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Everything posted by ArmadaleKillie

  1. 5 for Thursday... Annoyed that for once the sport question wasn't Australian but it turned out to be about darts. Fucking darts.. I hate the Australians even more now.
  2. 4 for Tuesday... got first three right then it all went wrong. Australian sports can get lost! I feel better about myself now that someone else got a 1.
  3. So i got 5/10 on that Friday quiz... is it bad that without guessing I would have just got 3? May try to take part in 2018 assume you just take the quizzes when they appear.
  4. Got a pre-release copy of Ethersay by Sarah L King which is a new Indie Book set during the Referendum. In all honesty, the elements around the Independence Referendum were enjoyable to follow, but I actually enjoyed the mystery elements which were set on a fictional Scottish Island more. It wasl nice to see a novel actually written during the Referendum with people actually showing an interest in the process and having a view point. A few other books i have read which are set in the same period tend to have characters who amazingly aren't interested in the Referendum at all. I suspect people are too scared of putting off one side or the other I suppose.
  5. Wouldn't surprise me either, just like the Independence Referendum and the last Westminster election. Poll comes out a week before the vote showing the "underdog" might actually win and suddenly it ensures the opposition vote comes out and ppl tempted to vote for something because they like it but know they won't win suddenly decide to stick with the status quo.
  6. How the hell is the childcatcher from chitty chatty bang bang winning the jury vote!
  7. Sooky's post there was the best of the night
  8. Because it isn't actually that much of Preston. (Mainly Fulwood which is reasonably affluent) It includes a lot of the rural areas between Preston, Lancaster & Blackpool which are full of Tory voting people such as my in-laws.
  9. This will mean I will probably have another 2 years of never seeing my wife....
  10. Anyone try and see the Mercury Transit? I made a little video for the first hour and took a couple of photos.
  11. So I made a huge mistake.. I arranged my friend's Stag Party for Eurovision Night... I am such a rookie!
  12. I am out in the USA at the moment and was discussing this with my colleagues. As a matter of honesty I should state that we work for defence company so increased action in Syria may have an affect on us. What was interesting to me was that everyone agreed that bombing Syria wouldn't achieve anything on its own. It was pretty clear that everyone felt we should have a plan and idea for what we could really do. Yet for some reason I was the only one who then was against the bombing vote. It is quite disappointing to me that ppl I like and respect can appreciate bombing is flawed but still think that is okay because we "need to do something". I feel a bit sad tonight...
  13. Yes it was, not sure how the labour vote held up though so it could be that the Tories weren't that far off either. Not really had any other info so far which sucks... if it keeps going on though I am going to be stuck with my kids when I finish work in a bit so my wife can go along to the rest of the count.
  14. Rumours are that at Linlithgow that SNP got close to winning first round but couldn't quite make it so it is continuing.
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