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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. He's got the looks to play for Thistle. Since Frans we've not really had any defender mancandy.
  2. The Up Your Alley street festival is on in SF. A bunch of weirdos in gimp suits sucking each other aff in the street.
  3. It's tourist season. Tourists are c***s. If you're a tourist stop being a c**t.
  4. The Tories and top 1% are master of your destiny now. Have fun with that.
  5. With all the will in the world Nisbet won't make it. We should stop trying.
  6. Let's see who Archie brings in before we start greetin' about other team's mediocre signings.
  7. Tommy Robinson won't have to look at as many brown people.
  8. I thought that Bill Mitchell guy was a bot at first as surely no one could be THAT deluded. It turns out he's just North Carolinian. Well done to John McCain for doing the right thing on that completely dug meat bill. All this because the GOP didn't like Obama. Surely the end is in sight for Trump. McConnell as well. His face makes me want to vomit.
  9. Northerners are more liberal than I thought.
  10. Apparently Aberdeen will be the hardest hit city after Brexit. I don't believe them. You can't subtract nothing from nothing.
  11. Mad Pedro gets really excited about friendly results. Reminds me of when Dundee beat Man City and Gary Hankins scored.
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