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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. Didn’t Beckham cheating on Victoria with some bird who later wanked off a pig on national TV?
  2. He was too pragmatic and didn't know how to reach the scum bag element.
  3. Sounds like a nice neighbourhood with no gossip at all.
  4. Like a constant drone in the background you know she moans a lot when it takes a few days to notice what's she saying.
  5. Trump's base is in backward states like Nebraska and Alabama. Brexit's base in the entirety of England and Wales.
  6. He’s about as funny as a Clyde fan who enjoys reading Partick Thistle Facebook pages in his spare time.
  7. https://metro.co.uk/2019/09/25/brexit-propaganda-broadcast-3000-primary-schools-10809109/ Johnson and his dreams of a 1000 year Tory reich.
  8. Liverpool FC are utter gimps trying to pull that off.
  9. Boris is still trying to get around the law and force through a No Deal. Does anyone actually want a no deal or is this moron forcing himself on people like a fat middle aged beast?
  10. I could believe that leaving the EU in an methodical and organised approach would be beneficial but the Tory Hard Brexit now shtick is crazy. Get that in the bin.
  11. Hazard has been gash for RM. You often see that when a player moves to a better league.
  12. Shall we have a 2nd referendum? "No - the people have spoken and that vote cannot be undone" How about our 3rd general election in 4 years? "Sounds great to me"
  13. He’s now back to supporting a withdraw deal. He changes his mind more often than Corbyn.
  14. She must be shite in the sack if Hugh Grant pumped a nasty hooker over peak Liz Hurley.
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