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Everything posted by hellbhoy

  1. You clearly are at it. From the Scottish FA handbook for season 2017/2018 describing who is actually eligible to procure a licence from them and it clearly isn't a company mentioned in any way shape or form. Page 55, fill yer boots. http://www.scottishfa.co.uk/resources/documents/SFAPublications/ScottishFAPublications2016-17/Scottish FA Handbook 2016-17.pdf
  2. Having a go at the fans for not digging deep enough to stop that inevitable 10 in a row. If things don't go too well this season King is going to publicly insult the clubs fans by telling them and not asking them to fund his demented agenda against Celtic. If it all goes badly he is going to blame the fans for not funding the club financially.
  3. Well duh, it was a hypothetical point and not a fact and would have made King look so fucking stupid if Rangers had won titles before Celtic had formed IF the league was formed before Celtic.
  4. Don't feel like a mug SJC, you didn't sit back and watch your club die which is why you can proudly boast you support the same club you have always supported. New holding companies even if they cost £50 come with a heavy price indeed, just ask the Sevco fans.
  5. Ah, the old miss-used apostrophe comfort zone for when you have made a rip roaring c**t of yourself.
  6. If the plan has been implemented already then it's not being used is it? The step up to the Premiership came with a shit load of extra income that should have been the business model shouldn't it? The board mouther should have informed Ra Peepol that he was implementing a living within it's means financial model and that the clubs debts would be serviced so as not to hamper the clubs spending at a later date and that the extra cash would then be invested into the club. But no, King had to peddle the "Going for 55" pish and from the interim accounts and that more soft loans were issued recently he has spent all and more or the extra revenue pursuing the dream and receiving the glory if he somehow managed to stop Celtic getting ten in a row. It appears from first glance and a bit of guess work that if The Rangers had increased the players wage budget by £2 million last season they could have easily made a profit of a few million if they just ignored chasing the dream. Catch 22 time, your club is in one hell of a sticky situation. If the club doesn't spend on players by a healthy amount compared to Celtic and secondly everyone else in the league the glory hunters will not buy ST's or attend and the club doesn't make as much. If the club spends and spends then they will buy ST's. There is no middle ground with your mob which is why it is most likely to down the shitter like the last one because The Rangers fans expect more than the club can afford.
  7. In the associations handbooks it is the club who is given the licence, they do not issue licences to companies. So what is owned and deemed to be the club? it appears that the company owns everything to be The Rangers/club, but the club only owns the licence as the company has and is everything to be the club. So the club is a piece of paper called an SFA licence.
  8. I couldn't give a f**k who your club signs, their getting shafted aff the hoops. 3 in a row chump, we welcome the chase.
  9. Has he? He must be mixing the turps with pro plus so he won't pass out early.
  10. Calm down dear before you blow a blood vessel. You are awfy touchy tonight dear, are your frilly knickers getting a tad uncomfy? Why don't you f**k off to the BRALT thread, no one is posting in it so you should feel at home there.
  11. May I also add that licences are given to the club itself, so why wasn't the SFA licence given with the sale of the club seeing as it apparently belonged to the club in the first place? Oh wait?, wasn't Green blackmailed to get it for his new club that was called Sevco Scotland he made with Rangers assets?
  12. Maybe you should just tell the wee fanny Nacho to stop spamming the thread himself and to post said shite in the appropriate thread. But then again he is one of your own so you'll most likely just ignore this fact in your drunken stooper.
  13. I am fucking raging, rattled and whatever else that makes you angry apparently. How could I be so fucking stupid? Here was me thinking Celtic had got 6 titles in a row but now that King has explained it to me I should just dismiss any titles won since Rangers went doon the shitter. Now we all know it's stop Celtic getting 3 in a row at all costs. This season is going to be a lot of fun as the **** get their pished stained bedsheets oot and proclaim "It's only two in a row, be afraid Timmy, be very afraid WATP" King might as well spout shite that Celtic didnae win the treble because Rangers wurnae in the final. I hope the four asterisks put up a title challenge this season, if it's the title for being the most thick and stupidest support then they are definitely going to be invincible this season. I don't think and just about certain that Celtic ain't going to go through this campaign unbeaten domestically and winning the treble might not be as easy either, but I'll be happy with European footy after Christmas.
  14. I know you don't want to take your medication but it is for the best ffs. Recipes you say?, King at the helm of your new club is a recipe for disaster. Add unlimited lies mixed with some bullshit. If the consistency of the fans is a little too thick then water it down with some pish to belittle Celtic FC's achievements. Sprinkle some hope to stop Celtic getting ten in a row and finish off by liquidating the lot because the taste is bitter to the core of the support. Yer welcome cunto.
  15. And then you had the bear faced cheek to post this after posting shite not about your club. You know how to make a arse out of yourself, don't you you stupid auld c**t.
  16. f**k off ya demented loony. You troll everyone and anyone who isn't a blue nose that posts on this thread. You have lost the plot, which is funny reading after you have had a few too many.
  17. I got pumped by a pub team? I must have passed oot with one of Kinky's alcohol induced comas and missed the fun. They were women weren't they? My certainty is that you are a clueless idiot.
  18. I urge you to buy as many shares as possible Benny. What's the worst that could happen? Don't sit back and do nothing ya fat slob like you did the last time Rangers needed you. Help The Rangers stop Celtic getting 3 in a row at all costs.
  19. Dave King speaks, absolute shite albeit to the horde and it then becomes gospel? FFS. The **** have fell for this hook, line and sinker and it has now become their mantra. Two Rangers supporters I know tried to wind me up with this pish, "Only two in a row eh?" WTF? Am I supposed to be intimidated by this? Apparently I'm raging according to King's minions? I suppose it somehow takes the heat of King by giving him four more years to try to stop Celtic winning titles at some point. I can't wait to hear his next demented warped ideology that is to only demean Celtic's achievements. Shame the **** never ever won their first title until after Celtic was formed, what an own goal that would have been removing titles because Celtic wurnae competing against the stupid c***s.
  20. Exactly, they will be no better off after a wee while. I don't think there will be much interest from real investors with serious cash, they would only need to look at the clubs business practices since King took over and then they'd run a fucking mile. King would probably buy more shares for himself with the money if any from loyal fans who buy into this new share issue, he's that devious. Or the money raised will be put by to keep the lights on at the end of the season.
  21. Laugh away Benny, are you buying shares into Kings regime? Dig deep your club needs you or are you just going to stand there and do nothing as per usual? £16 million share issue? Who the f**k other than Rangers fans will buy into a toxic brand?
  22. Naw Benny, The Rangers were making a loss by not shifting kits, simples and it wasn't affecting Ashley's profits by much as your clubs crippling debts from it. I'm astounded this fact has totally went over your head but then again you are you aren't you? The simple fact that if King didn't sort this out before the first ever European Qualifier for The Rangers speaks more to me than Fat Ashley losing a few quid because a bunch of fucktards wouldn't buy kits depriving the club of much needed income. It is as simple as if Rangers don't sell kits then the contract the club entered into with Sports Direct would most certainly have put the club into a financial predicament of having to honour Ashley's contract of having to shift "X" amount of kits or the club has to cough up. Aye Benny, Ashley was shitting bricks.
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