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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. It seems to be fresh fruit and veg which will be most affected. No problem for most brexiters.
  2. The EU will tell her to "do one" concerning reopening talks.
  3. Nope. Here's a thing, for all those pri cks shouting for no deal and WTO rules. "There is only one country in the world which trades solely under WTO rules. Mauritania. For those not familiar with Mauritania, its GDP is under 5 billion dollars, (0.2% of the UK's) 50% of its exports consist of iron ore and slavery still exists." Leavers wish to emulate this. I don't.
  4. Especially as the word 'England' does not appear in her official title. The only one of the 4 'home nations' mentioned is Norn Iron.
  5. I'm sure there's an Alzheimer's/dementia joke in there somewhere but ...
  6. I live in the UK but personally have never seen any sort of direct racism on a day to day basis... Just saying.
  7. Except that she curtseys as badly as she dances., Stick insect.
  8. I saw several reports on this before I discovered that someone else had been involved and that they were actually injured. I was well fucking aware that the duke was (unfortunately) ok though.
  9. From the Guardian. "You could call it swing Saturday or crossover day, for this Saturday, 19 January, marks an important moment. This is the day, in theory, when the country turns remain. Even if not a single person has changed their mind since the referendum, the demographic shift alone will have done the heavy lifting. Enough old leavers will have died and enough young remainers will have come on to the electoral register to turn the dial on what the country thinks about Brexit." From the Express "BREXIT FURY: UK will 'turn remain' THIS WEEKEND as Leavers have DIED OFF - sick claims." (Note overuse of capitals for thickos.)
  10. Article in the Times exposing some MPs' worrying inadequacies. We're doomed.
  11. The Ibrox Derry Star Player First Team 2,609 2,900 posts Gender:Male Location:Glasgow Posted Wednesday at 19:14 Iam still fucking raging with those c***s today, but f**k it, intae these child raping ****** b*****ds on Saturday, win and were right back in it. I do not demand that we win the league this season, Iam not that fucking naive to think that a new manager and new team can do that, but what i do fucking demand is that we push these terrorist b*****ds all the fucking way to at least the last 2 or 3 games of the season. Show us you can do this Rangers. Just fucking do it. f**k the Pope and the IRA. 'People' like this really exist? Nah, must be some sort of Ruskie/Yankee trollbot, surely. Doesn't say much for the mods on that site. Where's the Moderator of the Church of Scotland when needed? I do respect his tactical insights though.
  12. The only way would be if "We" stopped buying these rags. Fat chance. Too many of the "We" aren't "Us". (or "Me" really.) In my defence, drink has been taken. Merry Fraud to one and almost all.
  13. What are the sojers going to do? I'm presently waiting at Cherbourg for a ferry. I've got Scottish and EU stickers on my car. Hope they don't shoot me.
  14. I see 2 arses. Obs is they were higher before 2011 and the fastest rate rise was actually around 2015. Maybe also obs is that this has happened while WE ARE STILL IN THE FUCKIN' EU, YA p***k!
  15. No big deal right enough. Of the 73 we had, 24 were useless, do nothing (literally) UKIP twats. Now down to 7, I see, due to multiple defections and ejections from UKIP although the others are still there under a different guise. Since 24 of the remaining number are Tories, not having any might even be better.
  16. Haud oan, we aren't yet out of the EU, so presumably this 'deal' could have been done anytime in the past umpteen years. I freely admit to konowing absolutely nothing about this and I'm not going to try. Brexit has taken up enough of my time already.
  17. Heard of him and his brothers, Harpo, Chico, Zeppo and the other one. Gummo. I knew his name pre- Google.
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