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Everything posted by AyrTroopMajor

  1. An offer of £100k plus a loan back for the remainder of the season is far more valuable than an offer of £400k with no loan back.
  2. The most cost effective in my view would be to get the Welcome Card which included Public Transport. I tend to find the trains by far the easiest way to get around since there are extensive maps available to help you.
  3. Ouch. Feel sorry for the Dresden keeper, only 20 years old and left horribly exposed by the shambolic defence in front of him.
  4. 500 tickets sold so far for Beith, and 500 left and now on General Sale.
  5. Observations: Linlithgow Rose are an absolute shambles. Beith take throw-ins with both feet on the park. That is a very suspect looking flag behind that goal. One may even say 'Big Team Found'. F***ing hope it's not raining on the 24th.
  6. See no reason whatsoever why we wouldn't sell 1,000 for this. We have over 1000 ST holders, we took near enough 1000 to Thistle, which is further away, and Beith is a new ground that I don't imagine many have ever visited before, nor will they ever again. Added to that, we are absolutely f***ing dynamite.
  7. Said it before and I'll say it again, if you would prefer to see the club cash in on Shankland in the summer, then there is pretty much zero point in you being a football fan. I want to see Ayr playing at the top level. I am at an age where I have not seen Ayr in the top division in my lifetime and to get to the top level, we need to be keeping our best players to give ourselves the best possible chance. Putting cash ahead of on-field success is the diddiest of diddy mentalities and I just can't get my head around it.
  8. Correct! And yes that is jobber Junior Mendes in the background, the man who genuinely left the field to re-tape his wrists during the relegation game at Cappielow, when one goal would have at that point saved us. NEXT:
  9. Let's play 'Name That Player'. Who is this maestro about to lose the ball to a majestic looking Steven Bell in another routine Dunfermline win at Somerset? ETA: The shiter the player, the better this game is imo.
  10. From what I have heard, they have scrapped the minimum seating rule and no renovation would be necessary.
  11. What kind of football fan would rather take the money than see the club challenge for the top tier for the first time in a generation? No point in even being a football fan in that case.
  12. I enjoy games far more when my team are not playing to be honest! I also tend to go home end but near to the away section to get a good feel for atmosphere/hear new and inventive insults.
  13. I went through 4 years of University to get a degree and now have a job which I have zero passion for and I didn't even need a degree for. Its a tough thing to give advice on but the 4 years of long journeys to Uni were not worth it for me. Conversely, I know several who chucked Uni after a year and now work in their dream job. I get what you are saying, but I see a lot of similarities between my situation back then and KezzaRover's now. Getting a full-time job turned my life around, not the piece of paper proclaiming me a 'Bachelor of Arts with Honours'.
  14. An hour and a half of travel and sitting alone at Uni is not going to do anything positive for your mental health, if that is one of the main barriers that you are facing then I would absolutely advise you to walk away and never look back. Uni can be an absolutely great experience for some and horrific for others. It's not for everybody and I know from experience that travelling there and back every day is a soul-sapping experience. As has already been suggested, try the Open University if you are determined to continue down the academic route, or it may be better to just dive head first into the world of employment. Brand new start, brand new people etc, it can do wonders for you. ETA: I went through school and Uni without ever having a serious relationship or any relationship for that matter. When I got my first permanent job at 22 years old, I met my first girlfriend and second girlfriend (awkward office btw, holy f**k) and now live with my second girlfriend and have a new puppy. Life just fell into place. Don't doubt that it can happen to you too.
  15. Everyone who types and interacts with the following facebook conversation or similar: Chief Moron: 'Absolutely disgusted. Some people will never change. Karma is coming for you. You know who you are.' 12 Likes (12 morons), 4 Angry Faces (4 morons), 2 Loves (2 morons). _______________________________________________________________________ 4 Comments: Moron 1: 'What's up chick?' Chief Moron: 'PM'd you.' Moron 2: 'Hope evrything is ok hunni xxxx' Chief Moron: 'It will be. Karma will be a bitch hahaha xxxxxx.'
  16. There's a Hertha Club Shop in Hauptbahnhof that you can get tickets from. You get discounted tickets with the Berlin Welcomecard.
  17. Flying all the way to Spain and spending 90% of the time in some cesspit 'British Pub'
  18. Can't see the away section because of the sunshine, were there many Freiburg fans there?
  19. Just giving the aforementioned penguins a nice new food supply.
  20. So sad how true this is. Seen quite a few absolute specimens on Twitter giving it the 'You can't support Rangers and Scottish Independence' shite, lambasting their own fellow Rangers fans in the process. Those caught basing their entire political and world view on the team they support should be carted off to live with the penguins imo.
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