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velo army

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Posts posted by velo army

  1. 3 hours ago, ArabFC said:

    Unless Clarke decides to deploy Forrest at RWB, none of the above will be in the starting XI. Fraser, McGinn and Dykes have got the 3 attacking berths wrapped up.

    Aye I forgot to add "in the last 20 mins" to my post which would have carried the intended implication that he brings these guys on as subs. That's what excited me, having the option of pace from the bench. I wouldn't be starting Burke for Scotland, but the big huddy can be brought on and unleashed as a bezerker on tiring opposition.

  2. I for one am excited for the pace still to come into this team. We were good on the counter last night, we've got a shitload of pace in Forrest, Burke and Christie to come in, as well as the drive and late runs of Armstrong. I'm actually looking forward to WC qualification this time around.

  3. 5 hours ago, Ranter_McBanter said:

    It's not Premiership but my old man had us leave early Hibs V AEK Athens, in his infinite wisdom "the game was finished".

    Ultimately we lost the tie, but won the game. Missed Zitelli's goal. Still Spewing.

    He has a habit of leaving early mind - Semi against Falkirk 3 - 0 down. Serves him right.

    I reckon having to leave a game early because your da always leaves a game early is one of those childhood wounds we get to talk about in therapy.

    I can't tell you how cathartic it feels now that I get to just let him leave if he wants without having to go with him. He always leaves early. Even if there's still something in the game. He needs to "beat the traffic". The bloody traffic. Even when our home crowds were a bawhair above 2,000 he'd still leave as if he had something hugely important to do which would be ruined if it was put back by 10 minutes. I remember a couple of occasions where we missed equalising/winning goals as we were jogging away from the stadium like he'd planted explosives. Utter weirdo of a man (see also, having to be at the ground at 2 fuckin 30 so that we "miss the crush" that inevitably precedes a mid November home tie against Alloa).

    The sins of the father, eh.

  4. 10 hours ago, Drew Brees said:


    Is the ‘green yins’ meant rhythm with a term that Celtic fans call themselves? (As in ‘paddy McCourts ****** army’). Hardly a sectarian slur if we use it ourselves, or am I totally missing the point here?


    Fuckin thank you. There's a whole lot of manufactured offense here (and elsewhere) and faux outrage at supposedly sectarian terms from both sides of the aisle. 

    As a catholic I've never been offended by the term f£nian, mainly because I'm not Irish (or a celtic fan......my Da' is a contrarian weirdo so we're Jags fans)  and I always understood the word to be something to do with Irish Republicanism. If you're going to sing songs which glorify either the IRA or romanticise the struggle for nationhood, then you can't go clutching your pearls/rosary beads when others attach a label to you whose original meaning described those who fought for Irish independence. I know it's used as a catholic slur, but it isn't a very good one (bead-rattler was always my favourite tbh) and I think the "offense" is taken with too much alacrity.

    Also, as someone who has been deeply involved not just in his own parish, but in the wider Scottish community, I've never heard anyone describe anyone of the Protestant faith as a h*n. Never. Proddies, absolutely, but never h*n. That wouldn't have made any sense. H*ns were always Rangers supporters (because of their behaviour and general bellicosity rather than any ideological conflict). Example. My school pal Katy regularly attended mass with her mum on Sunday, and every second Saturday would head to Ibrox with her Dad. Katy was a Tim, a bead-rattler, a kafflik. Katy was also a h*n b*****d, and sensibly kept this side of her hidden until about 6th year.  

    Happy to help.

    Peace be with you all

  5. 1 hour ago, TheScarf said:

    Is it just a coincidence that the fortunes of Scotland and the North and South Ireland teams look to be flipping? 

    Scotland now appear to have a manager who knows how to organise a team and make them hard to beat. Whereas the Irelands have Ian Barraclough and proven shite manager Stephen Kenny, having previously had the O'Neills. 


    Why would it be more than a coincidence? Do you know something? Maybe it's some Celtic (hard "c") voodoo that decrees that the three of us can't be decent at the same time.

    I actually thought Norn Iron were great against Bosnia. They were passionate, organised and some of their players (McGinn especially) played above themselves and looked class.

  6. On 21/09/2020 at 13:09, MixuFruit said:

    Good article here laying out the factors at play that certain folk for one reason or another have difficulty understanding.


    I didn't read it, but I love the root in general and Michael Harriot in particular. His regular skewering of white America makes for wonderful reading. He's introduced the terms "caucasity" (defined as white shamelessness) and "osteo-racism" (in response to those who say they don't have a racist bone in their body) to my lexicon. It's the site where I get the majority of my American news tbh.  

  7. Ffs, if you lads want to discuss (or be shouted at about by a guy whose debate tactics are "you're stupid and I'm clever so shut up") an Irish international who is barely playing for his club, kindly start a thread about it. I clicked on this thread hoping for news of goals, transfer activity or Gordopolis speculating on Gauld's promising hospitality career only to find our resident moonhowler winding people in with some pretty decent trolling tbf.


  8. My Uncle Davie's house for lunch. Homemade pizzas before making our way, far too early (but his hyper-punctuality is an idiosyncrasy worth accommodating given the michelin star scran he serves up) to Firhill. 

    I've never been one for going out for lunch (and my dad was never one for the pub) before a game as it's always been a family occasion with the ritual centre being my Gran's house in Maryhill (home made soup and meat pies......still my favourite ever food) where we'd eat and the men and boys would walk to the game.

    She's no longer with us, so for the last couple of decades the pre-match meetup has been in Bishopbriggs. I haven't been in a year or so now, so aye, I'm feeling the absence of that quite keenly now.

    Thanks for starting this thread amigo.

  9. I remember when Operacion Puerto went to court and the prosecution were instructed to only look at the cases of cyclists, despite the fact that they made up a minority of Fuentes' clientele. He himself said that if all his files were opened then Spain would have to give back their World Cup. There were a number of tennis players on his books too. I've always had my suspicions about Nadal myself.


  10. 1 hour ago, NotThePars said:


    The best description I’ve read for Sons of Anarchy is that it’s not a great TV show but it’s the best way of understanding America


    I quite enjoyed it, but saw little point in continuing beyond series 3 (I felt most of the arcs had been tied up). I thought it was great, especially series 2. 


  11. 11 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

    I'm saying it. 

    It makes more sense to send up experienced drillers. The NASA folk aren't actually astronauts and haven't been in space. They know the theory but the theory can be taught, as it is to the roughnecks.

    The drillers are supervised by folk who know the theory well. They have 14 days. It would take longer to teach the NASA folk drilling, including the practice drills (pun not intended), than it would to describe a theory to the roughnecks.

    The drillers have years of experience of drilling across multiple terrains/environments. They know things the theory can't teach. They can deal with unexpected variables. 

    The NASA folk have loads of experience of flying in Earth's atmosphere, but zero in space. They aren't actually experts. The roughnecks are. Therefore it makes more sense for NASA to send the experts, supervised by the theorists.

    Affleck made this point to Michael Bay and was told to shut up.

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