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Posts posted by huckleberry

  1. As a so called institution who should be leading by example, Rangers FC, failed Ra peepel.

    As a pillar of Scottish Protestant virtue and values, again they let the nation down.

    To not having paid their just and lawful dues for a over a decade is nothing short of a national scandal and

    one we all hope will result in long jail terms for the guilty parties.

    The lies and sorry excuses from prominent members of the Established Institution is cringeworthly in the extreme.

    These people are nothing better than wilfully perjured individuals who are Scotlands true shame.

    The best thing that could happen to this sorry excuse of a football club is to completely fold and never shame

    the Scottish nation ever again.

  2. This is like one of those slow motion train crashes. You know the crash is gonna happen and be bad but theres nowt you can do to stop it.

    As soon as the ST money hits the new bank acct itll be internet banked out tae the Cayman Islands. I really hope that these fans arent so stupid that

    their gonna fall for the same trick twice in a year.

    This saga has a hell of a long way to go and the SFA/SFL/SPL boards will be collectively responsible for a fraud by granting this license.

  3. And he's back...

    John Brown has claimed he has the support of former Rangers captain Barry Ferguson in his bid to help supporters gain control of the Ibrox club.

    Former player Brown, who coached Ferguson in the midfielder's early days at Ibrox, has been talking to the Blackpool player in recent days about his ongoing plans to front a consortium to buy out Sevco Scotland.

    He said: "I have spoken to Barry and he has promised me that he is 100% behind me. There is no doubting his commitment and his enthusiasm for my deal. But I can assure everyone how excited Barry is to be given this opportunity to do something for the club he loves."


    Thats the problem solved then. lol

  4. Easy one for Green here! The option is accept the initial signing ban rejected by the CoS as being ultra vires or the remaining punishments available which are suspension or expulsion from the SFA. As a businessman I'm sure he will opt for the one that pays the most- a signing ban. So he will save Rangers 2 from oblivion.

    At the time when Bomber Brown made his speech on the steps of Ibrox there was a rumour that if they were put in sfl3 then Greene was going to flatten Ibrox.

    I wonder. mmmm

  5. I think the fact the end is nigh has dawned on most of them and only the most deluded can see any future for the light blues. The last hurrah was John Brown last night with his rallying call. If he honestly thinks folk are gonna give him £500 to put into a fund, in the middle of the worst economic crisis the world has ever know, then he is, quite frankly,.................................. aff his fecking trolley.

    If the wages havent been paid today and no application made to the offices of the SFA made tomorrow then its fair to say Scotlands Shame is finally over.

  6. OMG. Has he got some sort of mental instability? Was he drugged up? Was he pished? Does he actually believe that crap he just spouted? Would you

    trust a man who swears on his Grandsons life?

    If i was putting in £10m id bloody well hope ive got more say in the running of the club than someone putting in a grand.

    Surely, even the most ardent Gers fan wouldnt blindly put £500 into a fund every year till theres enough to buy a stadium.

    If he wants to know who owns the stadium why doesnt he just ask the land registray?

  7. This has gotta be a joke !

    Not surprised he wants to see the name on the title deeds coz its a nigh on certainty that its Whytes name.

    Why in Gods good name would any super rich person splash £3m/mth for at least 36mths with no return

    on top of an upfront tax bill and buying an in need of repair stadium.

    This is pure sour grapes on Browns part coz hes found out he aint getting paid on Thursday.

  8. The problem SEVCO have even if they were "Rangers men" is that D&P might have had a conflict of interest and shouldnt have been running the administration. A couple of days ago Lord Hodge asked for a written report "clarifying" their position prior to being appointed. If its deemed by the Law that there was a conflict of interest then Sevco might not own any assets. That would defo throw a spanner in the works. :lol:

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