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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. Because Scotland costs the ENGLISH an absolute fortune, don'tcha know? They quitter types would love to get rid of Scotland. SNP should put up candidates in these areas. It would steal votes from the likes of UKIP if nothing else.
  2. It's good that they are getting typical 'little english' weather for their walk. I hope there's a whole fucking alphabet of storms lined up over the next two weeks. Storm 'Nigel' will fizzle out before really starting. (I know it's Niamh )
  3. She was certainly talking shite. Just like the rest of them.
  4. Just watched a bit of this tonight. If the leave supporters in the audience are indicative of leave voters in general, I can see why leave won. That's not meant as a compliment.
  5. As I remember, the 'meltdown' as you put it, was forecast to happen after the UK left the EU. That is still to happen.
  6. Was this all set up a month ago? Just waiting for Celtic to go out of Europe? eta I didn't vote as Stevie G wasn't on the list.
  7. I find myself agreeing with Daily Mail and Daily Express readers on this subject. I don't like that at all. She should be left alone until such time as she tips up at UK immigration. She left under her own steam, she can return the same way and it can be dealt with then. Can kicking.
  8. Will TM allow it, though? Don't we need 'permission' from our masters to have a referendum? She knocked Sturgeon back just after the brexit ref.
  9. I just read that Grayling went to yooni with two of the dumped 'ghost' ferry organisers. They'll probably get a pay off running into tens or hundreds of thousands.
  10. If, by some amazing, unlikely miracle, the UK government finds a way to keep a soft, open border on Ireland after brexit (I hope brexit doesn't happen ) would it not mean there could be a similar border between an independent Scotland (in the EU) and England? Sorry if already mentioned, I haven't been keeping up.
  11. A lot of them do , (as you know) mostly due the the world dominance of the USA , not England. How many Brits in politics and business can speak the language of any of the countries we deal with? Few. How many Brits even try a few words when they go on holiday? Even fewer. (FWIW, I do . It's fun. I once ordered 4 red wines and the waitress thought I said 4 octopus) Obviously it is better if we all learn one common language. Thanks to the Yanks, English is dominant. For now. ETA Also, the "war" theme seems to be rampant amongst the brexiters. WTF are they on?
  12. May: Can I come back and talk about this again sometime? Juncker: Sure, knock yourself out. May to media : We will have further meaningful discussions.
  13. I heard that the UK government is currently passing legislation to re-introduce mobile roaming charges in Europe. Does anyone know anything about this or the best place to look for verification? I found nothing with a quick search. Edit Ignore me, I found it. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/mobile-roaming-if-theres-no-brexit-deal/mobile-roaming-if-theres-no-brexit-deal
  14. The half past midnight game looks like a cracker.
  15. How can you just 'leave' a job? If you don't resign from a post and you don't get fired... are you not still in the job? I don't understand this.
  16. Just saw Farage at the EU parliament on the telly. Smirking, smug c**t.
  17. It doesn't take a great deal of technical detail to describe the workings of the WTO from what I've read. No, I'm not an 'expert' but I have tried to read about it. I really doubt many brexiters have done the same. They are the ones touting it, not the reamainers. It's up to them to extol its virtues.
  18. I take your point but we cant ALL be politicians. If a plumber does a rubbish job in my kitchen, I can't be expected to become a plumber. (actually, I'm quite a good diy plumber, even if I do say so myself)
  19. It annoys me when leave voters claim to know what leave voters voted for.
  20. The brexiters think it will hurt everyone more than them. "They need our tourists cash" "They need to sell us their cars" "They need us to buy their Champagne" "They need our military intelligence" etc, etc. What sort of an attitude is this? No, really, what is the psychological reason behind statements like this? I'm sure there is one but not being a psychologist, all I can think of is "scared shitless and whistling in the dark".
  21. If the people commenting in the Express, Mail, Sun, Telegraph are real and not just 'Russian trollbots' then I genuinely despair. They chunter on about WTO , for example, without knowing what they are talking about. No-one seems interested in educating them. (except me ) Always has been. That's why we live in a capitalist sytem. Social media should mean we are better informed but you're right, it has had the opposite effect. But what if the other 'views' sre just plain wrong , stupid , misinformed and daft?
  22. Then she can blame them. Don't know what good that will do. We're still fucked.
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