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Everything posted by AMMjag

  1. Danny Dyer has already annoyed the shit out of me with those looks to the Queen Vic followed by needlessly evil-looking smiles. It must have happened about 5 times in the space of the 10 minutes he was on tonight. I'd also like to second the criticism of this dreadful Mitchell/Beale stuff. What would really be the worst that could happen to Ian if he just told Phil to f**k off?
  2. Tied up some serious loose ends, really enjoyed it and can't wait for the new series
  3. I've always thought Jason Isaacs would make a great Master, seeing him in Harry Potter the now reminded me of this. Probably too big a name for the show I'd imagine.
  4. "Homemade nandos lol it's a money saver & just as good ))) "
  5. AMMjag


    Neil Robertson's maw - wid.
  6. AMMjag


    Selby's alright, he's certainly up against a far bigger w****r in the final. This'll be going all the way to a final frame, I've a feeling Robertson will sneak it.
  7. Don't forget the 'Darling crushes nationalist case for independence' type headlines. It's only a small and pretty meaningless observation, but I've noticed that since the White Paper launch that the Yes page now has well over 10,000+ more likes than Better Together, and generally has far more likes on every status/article it puts forward. Possibly due to the absolute crock of shit that goes on the BT page right enough.
  8. Oh for f**k sake, using your second alias only makes your other one more obvious
  9. Probably as far as it got your last couple of bannings.
  10. Christ, at least Paulo Sergio doesn't even try to hide who he is. This debate is too advanced for you. I'm doing you a favour by reporting you.
  11. You just can't stay away from this site can you AWRA? You sad f**k
  12. Does he still have 'RAVEL' on the back of his shirt?
  13. This love-in for Scottish-based Conservatives is all very cute, but let's all be sure to remember there are oddball loonies like Bill Aitken at the same time.
  14. The name of the page is probably my biggest gripe. Think I'd rather be in support of victims and their families as opposed to the actual crash itself tbh.
  15. Celebrity I've never heard of dies in car crash - I'm expected to like about 4 different 'R.I.P so sad xxxxx </3' statuses. Facebook.
  16. So what do people think will eventually spell the end for this generation's young Scottish superstar? Will it be the brutal, knee-high killer tackle from some Romanian no-mark on his Scotland debut, or the inevitably career-ending move tO Celtic? I'm praying we finally get a break and one of our bright talents finally goes on to fulfil his potential, minus any complications.
  17. Seems like the type who'd fit in with how we try to play just now so I wouldn't be all that surprised if we went for him. I'd probably prefer that we signed an out and out winger to allow us to mix up play a bit, but Sproule would certainly be an upgrade on Christie Elliott and, the way things have been going this season, Stevie Lawless too.
  18. In terms of what? Unemployment? Homelessness? Number of foodbanks? Military death toll? Even the fact you've yet to decide between which one it is between '5' or '6' suggests you're very much scrambling for relevance here.
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