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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. Food that comes from China is worse than stuff from the US. China have no regulations. Mutant 7kg, 3 eyed chickens fed on polluted grains. Taking back control.
  2. Maybe I am getting old but the thought of flying puts me off traveling. Security, jetlag, other wanky travelers, sitting for 8+ hours, cases, fighting with the burd... it's more trouble than it's worth. Unless it's something spectacular or something I really wanted to see I wouldn't bother. Granted I don't need to live with 10 months of Scottish weather.
  3. Motion sensor taps. You need to hold you hands exactly at the right location for the water to come on. Move you me hands slightly as you do when you wash them and the water goes off again. Terrible technology. What is this North Korea?
  4. She can blow on my bone instrument any day. By bone instrument I mean my hard cock.
  5. McCarthy is a nominee but can't get a game in front of #itsnoteasy #sportssocks2furrapound. What the f**k is this shit?
  6. Driving over a speed bump at an angle and getting rocked back and forward as the wheel pass over it. I feel violated.
  7. The club are also having a player of the month for March. 3 games, 3 losses, 5 goals conceded and 0 goals scored. A complete piss take.
  8. By the looks of the horrific club photos thread, still go clubbing in their 40s and 50s.
  9. Davie Cameron will step in and help out any animals that are going to suffer by this.
  10. Whatever gets you off mate. Personally I don't care what no mark club officially relegates us. We've been in steady decline since before Christmas and we deserve to go. I'm looking forward to a new season and a fresh start without the dross we have playing for us. You go back to watching Premiership superstars like Chris Kane and Liam Craig.
  11. Osman is a p***k. A captain that’s got as much dig as a teaspoon.
  12. There's absolutely no need for us to get relegated this season. The investment in the team was good. Archie has fucked us over with his shite signings and tactics.
  13. You can’t beat a new out the packet, really nice set of boxers.
  14. Corbyn should have just met with mainstream Jews, been normal, shook their hands and try to put the whole anti-Semitic thing to bed. He can’t even do that right.
  15. The only people that like Corbyn are the Red / Blue Tories. Get him in the bin.
  16. This is what I want to see the EU do in the UK waters before 2020. "I CALL IT THE "BURNS OMNI-NET." IT SWEEPS THE SEA CLEAN."
  17. I have no faith in him. Our form since the split last season has been a complete disgrace. Almost 1 full year of being shite. I reckon that even some utter rocket like McIntyre would produce better results than him.
  18. I see Farage has now appeared on BBC's Question Time 32 times which puts him at the joint highest number of appearances. Not bad for someone who's not even an MP. He now spends his time on the BBC promoting Brexit and Fox News in the US promoting Trump.
  19. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-43611527 The number of children in poverty in the UK increased by 100,000 in the last year. What a mess yet the Tories are still the most popular party in the UK.
  20. He's never really had any passion. Every defeat is "disappointing". He has 7 games to avoid the sack and at least 3 of those are against teams that have nothing to play for. I would expect him to whip the players into a mad frenzy. He won't though. We'll be powder-puff as usual.
  21. I would be happy to see most of them leave including Archie. Failures to a man.
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