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Everything posted by Nick_BCFC

  1. Pint of weak orange & water. Small plate of beans on toast. Hot bath. Clean top and shorts. Back to bed for two more hours. You'll be fine if you do that. I swear by it when i'm wishing I was dead after a night on the booze.
  2. Funny that, i'm sure I remember you slating someone on here for loving their booze. You said you were just fine on a small bottle of 20/20 every other weekend or something like that.
  3. What happened to that other sites you use thread that had the football writeups on? there were a couple of good links on to other gambling discussion sites but I can't seem to find it.
  4. I was umming and arring over if i'd finger her. I decided I would, but probably wouldn't if she didn't have the shades on her head. It adds to some people's fingerableness.
  5. He's how I imagine Danny Dyer's father to be. I saw him on another show - something about singing for money. Ritchie was either practicing for the part of Alfie on it or he acts like him all the time.
  6. I went there with the lads for a piss up. A right good time was had by all. Locals didn't seem to mind us. I think as long as you don't go pissing down the main street and throwing up all over they can't complain.
  7. Fantastic, thanks. You don't by any chance know the dates do you? Also, if you by chance remember - a PM would be great jsut before it starts! I always realise these tournaments are on when it gets to the final or something! My freeview is teasing me as well. It shows the listing for Sky Sports but I don't have it so I see that darts is on for three straight hours or something and I can't watch it. I have to go down the pub for any I want to see on Sky.
  8. When does that tournament on ITV4 start up? I think that Aussie lad won it last year.
  9. You just need to threaten them a bit more so they daren't tell their parents about it.
  10. Did James Brown tour with the RHCP just before he died? I know I saw them down in Cardiff together. I was just wondering if this would have been one of his last tours or it was a completely different year to when he died! Edit - No it was miles away. June 2004 when I was at that gig.
  11. That Tangfastics advert is starting to get on my tits again. I saw it the other day for the first time in a while. You know the one where they are stood outside the church for the wedding photos?
  12. Go ape shit and demand Dave Whelan himself fix it for you.
  13. Missed it last night cause of football. I assume then that Billy has given Jean his sausage surprise?
  14. Ghost Rider - Seriously, what was going on in this film? I remember when it came out I didn't go to see it because the poster looked shit. Turns out it was a fine call cause that was one of the worse pieces of film I have ever watched. Plot was weak and the acting weaker. 1/10.
  15. Quickly - what price are East Stirling @ Albion tomorrow please? Someone just mentioned on the gambling forum that Albion have no players.....
  16. Watched a few I got in Blockbuster recently. Robin Hood - 5/10. Very disappointed with it. Battle scenes were a real let down too. Especially at the end when Marian led them kids on pony's into war. The Ghost - I enjoyed this thriller. The ending was a little weak but kept you guessing throughout as to what might happen. Good to watch on a Sunday when there's nowt else on. 6.5/10 Also watched the one mentioned earlier with "Wax on, Wax off" - awful. The tart in it was hot though. 2/10.
  17. Back in work after a week on the sick. I should be at home now on the couch deciding if i'd rather nail the mum or daughter out of The Gilmore Girls
  18. Meant to be out on the town trying to finger women tonight but I don't feel so good. Hopefully its just cause i'm in work and i'll be on it come 5pm.
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