!! St Mirren buyers to wait for Rangers vote Bert MitchellSports Writer THE 10000hours St Mirren takeover bid has been put on hold in order to help the Paisley club provide their answer on the admission of newco Rangers to the SPL. 10000hours representatives presented an offer to purchase the majority shareholding in St Mirren Football Club yesterday in talks that were today described as productive by the St Mirren website. But the group behind the takeover bid admit they are concerned at the potential loss of revenue if Rangers drop out of the SPL. A statement on the website said: "This revenue is currently surrounded by uncertainty given events occurring elsewhere that are beyond the control of either the CIC or the selling consortium. "After long and productive talks it was agreed by both parties that it was prudent to wait for clarity surrounding the commercial revenues of the SPL before committing to any potential deal." The St Mirren board have now invited 10000hours to gather opinion and comment from its members with regards to the newco proposals and to pass those thoughts formally on to the board. That will in turn help the Paisley board reach their decision on the admission of a newco Gers and the outcome of that matter will then allow the Saints takeover bid to be concluded one way or another with two other parties known to be interested in assuming control of the Paisley club.
  9. That is correct Martin Clark caught it as it bounced out the net and threw it to Andy Murdoch who then booted it up the park and astonishingly Buster Mottram was waving to play on. The most bizarre moment of going to Firhill for 50 odd years...and believe me theres been plenty of bizarre moments in that time
  10. Aye its easy to be loyal when you are winning nearly every week. You only need to look at their crowds in the barren years. Loyal ma arse!
  11. Mmmm not sure where you are getting that from. JB is as big a blue nose as you could meet!!
  12. Thats what I dont get in this either. Was pretty sure the only way for NEWCO to get back into any sort of league was to get voted back into Div 3 as that was the only option open. What the feck has changed. Longmuir has been very upfront in all of this senario. Why the change now!
  13. Firhill is obviously getting swamped by complaints from fans over Beatties comments. They have cobbled together a quick statement that doesnt really say anything much different, but its obvious they know the strength of feeling from our fans!! http://www.ptfc.co.u...rd_of_directors
  14. Excellent letter Uncle.....let us all know if you get any response although if you do I can probably guess as to its content!!
  15. Exactly......my dad and grandad would be spinning in their graves if they knew this. Change the record or RESIGN!!!!
  16. To be fair we have taken a large hit with The Warriors leaving us but its still no justification for Beattie to come out with this. All its gonna do is lose him long term jags supporters (life blood of the club). I will never return to Firhill if my club votes for this. He must be on the funny fags if he doesnt realise the jags fans utter hatred of anything from the southside bigotfest that is NEWCO!!
  17. Clive Anderson interviewing the Thistle board!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdvfmGPDVkk
  18. Couldnt agree more....and rest assured he is being told about our feelings!!!
  19. Well our chairman has made his stance very clear TAKEN FROM TONIGHTS EVENING TIMES From Jags to riches: Partick Thistle chief admits Rangers trade-off will bring crash by Chris Jack MONEY talks. So, it seems, do those in the corridors of power at Hampden. After years of inactivity and dogged stalemate, change appears imminent for Scottish football, with the demise of Rangers the catalyst for a radical overhaul of our game. David Beattie knows the plans on the table will not appease everyone. As chairman of Partick Thistle, the bottom line on the balance sheet is of paramount importance, yet he must judge the mood of his fellow Jags supporters as he ponders where the Scottish game is heading. The Firhill supremo has been a long-time advocate of league reconstruction and the introduction of play-offs, giving teams in the Irn-Bru First Division a greater chance of claiming a place among our elite teams. With newco Rangers set to be forced to play in Scotland's second tier next term, a revamp of our league system appears closer than ever. The cash benefits of having Ally McCoist's side as opposition will be considerable for teams such as Thistle, Hamilton, Morton and Dumbarton, but the arrival of the Gers would all but kill off any hopes of on-field success. Beattie admits the financial boom would be hard to resist for First Division chairmen, but the Jags supremo is adamant the league should not be turned into a Light Blue title procession in the coming months and has called for the best of the rest to be given a shot at promotion glory. "I think the plans just now are a good compromise all round," he told SportTimes. "The balance between sporting integrity and commercialisation is one that has to be satisfied. "This will not be to everyone's agreement. A lot of fans would like to see Rangers in the Third Division, but commercially that would be a nightmare for Scottish football. "The key for me are the play-offs. What you don't want is Rangers coming into the First Division, winning it outright, which they probably will do, and going straight into the SPL again. "If there are play-offs, then the rest of the teams have something to play for as well. I have said for a long time that there should be play-offs anyway. I know everybody won't be happy, but I think it is a good compromise." Beattie has sanctioned four new signings at Firhill so far this summer, with boss Jackie McNamara building a squad he hopes will challenge for First Division glory. The arrival of Rangers would throw a huge spanner in the works, how-ever, with the Jags no longer fighting the likes of Dundee and Falkirk for the league flag but likely to be left behind by McCoist's men. Any on-field drawbacks would be offset by the financial gains, with the arrival of the Ibrox giants likely to generate significant funds for a cash-strapped league. Clubs could benefit to the tune of around £250k if Rangers are parachuted into the First Division next term and Beattie hopes the cash boost will be significant at Firhill. He said: "If the financial benefit was around £250k a year, I would be delighted –and so would Jackie. "The problem is we don't have a lot of time and we don't know how much will be coming in until we have plans in place and the season starts. "We are getting a restructuring of Scottish football, the move to one organisation is long overdue. "Rangers are being punished, which is justified. There is a compromise between sporting integrity and commercialisation. Hopefully there is a TV deal. If that is something that comes out of this then great. I can see very few downsides to it just now. "Friday night football is a good idea as well. Whether the Rangers fans would be happy with that, I don't know. "Geography plays a big part in Friday night football. I don't think it should be all the time but in certain circumstances I am all for it." Seeing Rangers stride out at First Division grounds may bring cheer to club chairman, but the reaction from fans has been decidedly mixed. SPL followers have vowed to boycott matches if Charles Green's newco club are granted a return to the top flight, with the ultimate sanction – a place in the Third Division –the preferred option for many fans across the country. Beattie said: "I can fully understand why some of the fans will be upset, definitely. "I can understand why First Division chairmen will be delighted because they are getting some extra finance. That is the big compromise. "I don't think putting Rangers in the Third Division would help Scottish football. Putting them in the First Division is a compromise. It is maybe not palatable for everyone, but it is a compromise that I think works. Out of adversity comes opportunity." YOU STICK BY THAT MR BEATTIE AND YOU ARE GONNA LOSE A LOT OF LONG TERM JAGS SUPPORTERS!!!
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