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Everything posted by throbber

  1. No leave kids unattended,are you one of these people who actually believe the parents murdered their daughter aye?
  2. Campbelltown is meant to be an awful place but i am fortunate enough never to have been
  3. ^^ I have seen that on holiday many times over, the people who are getting on their high horse about the Macanns need to have a look around next time they are on holiday and see just how many parents do this sort of thing - its frightening
  4. I have never beern to Kilmarnock. Peterhead is probably the worst town i have been to, or Malaig
  5. i wonder what the new lead is in Portugal, maybe another ridiculous looking e fit
  6. I am in a foul mood and won't be posting in here unitl that situation changes
  7. I never fancied the Kessock bridge as its not as much of a statement as jumping off the forth. I would ultimately like to end it leaping off the sydney harbour bridge
  8. Im not going to be near a bridge til about 3 o clock tomoro might swell enjoy my last night alive
  9. Yeah but for them to kill her (or find her dead and cover it up) and then lie to everyone about it for years and raise millions for the case when they already knew she was dead would just be one too many atrocities to understand this cruel earth and i would jump off a bridge and end it all.
  10. i think if you look at any case like this there will be holes in the story somewhere
  11. You can argue this forever and a day but the thing that can never convince me that they didi it was that they were at the tapas bar not acting suspiciously in the slightest then wen tho being frantic and distraught within minutes and not enough time to hide the body and come up with a cover story. It just doesn't add up. Also the Macanns are doctors so if she died by accident they would probably try and resuscitate her for hours rather than just going "oh f**k she's dead lets hide her then blame it on an abductor" It can't make sense unless the pair of them are actual sadists
  12. if this is true and the Macanns know something about this disappearance and did something to cover it up it will probably be the worst atrocity that has happened in my life time- even worse than Fritzl IMO
  13. The day Andy Murray won wimbledon was one of the finest of my life
  14. Somethings majorly wrong with my stool every time i go drop the kids off at the pool i leave a foul stench of out of date fruit and need to use half the toilet roll up
  15. People who feel the need to describe their personalities on FB are usually complete losers. If your actually crazy as f**k you don't feel the need to go on about it on social media.
  16. Off college for a week and my head is mush already Finding it hard to get motivated - its tough enough as I'm only in 3 days a week so never get a routine going and i was always a man of routine
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