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Everything posted by Sting777

  1. Plenty of things you could do. For a start flog the seats to season ticket holders at £75 a pop......bingo, the creditors have £3,000,000 alone and the season ticket holder has a nice reminder out in his back garden!! Cut the pitches up and flog turf memorabilia at £50 a cut. Ipox could be put to many uses to raise money!!
  2. I know it is only gonna take HMRC or Ticketus to knock it back for the CVA to fail, but hopefully every single creditor has read this, this morning and realises the best return for them is the HMRC liquidation route and a flog off of all assets (players and grounds included) They should also read Chasbo's ramblings about how money is gonna get pumped into Ibrox if the CVA is accepted. Basically we will give u lot 2p in the £ or thereabouts and once you accept that we will give Sally a £20,000,000 war chest for the team!!! Hopefully the creditors can see right thru Chasbo!!
  3. As taken from todays Sun Liquidation could see assets like Ibrox and Murray Park — valued at £109.5million — sold off. Rangers also have a leasehold at a car park near the stadium, thought to be worth almost £3million, while goodwill and trademarks for the club are put at £660,000. The playing staff have been valued at around £7.5million while fixtures and fittings are thought to be worth £4million. Surely this is a no brainer for creditors....far better than Chasbo's offer which in reality could muster about 2p in the £ depending on outcomes!!!
  4. Looks like HMRC are not gonna back down on this..........thank feck!!! Big, big week next week!
  5. Traytor interview with Chasbo in the Record. I will say one thing about Chasbo....he talks a good story......even though 95% is bullshit!!! "I will be gone in a year" (aye with a massive wedge in your back pocket) "Politicians must help us get a CVA" (WHY?????) I would be worried reading this, if I was a Rankers fan!! http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/football/spl/2012/06/09/rangers-in-crisis-charles-green-claims-creditors-meeting-will-be-the-biggest-day-in-the-club-s-history-86908-23891458/
  6. OI....STOP NICKING MY POSTS...LOL (AS POSTED LAST NIGHT) Chasbo could have cleared Rankers debts in full, in the space of 30 minutes this afternoon with a £1,000,000 treble on these three!!! http://www.attherace...te=&nav=results http://www.attherace...ker&nav=results http://www.attherace...te=&nav=results
  7. Pretty sure McNee retired a few years back but was writing a column for the NOTW up until then. Would love to hear his spin on the Rankers saga, as one thing you could say about him was that he certainly didnt sit on the fence. Always remember his famous spat with The Master about his Thistle takeover on Scotland Today when Jim Red White and Blue was the referee. To be honest, The Master ran rings round him!!
  8. Jeez, you could have replaced Lenny Henry at that Jubilee gig last night Coco....ah mean Chico
  9. Traytor back in the Record the day spouting the same old bullshit (cannae find a link to it) Basically going over old ground. Yes they must be punished, but Scottish football is dead if the punishment is too hard and an agreeable punishment would be a Scottish Cup ban. Agreeable to who???? Top journalism......bit like this from a year or so back and note....IT IS A JIM TRAYTOR EXCLUSIVE!!! http://www.dailyreco...86908-22722584/
  10. Chasbo could have cleared Rankers debts in full, in the space of 30 minutes this afternoon with a £1,000,000 treble on these three!!! http://www.attheraces.com/card.aspx?raceid=702585&meetingid=53313&date=2012-06-04&ref=mainracenavigation&refsite=&nav=results http://www.attheraces.com/card.aspx?raceid=703476&meetingid=53314&date=2012-06-04&ref=mainracenavigation&refsite=tracker&nav=results http://www.attheraces.com/card.aspx?raceid=702619&meetingid=53318&date=2012-06-04&ref=mainracenavigation&refsite=&nav=results
  11. Also nice quote from Richard Scudamore in todays Sun about Rangers moving south if they get kicked out of Scottish football "The Premier League doesnt want them. Weve never wanted them. Weve never needed them. Theres more in it for them than there is for us" Now Richard, you do realise you are talking about one of the biggest club teams in the universe..........................on a par with Linfield (copyright Rankers meedya).............hahaha!!
  12. Exactly and now Chasbo is coming out with the Jardine, Hately, Gorum, RM way of issueing threats. Who the hell do these cretins think they are. HAMMER EM http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/spl/4353996/Punish-us-and-you-will-all-pay.html
  13. Big Chasbo Greens standing with the knuckledraggers will go through the roof after this article. He is good mates with the heir to the thrones missus's ex husband!!! Wonder if The Brigadier is part of the ever decreasing consortium http://www.dailyreco...86908-23884146/
  14. When the day comes, brothers and sisters, I am gonna celebrate by whipping this little ballad out!! FECK OFF AND DIE
  15. Quote from Leggo on Saturday I have been told that there is a plan for someone to go public with their fears about Charles Green. But that it is being held back as a nuclear option. A last resort when all other forms of persuasion have failed to rally and unite Rangers supporters. Here comes the saviour!! http://www.3drealms.com/
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