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velo army

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Posts posted by velo army

  1. Jack Whitehall is the clear winner here. The only reason he has any sort of a career is because he's posh. Posh and shouty seem to be enough to make it in comedy. I was fairly appalled at his act on Apollo where literally all he did was shout and complain how his boarding school classmate, Robert Pattinson, was more successful than him. Baffling. He seems like a nice enough fella tbf, but the sheer number of posh comics who punch down is alarming at the moment.

    Anyone saying Limmy, Frankie Boyle, Kevin Bridges or Sir Big Yin for this are trolling or contrarian. Bonkers.

  2. I don't see this happening. It's the equivalent of getting Lomachenko to fight Joshua. Lomachenko is pound for pound the best fighter on the planet right now, but he isn't a heavyweight. Joshua, Wilder or Fury would turn him into wallpaper paste within a couple of rounds. Let the women play their own game. It's fairer.

  3. I think maybe the board know that to compete with Celtic they need to pump the kind of money into the squad that would see them quickly in grave financial difficulty, so will perhaps accept no trophies so long as there is evidence of closing the gap.  Gerrard has undoubtedly improved them. After the OF* game in late December they looked to have the edge on Celtic and were understandably being talked about as title winners. Obviously the wheels came off a bit in the new year, but they always gave the impression of being a player or two away from being contenders.

  4. On 02/08/2020 at 10:49, MixuFruit said:

    Dunno if anyone ever comes across folk who do this but I have real issues with people who slip into character while telling you a story.

    As in 'I was in the shop and they had toilet rolls and then this person says to me (face changes, begin looking directly into my eyes) YOU CAN'T HAVE THOSE THE SIGN SAYS MAX TWO PER CUSTOMER (face goes back to normal) and then you wouldn't believe it they grabbed my wrist and went (face changes again, grabs my wrist) PUT THE EXTRA ONE BACK'

    OFTW behaviour.

    I bloody loved this extra detail.

    As one who goes all out when telling a story (especially when there's different accents involved) I couldn't disagree with you more here. Being a raconteur is a skill and having someone perform a one man play about the time they were refused service in a shop while presenting a cast of characters is joyous.

    I wonder if this is down to being from the eastern side of the central belt. Over in the west we're all budding cabaret performers.

  5. On 01/08/2020 at 23:39, virginton said:

    The egg contributes absolutely nothing to that arrangement and should be binned. Mackerel and beetroot is a tremendous homemade combination but of the varieties that you could reasonably expect to pick up premade as well smoked salmon and cream cheese is the clear winner.

    Sadly agree with this. Smoked mackerel with a soft boiled egg or the fash with the beetroot.

    Needs to be on rye bread too (as an open sang-meej) imo.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:


    This cringeworthy article is presumably aimed at English football fans for something to watch during the PL shutdown.

    The problem is it doesn't appear anywhere on the main bbc sport football page and I can only see it in the Scottish football section, so it will only be read by miserable scots like me shaking my head at the tragic nature of it.

    That was painful. The "it's off the scale daft" line had my arsehole like a decimal point.


  7. I'm relieved that this pish is finally over and that we can finally get on with playing football (eventually).

    I haven't read the statement but I imagine it's the same sort of patronising, Low hanging fruit (pun intended) pish that our chairman has been putting out since the beginning of her tenure.

    I'm pleased I'll get to more games next season (more seaside league teams within an hour on the train than championship ones) and I hope that the pies in Montrose match the ones in Arbroath (which deserve a michelin star tbqhwy).

    What a farce, but can you imagine how dull and patter deficient the last couple of months in scottish football would have been without this whole saga?

    You're all welcome.


  8. 9 hours ago, AJF said:

    I would agree, but the scoring records are only one part of the issue.

    The players that i mentioned before, I honestly can’t remember watching them for Scotland and thinking they were performing well enough. Whether that be their hold up/link up play, creativity or effort.

    You need forwards that score goals but when they aren’t doing that, they need to at least be ticking boxes in the other areas which I don’t think they were.

    I would agree with you about Griffiths, but I reckon you're wrong about Fletcher. Goal scoring really isn't a big part of his game. He's a highly intelligent (in the footballing sense, I must add) creative forward who was unplayable/gamechanging away to Germany. I remember him having a few other absolutely stand-out performances away to Wales (won everything in the air against Ashley Williams), Poland at home and Eire (although he missed a sitter that had me tearing my hair out). There will have been others that I can't remember (as well as, no doubt, some mediocre performances) but he definitely added creativity in the forward area and his link up play is superb. 


  9. I went to see the opera for the first time back in November. Tosca, at the HMT (His Majesty's Theatre). It was one of the most profoundly magical experiences of my life. I've been a classical music fan since I was a wee boy, but I'd always been intimidated by the idea of opera, thinking it would be too long. I was pleasantly surprised to find that there were not one, but two intervals, meaning I could get middle-class jaked on my pre-ordered drinks. 

    I'm hooked now and genuinely can't wait to go again. I cried my eyes out at some of the arias and I was utterly spellbound at the sheer power of the vocals of the two leads. 

    Aye, theatre is magic. 

    Good thread amigo.

  10. 2 hours ago, JagsCG said:

    The only issue  I have with Fitzpatrick, is that we didn't see more of him, would've loved for us to develop him a bit more before his move down south, with Norwich in the Championship (probably) next season, hopefully there's a chance at some point he can get part of the first team squad there, although I'd imagine he'll still a have a bit to go. Their academy is apparently very highly rated too. 

    And exactly this. It's pretty discouraging when a hot young prospect breaks into your team, and instead of opting to play for your full team in front of actual fans opts to spend a couple of years plying his trade in front of a few coaches. I get that we could get a sell on fee, but it hardly feels worth the effort to develop them in the first place.

  11. 1 hour ago, JagsCG said:

    why is there a Celtic Fan with clearly an outdated look on things trolling this thread?  😂

    There is no football right now and thanks to our unholy dalliance with hearts we're one of the star attractions of P n B. We'll just have to get used to the veritable who's who of P and B's roaster roster stopping by to pay tribute.


  12. Aye, Nisbet seemed to think he's made it by merely getting to our first team and didn't do what was required of him to develop. There's only so much a coach can do in that circumstance, and we didn't have the luxury of patience at the time, given we were fighting for Premiership survival, and then the same in the Champ the next season.

    It's encouraging that he's developed, but it still rankles with me that he didn't do it with us. It's pure sour grapes, I'll admit and I'm still harbouring resentment at Fitzpatrick's departure (hell, I'm still hacked off Adam Strachan decided to devote more time to being a drunken bamstick than a footballer). 


  13. On 08/07/2020 at 15:34, JTS98 said:

    I think this post highlights an important distinction.

    Someone like JK Rowling. Really? Who gives a f**k? She wrote some books that entertained kids and made her a fortune through movie rights. Regardless of what you think of trans rights, she's not an important person.

    However, there are far bigger fish here intellectually.

    Saladin Ambar has done some important work in multiple fields yet by simply presenting academic work has left himself open to attacks. Despite, on the face of it, being as 'right on' in many ways as it's possible to be.

    Mia Bay is a hugely important scholar on the African American experience.

    David Blight is, similarly. one of the most important scholars on the American experience.

    Kamel Daoud had a fatwa imposed on him for questioning the position of God in Arabic culture.

    George Packer is an important writer in the documentation of modern American history.

    Fareed Zakaria is one of the most respected news voices of his time.

    If you don't know who these people are, that's fair enough. People have different hobbies and interests. But writing off their objection on the basis of your own ignorance is a symptom of the issue they raise.

    I'm a bit unclear what you're objections to my post are (if, in fact, your objections are linked to my post). I mentioned J.K. Rowling because she is obviously high profile and is the most recent example of being held to account for her abhorrent views. 

    I don't see who is writing off the objection of the above named academics. I'm grateful for the information regarding their roles in academic life though. I'll look them up.

  14. The inclusion of Chomsky as one of the signatories is the one who would have me taking it seriously and elevates it from the crybaby pish you hear from people who say awful stuff and then greet when nobody wants to talk to them.

    J.K.Rowling can get very far to f**k though. Her comments on trans people have been nasty and quite frankly dangerous. Trans people are by far the most vulnerable of the socially vulnerable groups. HIghest suicide rate. highest rate of sexual assaults and other physical assault as well as homicide. Her comments were initially irresponsible given her profile, but have since descended into heartlessness and nastiness by doubling down on them quite strongly. She's had her arse handed to her quite rightly and if people stop buying her books or inviting her to things then aye, it's the consequence of her actions. 

    There is an increasing absolutism and intellectual infantilisation afoot though both in social media spheres and at Universities, where middle class lefties* dominate and where a certain type of feminism and (ironically) paternalism reins. Labels such as "homophobe", "racist" and "transphobe" are thrown at people and are hard to shake off. The grounds for being so named are often spurious and the point seems to be to create an other to fight against. 

    *folk who tend to focus on bourgeois feminism (not enough women in boardrooms etc) to the exclusion of poverty and economic inequality.

  15. 1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

    Do you mean the Al Jazeera video (first in a series) I posted, the article RLB praised or both?

    The Israeli Government has a legitimate national interest in keeping public and political opinion onside in both the US and UK. In the US it's mainly to do with money, arms and having the world's biggest superpower's backing on the international stage. In the UK it was against their interests to have a Labour Party led by somebody who was clearly sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, especially at a time when the boycott movement was having an effect. For them not to be using all in their lobbying power to influence the Labour party's attitude to Israel and the Palestinians would be negligent in the extreme. I don't think they did anything wrong, neither do I think there's anything antisemitic in pointing out what they did, and how they went about it.

    Sorry, I meant the one RLB re-tweeted.

  16. I saw the National recently showed support for Indy at an "all time high" of 54%.

    I find this pretty demoralising if I'm honest. Given the highly politicised times we're living in I assumed it would be higher.

    Are people becoming less politicised up here or are we just a bit fatigued with covid/Trump/Boris etc?


  17. I initially didn't think that the video was anti-semitic, and nor did I, or do I think that Long-Bailey should have been fired. 

    I have changed my mind on the former, and begun to understand the latter.

    Criticism of israel is not necessarily anti-semitic, but it sometimes is. There's been a lot of stuff doing the rounds that essentially lays the death of George Lloyd at the door of the Israeli government. The focus has been moved away from the ingrained racism in American policing and more towards the fact that some of them have been trained by the IDF.  

    Anti-semitism has often been presented through theories that the Jews are running things, that they are the hidden hand working the "system". This is the dog-whistle implied through the posting of videos linking Israel to police brutality in the states. American police are putting their knees on the necks of black people because American policing is racist as all f**k, not because the israelis are telling them to.

    American police go to the israelis for training because the yanks like the cut of their jib. The USA have a weird paranoia about themselves that they could be invaded at any moment, or that they are constantly under threat (I was frequently asked over there why "everyone hates America" and an exhibiting of a strange persecution complex) so it makes sense for them to jump into bed with a nation whose very existence is constantly under threat. 

    It is obviously concerning, but the implication from a lot of what i've seen shared is that the israelis are influencing US police to behave in a way they wouldn't otherwise. So aye, it plays into that anti-semitic narrative of a murky agent in the background pulling the strings.

    Rebecca Long-Bailey should have learned from the endless smears against her party that any criticism of Israel will be viewed through a lens of anti-semitism by opponents and the media. She should have checked with someone first. Keir Starmer may have wanted an excuse to rid the party of the left wing. I'm not so sure. He needs the party to not be derailed by anti-semitism rows as it was in the last election. I don't agree with the sacking, but I do understand it.

    Tl;dr, the video was anti-semitic and KS wasn't out of order in sacking RLB.

  18. We do seem to be a bit of a riddy right now, and I just wish for this shite to be over so that we can get on with romping to the title and going on a Lambie-esque consecutive promotion adventure.

    I think it's to our credit that the fans on here seem to be against the court proceedings, but I would guess that those on WAT, fb or twitter (Low's preferred stomping ground) are lapping it up.



  19. 6 hours ago, Smurph said:

    Partick Thistle are Glasgow's 'third' and non-sectarian football club. We finished 6th in the Premiership, our highest finish in 30 years, in 2018.

    Since then we have been relegated to the Championship via the play-offs, avoided relegation to League One via the play-offs on the last day of the season and now relegated again - due to a mix of global pandemic, refereeing decisions and Gary Caldwell. Our only saving grace is that our mascot is pretty fucked up and we're not Rangers or Celtic.

    Think this ship has sailed.

    Edit: Oh, we're also suing the SPFL along with Hearts if you like a good suing. It's not even our money.

    Mid-table comfort, I think you'll find mon frere. 

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