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Sam Leitch Loyal

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Everything posted by Sam Leitch Loyal

  1. That picture should be captioned "Scotland the Brave": Bum, bum, bum-bum, bum, bum bum............
  2. Interesting piece in today's Granuaid: http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2012/jun/28/rangers-scottish-premier-football-league Couldn't help but chuckle over the sign on the left of the photograph.
  3. Just a thought: If Dundee and Dunfermline - the only clubs with a right to the twelfth place in the SPL - both say "No" to promotion where is the vacancy in SFL to put Sevco?
  4. Let's hope that the Currants' attitude of "We have a God-given right to do as we want because you need us in your League" ends up like Beckham's "I have a God-given right to play in Team GB because I'm, well, God actually."
  5. Shouldn't that be Grant, Russell? The fat poofy "I can predict the future" guy?
  6. I logged in to join and it offered me John Greig as a friend I might know. Honestly!
  7. I wish to apologise to my readers for the late arrival of today's ditty (which goes out to all the blazers at the SPL/SFL/SFA/Daily Rancid etc.) Personally I blame alcoholism but that's only in my case. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07S8eN0U0Qk
  8. I vote for SPL2. Member club(s): Sevco. Then they can get relegated and promoted at the same time while playing with themselves. Ooops...hasn't that already been suggested?
  9. We're talking about the same tit here? Spiers is a Hibee (although he might say that in the same way that Young is a Buddie and McVeigh is not a tit.) I worked in the fourth estate for long enough and can assure you when the onion bag bulged that day he was nearly greetin'. I may only be the daughter of a Florentine Pogen..........
  10. Let them do it if they want but any club daft enough to take up their invitation has to give a year's notice to quit to the SFL. Won't help the Currants next year (I hope).
  11. No8, as usual you speak much sense. If the outcome of all this is that some teams have to cut their cloth accordingly then so be it. When my father started taking me to football (in my pram I may add) all these ludicrous salaries, inflated gate prices beyond what the common man could comfortably afford, and the rest didn't exist. It's more fun going to smaller grounds and meeting real supporters than it is getting herded about in the SPL. For many years I watched a SPL team home and away (non-OF I must make clear) and never had so much fun as the several seasons they spent in D1. Sadly, age and disability stops me continuing to watch that club and although I list PTFC as my club this will be my first season as a full-time supporter (although I've gone for many years with Thistle-supporting mates when the opportunity arose). If restructuring Scottish football for the benefit of the people means some clubs have to make huge cutbacks so be it. A fair game played by part-time players and with honest crowds or full-time sides with over-priced "stars", inflated prices, and knuckle-dragging hangers-on? What would be your choice? APOLOGY: I think I've just posted something sensible. I must be drunk.
  12. One of the happiest moments in my football-supporting life was standing next to Spiers in the press box at Boghead when Clydebank (remember them) scored and denied his Hibees promotion. His face? Priceless.
  13. No, but I'm a sparrow with decent wings and an arse of a crow. Just say when.
  14. You can now give your opinion to Dumbarton ("our lips are sealed") FC over at http://www.sonstrust.net/. In keeping with their currants-following manager they've made it very complicated but please persevere. Aye you: I mean YOU. (DFC - motto: We'd sell our souls for a lick o' Chuckie Green's b*****d father's grandmother's fud.)
  15. Either: Sandy Jardine is a (insert word containing more than three but less than five letters); or John McVeigh is a tit.
  16. YOU WIN! Sadly I won't be at Peterheid next season but the next time you bring your trawler down here.............
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