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  1. Keelan Adams take a bow mate. Calm, Composed, up against 3 decent premiership strikers and absolutely strolled it. I was worried about how we would cope with so many CHs out but misplaced passes from Hogarth aside, I think Dundee Utd only had 1 decent chance?
  2. How long before we get some sort of statement about the state of refereeing in Scotland? Maybe they’ll want a ban on hybrid pitches as well now
  3. and thats the issue for me. i’ve no problem if its a consistent decision but we all know as fans of non old firm clubs, there is no way that the same decision is being made for Dundee, Hibs, Aberdeen or any other club that isn’t Rangers or Celtic.
  4. VAR was put in for the benefit of 2 clubs. Lets not kid ourselves on.
  5. Usual officiating, we’ve added on 8 minutes for VAR checks, just keep playing until The Rangers score?
  6. I think the dead leg was after the Kelty player kicked him off the pitch. Strange that both the ref and assistant missed that one, but spotted Lyon everytime he fell over
  7. Yeah i think smudger has now confirmed in interview he took a knock. Sensible thing to do!
  8. I think he went down about 5 mins before clutching his back off the back of a tackle. Physio was on so maybe its just mcglynn thought he didn’t want to sub off someone who was 100%
  9. Falkirk daft are going to need at least a few hours to review this one
  10. Exactly that @ShaggerG , we could have scored 100 goals and conceded 1 and someone would still be saying how terrible we are defensively. There are some who are determined to pick fault regardless of what we do and where we are, after a terrible 8 seasons we’re on the brink of a memorable season and we should be enjoying not complaining that we haven’t blown teams away every week.
  11. Still too many trying to put players down despite an unbeaten season, the guys aren’t robots and will have peaks and troughs particularly with the tuesday-Saturday-Tuesday run we are on. All of the players have contributed massively to our success this season and it’s embarrassing seeing some trying to pick holes in whats been our most successful season in quite some time. Lets just enjoy the ride while it lasts
  12. I think the reason so many are struggling this year is that there aren’t a lot of players who haven’t contributed something. Yeats has been immense on his 2nd choice position, Coll and Tam outstanding at centre half amd a massive shout to Coll for proving all the doubters wrong. Leon is absolutely Mr Consistency and is a guaranteed 7/8 out of 10 every week. I love Big Hendo for what he brings as a player and you can just tell he is a massive asset to the dressing room. Spencer is a class act and can thread a pass through the eye of a needle. If Morrison and Calvin aren’t in the top 10 for the overall division awards I would be surprised and both will continue to contribute massively next season. Aidan and MacIver are dream team mates, they run themselves into the ground and give everything for those around them. The 2 keepers have both had excellent seasons and Tait, Shanley, Alfie, Oliver, Mackie and Ross in particular have all offered something off the bench. Really pleasing to have a difficult POTY decision and genuinely hope most of the awards go to the full team as they have been outstanding.
  13. A massive day yesterday, 2 players who have stuck with us even when it would’ve been easier to walk away. Leon probably had more reason than Cal but hopefully they have been rewarded- delighted to get both signed up as they are both massively important!
  14. My favourite part of it is undoubtedly the guy in the background looking for a way to insult Rankin and managing to come up with is “Rankin your a f***ing balloon”
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