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velo army

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Posts posted by velo army

  1. While we did scrape a win at home, we had Callum Paterson at right back, a weakness which determined much of Israel's attacking tactics. Hopefully with Palmer/Tierney at rb along with Forrest (who as a winger is excellent defensively) we won't be such a soft touch. I can see us employing the same high press we showed against Kazakhstan and the first 20mins of the Russia game and taking 3 or 4 off them.

  2. 5 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

    You've not seen the new Japan top, have you?

    Image result for new japan kit"

    That's utterly gorgeous. I love it. The Scotland one is a huge disappointment. How can you get a Scotland strip so wrong? Navy blue, some white. Done. It's just a washed out 1998 kit. A riddy.

  3. 6 minutes ago, kingjoey said:

    Not really. I was inferring that it is not a choice that any reasonable human being could possibly make, the same as in the question at the top of the thread.

    Aye mate I understand analogies. You're trying to pick between two things which are hugely unpleasant, which you felt was analogous to choosing between your offspring.

    I was humorously inferring (I hate to come across all Kincy here, but when you communicate you imply, the recipient of the communication infers) a connection between how you feel about the OF and how you feel about your children.

    Just a wee joke like.

  4. 7 hours ago, WATTOO said:

    I can't answer them, because like you and everyone else, I don't know. 

    The bottom line is that Shankland has been called up whether you, I, or anyone else agrees or disagrees it really doesn't matter as the only one that matters is Steve Clarke.

    Shankland may do brilliantly if given the chance or he may indeed look totally out of his depth (unlikely against San Marino), however there's no point in us arguing about something which we have no control over. I do get that you obviously don't rate him and don't believe he merits a call up and from my perspective I do rate him and do think he merits a call up based upon his form over the last 2 seasons and the fact that we have very little options currently available to us from an attacking perspective.

    Who knows, time will tell..............

    Might as well just bin the whole forum then 😏

  5. 1 hour ago, theoriginalhedge said:

    I have no doubt that you are right . He has proven himself in two different environments  , especially with Dundee United who were really struggling as an attacking force.   I hope beyond hope that he is a success at international level and he is given the support he needs to express himself freely as he does week in week out.

    What I do worry about are the football snobs within the both national and social media who will be all out to bring him down because he has not played above Scottish championship level.

    I don't reckon it counts as snobbish to criticise the inclusion of a player who hasn't proven himself at a higher level than the Scottish second tier. It's not a standard that compares to international football. 

    I hope he does well and that we have an absolute star on our hands, but I'm fine with people calling it into question.

  6. Just now, Leonard Cohen said:

    Gordon Dalziel was a shite manager, and the period of time were we had Bill Barr's millions was a MASSIVE missed opportunity and not a glory-time.

    Agree with this. There were some absolute stars in that team. Being unable to win that division with a front two of Annand and Grady, while being supported by McGinlay, Sheerin and Teale is an utter riddy and does point to being poorly led imo. 


  7. That would still leave us horribly weak on the right side though. I'd rather have Robbo or Tierney at RB rather than SOD.

    Better yet. Mind how Figo and Ronaldo would switch flanks during Euro 2004? We would revolutionise the game....

  8. 4 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

    Join a union my god

    Honestly I've been banging this drum for a couple of years now. Youngsters (and it is mostly youngsters) tend not to see the point as their generation doesn't have the consciousness of unions and what they are for (and the benefits of joining). I've tried to hard to convince them. A lot of the workers aren't here for long either, or are just here part time until they finish uni and they don't want the hassle.

    Hospitality is dreadful. I quit very recently and I won't be back. The money is decent, but the hours, the stress and the pounding your body takes makes it not worth it.


  9. 20 hours ago, ICTChris said:


    I’ve only been in TGIs once and when I was there the waiting staff had to sing happy birthday to someone. Do you have to do that and if so do you hate it or do you not mind it? How long after ordering do you wait before doing it? Do you interrupt them when they’re chatting?


    Aye I do have to do that, and I have some fun with it most of the time, but sometimes it's cringeworthy. Between dessert and delivery of the bill is the best time to do it. People tend not to chat as we come over as a crowd and I have an elaborate hat made out of balloons (balloon modelling being a necessary part of the job as a TGI's waiter. Seriously.) so it tends to be a bit of a conversation stopper.

    It's corporate cult-level stuff and the bureaucratic shite (service standards which at times are impossible to achieve within such short timeframes) is needlessly stressful. It's ludicrously physical too and you end up shattered all the time. 8 hour shifts without a break, 7 or 8 day streaks with long days (11-10pm is common). The guests are the least stressful part of it, tbh.


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