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Everything posted by placidcasual

  1. What a fanny. How the f**k are any clubs beneath SPL level going to be financially damaged by Rangers being sent to Division 3?
  2. We should let them into SFL1. Just for the lolz of them being relegated.
  3. Cheerio cuntos. I cannot wait to see the crowd they get on a Tuesday night in the middle of February against Annan.
  4. The Curse, or Noroi to give it it's Japanese title. I was surprised I'd never heard of this, I've always enjoyed watching Asian horror. This was decent enough, it's in the style of 'found footage' about a paranormal investigator type fella who is looking into a series of deaths which are linked to a crazy woman. Apart from it's unusual (for this genre) length - it's over 2 hours - and the plot becoming a bit convoluted in the last 45 minutes, it's well worth a watch if you enjoy horror films that don't rely on cheap scares or blood and guts.
  5. In other words "£6 million? £10 million and we'll talk". Green has no emotional attachment to the club and the minute he can make what he deems to be an acceptable profit on it, he'll be off.
  6. Does the period key on your laptop have a stutter or something? It's a bit rich pulling someone up for spelling when you seem to think... punctation... works....like this.
  7. What an absolute clown. He's been playing to the gallery since day one. All this pish about changing the name of Murray Park etc. To be fair to Green he obviously did his homework. The Rangers fans will be absolutely lapping this up.
  8. He was 17 by the time it was actually released.
  9. I've never seen them live, are they likely to be a complete shambles? Or has he screwed the nut a bit since the days of Dig! ?
  10. I, for one, am thankful that posters on this thread a few days ago were sending e-mails to FIFA. Without that, they'd have been completely unaware of this situation.
  11. As a dog owner, I really shouldn't but I did have a wee giggle. He'll be fine, a couple of inches shorter from snout to tail now, but fine. Jack Russell's are hardy wee fuckers.
  12. All the people sending e-mails off to FIFA, do you think that FIFA are completely unaware of what's happening? No-one likes a clype.
  13. Employee Benefit Trusts - £47 million The Big Tax Case - £75 million Rangers Football Club - £1 Graham Spiers' greetin' faced pus on Newsnight Scotland - Priceless. There are some things in life money can't buy. For everything else there's Duff and Duffer.
  14. The ability to turn a profit matters to investors tho. I can't really see how that's going to happen any time soon.
  15. I was going to post the exact same thing. The problem he now has is that any sensible wealthy backer (and let's be honest, the vast majority of wealthy people didn't accumulate it by being stupid) will take one look at the books and do what Bill Miller done. Run for the fucking hills.
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