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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. Actually, humour aside, if HMRC get permission and then win the appeal, The Rangers can then take it to the law courts. (as I understand it). Game on. This is going to run and run and run until we are sick of it. Of course if it upsets supporters of The Clone Rangers then many on P&B will never get sick of it.
  2. My link Does anyone know what this means? Seems the scales have fallen from this man's eyes.
  3. "For" a bus. Waiting "on" a bus would mean serving a meal and maybe some drinks to said bus. Happy to help but only doing so as I know you like to keep things precise.
  4. What's up? Nobody "obsessed" by The Rangers today? Don't fret, it'll soon pick up.
  5. Here's some more Narcissistic personality disorder: In this disorder, patients are craving for admiration, self-importance and show lack of empathy. They cannot stand criticism or losing to someone. These people often exaggerate their talents, achievements and feel superior to others. They feel they are special, and can only be understood by people who are equally talented or unique. They will take advantage of any person or situation till they get what they want. They feel others are envious of them and will themselves show signs of heightened envy. Haughty behavior sprinkled with arrogant attitudes can be a sign of narcissistic personality. Paranoid personality disorder: People suffering from this condition show distrust and are suspicious of people around them. These people will suspect every move of others. Everything one says, does or wants, will be suspected as deceiving, harmful or exploiting. They tend to hold grudges and will lose no opportunity to inflict insults, slights and injuries on others. They will suspect and doubt their partners fidelity and will show no trust on them.
  6. Diddy teams get meagre crowds yet continue to survive. Rangers got tens of thousands at games and are now dead. Ironic, strange and no doubt very annoying! I think the word is 'seething'.
  7. Has the Eye dropped their " rangers story"? I tried a search on the online version but found nowt.
  8. My link Unable to paste image eta puerile humour thread for........................
  9. Dhaily Rhecord running it. Conspiracy right enough. Are ALL businessmen crooked? Shurely not!
  10. I don't remember hearing about diddy thuggery in or around Ibrox. Anyone think Bendarroch is a liar?
  11. Not sure of the definition myself but Scottish 3rd Division qualifies. The point about 'no one cares' is indicative of the failure of orcs to realise that you can't have a football league without other teams in it. I also wondered why no-one from the SPL ever counters Green's assertion that Rangers were thrown out of said SPL, then I it hit me, no-one cares.
  12. That'll be the Rhecord back on the hate list. If it was ever off. The truth must be concealed, twisted and regurgitated in newspeak by the orc faithful.
  13. It's being suggested by some Orcs that they should count the war years' titles won by Oldco in their imaginary history. Yes, I'm sure that would work. It's not as if anyone would call them masonic call-up dodging basturts as well as tax dodging basturts, now would they?
  14. That would be "Johannisbeeren" or "Johannisbeeren Brötchen" to give their full title. Brötchen
  15. Liquidated, put into liquidation, you are debating semantics. I will admit that if someone rescues the old club and pays off the debts then liquidation will be avoided. Fat chance. Most of us DO accept it, you are in the minority. Don't like it, do you? Don't forget your club is a diddy club too. A diddy club which should simply admit that it is a new entity and stop the pretence.
  16. More gross inaccuracy from John McCrae of the Guard's Van Bears Completely inaccurate he means. As we all know, and most of us accept, Rangers were not "thrown out" of the SPL. The old Rangers club and company was liquidated and therefore ceased to exist. The new "The Rangers" football club was refused admission to the SPL and quite rightly so.
  17. (1) :lol::lol: what standing? Tax dodging, whining, cheating bassas. (2) Correct. You can f**k Off. And when you get there, f**k off from there too. Then f**k off some more. Keep fucking off until you get back here. Then f**k off again. Just f**k off and die..............again.
  18. This may have been asked but if so I can't find it amongst all the tit for tat stuff that keeps erupting so apologies if so. This is not a jibe , it's a serious question. Is the share issue for shares in the club (as stated) or the company and how can you tell? If it is the club and it has future problems would it then be the club that disappears? Does anyone know? Is it a prospectus thing?
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