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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. It does not include me. The idea that we might remain is buoying me up. We got a leave answer from 37% of the electorate. Which means 63% did not vote to leave. It was not complicated because you didn't understand what was involved. Did you? All the stuff about medicines, nuclear material, astronomical cooperation, cross border police cooperation, driving licences, time we could spend in the EU, working in more than one country, getting those precious fish across the channel to market, losing export of lamb to the EU, etc, etc,etc,etc,etc....you considered all of that, did you? I doubt it. It was like asking a 5 year old kid if he'd like just ice cream for every meal. He'd only give one answer but if it was granted, he'd eventually wish he'd given a different answer.
  2. It's not 'someone else's ' terms. The UK is part of it so we have a say in these terms. Unfortunately approx one third of MEPs are Kippers who just try to wreck the system and do f**k all to further the UK's position.
  3. They will be stopping the clocks going back though.
  4. Bob Weighton Flu AND influenza? Probably voted 'leave'.
  5. Yep, that's the theme tune. I'm going to whistle it in my local brexity pub tonight. Wonder if anyone will twig?
  6. I'm calling today, the 29th March 2019, "Just Another" day.
  7. If Nigel had called his party EIP, they might already have been out of two unions.
  8. Yes, I've thought about this. It's almost as though the referendum result was 'rigged' by someone or other. Maybe we should have a recount.
  9. He wasn't talking to you. Aw f**k, now I'VE gone and done it.
  10. Excellent! Right down to getting my name almost correct.
  11. Looks like you are in a predominately vegetarian household, judging by date.
  12. I instinctively don't believe it but don't know enough about FB or Twatter to know if or how it's been doctored. I'm sure someone is capable of calling it out but the damage is done.
  13. I read that. Perhaps May wishes to help Scottish demographics by encouraging more English to re-locate to Scotland and so weaken the nationalist cause. Naw, that's just crazy talk, innit?
  14. The threats of civil unrest ( I'm sure I've heard that somewhere before...) come from a minority who are trying to make themselves seem bigger. How many marchers did Fanny Farage get? I read 80 at the last count. Underwhelming. Although to be fair, they could say they have nothing to prove because, as my MP Marcus Fysh said on tv just last night, we are leaving on the 29th. Oh, wait...
  15. This is on the Guido Fawkes website. https://order-order.com/ Hmm...
  16. They need us more than we need them! (But we mustn't let them realise that.)
  17. I really don't. I think too many people, especially those young people too interested in their 'pop music', reality tv and shagging, didn't comprehend what this meant and did not vote. I voted but didn't think for one second that leave would win. I do know leave voters who have changed their minds. And some who haven't. I don't know any remainers who have changed their minds. I remember being young. It was mostly good.
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