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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. Blame their problems on someone else. Usually the Government. Are on Omeprazole or have had their gallbladder removed because their diets are terrible. Take off their t-shirt when it reaches 15°C. Call their t-shirt 'a tap'. Get a skinhead haircut. Wear Lonsdale.
  2. Then take them to IKEA on a Saturday afternoon to walk around. Wear fleece. Working class types love a fleece.
  3. Smoke. Drink Tennents. Go to Benidorm on holiday.
  4. At the end of the the British people are non-confrontational and will acquiesce to Brexit even though it’s completely shite.
  5. https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/SF-Police-Release-Officer-Bodycam-Video-of-Shootout-With-Homicide-Suspect-475368563.html 51 seconds. Wid.
  6. Is there any major country with a political system that has addressed the interests of both sides? Russia or China maybe, where you get killed if you say anything.
  7. It's interesting how the BBC defines a British accent as some upper class plummy Londoner. People from northern British cities like Edinburgh and Newcastle should be insulted.
  8. What's a Red Snow Warning? A wee bit of slush and you need to watch you don't fall on your arse?
  9. https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/925227/brexit-news-european-union-common-fisheries-policy-defra-minister-george-eustice My great hope for Brexit is that the fisherman are the worst off. Smelly b*****ds.
  10. Paul Paton is a c**t but there is one thing that is much, much worse than re-signing him, and that is playing the likes of Morton and Falkirk in the diddy leagues. We'll be bottom of the league on Saturday. Put aside your hurt feelings. If he can do a job then get him in.
  11. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/jeremy-corbyns-brexit-plan-hasnt-12093689 All of Yorkshire is basically a collection of the scum of humanity.
  12. All the Scottish city councils are skint. Anything more than a light dusting of snow and the place falls apart. Scotland is a bad winter and 3 or 4 feet of snow away from total anarchy. The entire country would descend into something resembling The Purge. Fat neds turning feral in a desperate search for Buckie and munchy boxes.
  13. In reality there is no Big 4. There is only a Big 2. Celtic and Ross County. Everyone else is scrapping over a few quid tossed our way by the Big 2.
  14. Tesco are at it now- http://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-43202523 Don't piss off the Justice League of America Twitter.
  15. The SNP have left-wing populism tied up. As long as they can point the finger at Westminster they will have free reign among the majority of SNP voters.
  16. Mad Rodge knocking the bites up a notch by taking an hour out his wanktime to put that together. Sum boi.
  17. He's the exception that proves the rule.
  18. Killie FC are dug shite. Kris Boyd is fat dug shite. The village of Kilmarnock is covered in dug shite. In summary, if it associated with Kilmarnock then it's heavily dripping with dug shite.
  19. People taking credit for stuff they didn't do. Absolutely rancid behavior.
  20. Unification being forced on the dinosaurs deniers would be funny.
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