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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. Hopefully the next boatload of immigants beat the shit out of them.
  2. There will be a collective sigh of relief when VAR gets canned.
  3. Was it written by the same fucker that has the door-
  4. Lanzarote is a depressing dump so he wanted some Brexit news to cheer himself up.
  5. Dude your signature isn't working. Unless you wanted a Chuckie Egg then it is working fine-
  6. The Peanut Butter Falcon. An enjoyable piece of Americana. Dakota Johnson is hot. 8/10
  7. The dude next door has his Christmas decorations up already.
  8. Winning the sack race is the first time in Caldwell’s managerial career where he’s not a loser.
  9. I’d like to see someone refer to an Irishman as British.
  10. There are too many seagulls in costal areas in Scotland. We need a cull of them tbh.
  11. Real Madrid are shite without Ronaldo. Although any team would miss the greatest player of all time.
  12. I went to lunch with a colleague today and he spend 10 minutes telling me and about 10 other people in the sandwich shop how his 6 year old son has a whopping penis.
  13. Shambles the new board want to bring Weir back on board due to his money but he wants a bigger say in things . he should wipe the lot out No. The club's been a fiasco since Beattie left. We're just now getting rid of blight at the club and it seems Weir was part of it.
  14. Well pleased to be well rid of him. I was willing to give him a chance but poor results aside he is completely toxic. The worst manager we've had in a long time. I wouldn't be totally surprised to see Archie back tbh.
  15. A quick 2nd referendum with a Soft Brexit or Revoke choice would be fine IMO. The collective head's gone from No Deal gammons, the DUP over losing the backstop, entrenched right wing media and No voters if he agrees to a ScotRef2 would almost make it worth having him in power.
  16. My insulin dose is £100 but I'm really making a saving on these delicious kumquats.
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