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Everything posted by BinoBalls

  1. Aye but Ally says Dave King is a stand up guy so he must be alright. The South African tax authorities have got Dynamite Dave all wrong. And furthermore Ally wouldn't public state his support for someone of dubious character, would he?
  2. I see the issue here: you're employing facts and reasoned debate in a discussion with Bennett. You'd be as well talking to my dog.
  3. I can almost sense you've actually convinced yourself that anyone who doesn't support one of the Old Firm does so because they "demand" mediocrity. So is it true that you disappeared from P&B whenever Rangers went into Admin, then only surfaced with a new account once everything was OK again? A simple yes or no will suffice. Because to me that would be entirely in-keeping with your insecure triumphalism, i.e. happy to lord it over everyone, but gone at the first sign of trouble, like a proper coward. What else do you do in your spare time to boost your self-esteem? Do you fly to China and boast about how tall you are?
  4. I do enjoy the "you're all obsessed!" line of thinking. They only say it because they want us to stop laughing at them, otherwise they wouldn't mention it. Which means we should all carry on laughing.
  5. Give him a few weeks and he'll be offering the French villagers a chance to buy a brick in his house.
  6. I kind of think of it like if someone was pronounced dead (i.e. their heart had stopped beating) but then they were miraculously brought back to life. It's still the same person. I do think Rangers have to live with (1) having a broken history (2) handing Celtic 3 titles during their stay in the lower leagues, (3) other fans laughing at them, (4) the fact the majority of non-Rangers fans will never accept it's the same club. All of this will make them feel even more persecuted which in turn will make their intransigent fans even more intransigent. But I for one accept they are the same club and have 54 titles, wish it wasn't the case but there you go. One thing I will say: if LNS / SFA / UEFA had said the opposite and insisted it was a new club with no history, you'd struggle to find a single Rangers fan who would have accepted that. We'd have "in our hearts we know it's still the same club, don't care what Nhimmo-Smith says" etc. They quote him now because it suits them to do so, not because they unflinchingly accept his every word.
  7. I think Monkey Tennis and I are the only diddies on record as saying we accept the word of nimmo smith, UEFA etc that it is the same club. I don't think morally it's right at all, but I accept their adjudication, if that makes sense.
  8. Your club has had one liquidation and is in serious danger of another administration. You are in no position to lecture others. When it comes to failing to do anything constructive about financial problems, no one does it like the teddy bears. No one. Still, I'm enjoying your anger levels today. Do continue.
  9. He does sound especially aggressive, triumphalist and belligerent. Almost certainly owns a piece of Rangers jewellery and / or an RFC tattoo.
  10. Pretty worrying accounts. Anyone want a sweepstake on when Bendarroch will be along to deflect and insert a smiley into a post to pretend he's utterly unflappable? I'll guess 09.35.
  11. Seems the rangers way - anyone who says anything they don't like must be smeared and insulted, then a largely irrelevant counter attack should be launched instead. DUCK-SMEAR-DEFLECT-COUNTERATTACK
  12. So, in summary, you were shouting the odds about something you know nothing about, and don't have the balls to admit you are completely out your depth. Here's a wee story about your sort. "Queens have no ambition! " "Not true. They have plenty." "Queens have no ambition! Diddy club! " "How exactly do you come to that conclusion?" "Diddy club! No ambition! " "Yes but can you give us a specific example of how you know this, and what they might do to get 'ambition'." "Lol I'm off to play with my guitar! " -- No wonder your P&B reputation is hurtling towards the negative numbers.
  13. Great. What a fun guy you must (be pretending to) be, pottering around with your guitars on a Monday morning. Now, could you continue the fun and play us a wee song on your new strings about what you would do to give Queen of the South "ambition" if you were their chairman? Or will you do a Tedi and totally duck the question...
  14. That's like a racist reporting someone for racism. Maybe you should try apologising for your own derogatory term (which you were asked repeatedly to recant before being reported) before running to the teacher without warning like a tit for tat schoolboy?
  15. I'm guessing you don't have a clue what "republican" encompasses, and have instead given it a knee jerk narrow minded definition, which you'd rather not revise or recant because (1) narrow minded suits you just fine, and (2) you want to impress bennett because you like his style and find his "banter" hysterical? Am I getting warm?
  16. Deciding to sing songs about child molestation in order to give it the GIRUY to your rivals.... hmmm let me think..... how much lower can you get, apart from committing the act itself? That whole sorry episode is best left unspoken at games out of respect for the victims, who for some are a convenient excuse for some point scoring. Child abuse is absolutely horrific and ruins lives, in fact in my eyes these songs are worse than all others.
  17. Clearly 1 of the 40,000 people to console Jim spence is an IRA supporter. That just so happens to be the random person Bendarroch noticed.
  18. Appreciate the sensible response and I am not suggesting you all rush on and speak up on every idiot in your support, but the posters who have responded have so far just offered cheap excuses and deflection.
  19. Refusal to unequivocally condemn those responsible. Check. Deflection. Check. Whataboutery. Check. Check. Check. Seriously how hard is it for a Rangers fan to say "Jim Spence said something he shouldn't have and I don't like his opinions in general, but what happened was totally and utterly unacceptable."?? On the evidence so far, the answer to that question is "extremely". All we've seen so far is a weak "can't condone it" followed by the usual mountain of garbage and excuses.
  20. Thing is, if a fan of my club (or most clubs) did that, other fans would roundly condemn the idiot and demand he be banned from the ground. Too many rangers fans go into deflection & whataboutery mode instead. I note the police statement didn't read: "The behaviour of a man who confronted Mr Spence in Angus on Thursday was described as 'not ideal but not surprising given his deliberate goading of the persecuted Rangers fans, and furthermore not that bad compared to the child abuse at Celtic park, the illegal invasion of Iraq, or the use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime in Syria.'" Instead it was unambiguously condemned and left at that. No ifs, no buts, no whatabouts. So come on Rangers fans, you can do that too.
  21. He wasn't referring to your political leanings. You sound like one of the new breed of thin-skinned Rangers fan who are quick to take offence and think anyone who disagrees with the prevailing opinions on the insular follow follow has an agenda against the club. I'd love to hear a live radio debate between Graham Spiers and magoo9uk. I wonder who would end up sounding like a paranoid fool...
  22. Yeah because sweeping the issue under the carpet and trying to start a game of whataboutery sounds like a sterling idea.
  23. I suppose that way is easier for you, as opposed to manning up to your numerous cock ups.
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