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Everything posted by HeartsOfficialMoaner

  1. My question to the politicians when they stand up chatting about how well they are doing would be, have your lawyers told you to admit nothing just in case you get sued to fcuk?
  2. With all them old folks sent back to care homes from hospitals and taking the virus with them can the relatives of the victims sue the governments/NHS/care homes?
  3. A beard is only a beard when the guy with the hairy face says it's a beard, until then he is just a guy that has not bothered to shave. Beard growers are posers, guys with hairy faces are just normal guys that can't be bothered shaving.
  4. I worked in a wee flat that a nun had died in, she had died and had been lying on the floor for sometime before anyone had noticed anything wrong. Since she had been there for so long she had started to decompose and there was a big shape on the floorboards of where her body had been. That was a bit horrible. Kind of walked around about it when working in the flat.
  5. Might have tried dates as a kid and never liked them, can't remember. I have never really wanted to buy them anyway. I thought I'd try them and bought some Deglet Noor dates and thought they were magic, just bought some Medjool dates and they are even better. I can't believe I've never bought them before. Buy dates! They are magic.
  6. Well, my mistake. It doesn't change anything. We can still put football to bed for a year or two and things will work out fine.
  7. I don't think it will happen but football might have to be closed down for a season or two. It has happened before (WW1 or WW2) then started back up again. It's no big deal. People have faced tougher situations than this.
  8. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/52581841 Did you read this about the Dutch? I don't know if they have changed there ideas but if it can happen there it can happen here. I don't really care, seeing loved ones is what matters.
  9. Did you watch him? It seemed to me he was sticking his pal, Pompeo, right in it.
  10. Yep, I was only watching this over the last few weeks. I couldn't find the next episode. WTF happened? They must have ran out of money.
  11. There will be a lots of people that are not working class working from home instead of in the office.
  12. A mate of mine a while back told me they were clever birds and bird handlers told him they werehard to train because they got bored quite easily unlike they falcons or whatnot. so I quite like them.
  13. I'll give that a go. Billy is looking a bit fcuked the now. He is a good cnut.
  14. He never sounded like he was from Dundee. Never!
  15. Delete fred. I was just watching him today. he is a funny fukcer.
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