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Everything posted by throbber

  1. That's a pretty grim thing to say mate
  2. i was with my mrs for 2.5 years before we lived together we would only see each other at weekends and occasionally through the week and living together has been fine apart from the usual petty squabbles, which are basically her nagging me
  3. This really isn't a petty thing thats getting on your nerves its more like neglect on a very serious issue. i hope you get it sorted as it sounds awful
  4. I usually wear glasses at home and contacts when i go out and do stuff so most people don't see me with glasses on but the rare occasion i see someone in public when i have my glasses on they always say "i didn't know you wore glasses" i feel like saying why would you know that about me if the only time you see me I'm not wearing glasses? why bring it up?
  5. Its hard not to be curious about it though. Strangle w**k would probably have been evident at the scene
  6. Most people here seem to tell me this every time i post
  7. Hard to say - he had a day that started off being on football focus and was talking about normal matters with people on the show who said he was on good form then something happened within a matter of hours that made him take his own life. You get the feeling something severe must have happened when he had got home rather than a normal drunken row
  8. Would have made sense to give his family and friends some sort of idea as to why he was taking his own life so they didn't go about blaming their selves for ever more
  9. I hate it when there are 3 (or more) of you in each others company then one person gets a phone call and takes the phone call there and then rather than excusing themselves so the remaining 2 (or more) are sat there with no option but to listen in. I always leave the room when someone phones i never speak on phone in front of people
  10. I can't remember exactly her story but it sounded a bit iffy think she said she didn't want to make too much noise in case she woke her sons up but you would have thought you would make a bit of noise rather than risk hypothermia. We will never know what was going on there sadly but its strange how he didn't think to leave a note
  11. I know its my fault as well but i bought a car from them that only had 4 days road tax left and no one thought to tell me, it was a right pain in the arse coz i needed to order a new tax disc but hadn't registered my details so the disc was invalid even though i had paid for it. Trying to chase them up was a pain in the arse and they really did want nothing to do with me, was a good car mind you
  12. It does reek of loyalist shite right enough, horrible horrible people
  13. Scotland has too much of a catholic protestant divide for something like the sdl to have that many followers one would have thought
  14. He had said to his wife over text he was thinking about ending it all because of the stress he was under about 2 weeks before. It could have been the drink he had that night that could have pushed him over the edge too you just don't know. Was tragic anyway The fact he never left a note makes you wonder what was going on though
  15. It was a haunting case - he was on football focus that morning then was at the man utd game with alan shearer and acting perfectly happy and normal. His wives testimony was pretty strange she claimed she went out for a drive after they had a fall out when she would have been half cut and then all the doors were locked so she slept in the car for a few hours then saw him hanging in the garage at about 4 am, its a pretty strange concept sleeping in the car at that time of year for sure, no woman i know would have done it anyway. Those concerned said the most likely scenario was he was standing there with noose around his neck waiting for her to come in as a gesture to how he felt then he could have nodded off but no body really knows unless his wife isn't letting on about a few things. Were plenty rumours going about anyway
  16. i hate it when theres a football option at the end and the people opt for a category like famous thespians
  17. Gary Speeds death was a strange one - the court ruled that it may have been by accident which is bizarre considering he had a noose round his neck and was suspended above a flight of stairs, doesn't seem like an accident to any sane minded person?
  18. Perhaps by peaceful demonstration to being with
  19. Well i was meaning the members of the Muslim community and members of the white community! This is one point of Robinsons i agreed with and for mentioning it on here i get labelled as a bigot It was more of a point that too many people from British backgrounds, when they see something in the world they disagree with take to the internet and think a few thousand likes on Facebook will make any difference what so ever. They do say that the only thing needed for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing after all
  20. No i didn't notice This is a general observation i agreed with I'm not running an anti islam agenda of my own here I'm not tommy robinson or nick griffin ffs
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