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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. Is Arfield someone that Murty wants or are they signing players for a manager that's not even in place yet?
  2. I fully expect some favourable refereeing decisions to help us stay up.
  3. Starts tonight. I’ve decided I’m going to save them up and binge watch from season 1 right through to season 2.
  4. UK threatening to quit the Galileo project if it left out of sensitive elements of the project. https://www.ft.com/content/7ef540a0-44b3-11e8-803a-295c97e6fd0b?utm_campaign=Echobox&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#link_time=1524259019 The UK Government doesn't need to be involved. They have enough rockets.
  5. Kim Jong-un will stop nuclear tests and close the site. Mad Donnie getting in about it.
  6. It's a boost in the arm for May. It's been a rough couple of months but this will endear her to the hard Brexit crowd.
  7. Clearly the biggest minter here is that Hummel don't even have a verified account.
  8. Buster Keaton was a bit crazy. Probably wouldn't be allowed to do this these days. PC gone mad.
  9. If they completely lose their heads over Hummel being their new kit suppliers then Celtic winning 12 in a row and #getting55 would be fantastic. I'd need to take a week off work-
  10. I didn't know Switzerland had a king. You learn something new everyday.
  11. I would love it if Rangers' new management team was Bazza Ferguson and Bob "whar's the leeks" Malcolm.
  12. Losing 2-1 to Raith Rovers in the Scottish Cup. Also how was McCulloch not sent off in that game?
  13. If you have a better suggestion for passing the time whilst at work I'm listening.
  14. In the last week- http://metro.co.uk/2018/04/13/spanish-woman-dragged-hair-night-tube-told-speak-english-england-7465562/ https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/apr/18/polish-man-chased-beaten-group-20-men-hull-police Enoch Powell's speech on the BBC Windrush
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