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Posts posted by realmadrid

  1. 1 minute ago, ICTChris said:

    The next stated target for vaccinations is all over 50s by the end of April.  If the current rates are kept up we should get that done by the end of March.  A hyper-ambitious target would be to get all over 40s done by the end of April.

    I have no idea how construction of new vaccine production facilities is going but it's vital that we have facilities ready to produce the rNA vaccines.  This will allow the UK to produce boosters when needed, produce updated versions if a new variant requires it and to produce vaccines that we can export to our neighbours and to poorer countries as part of the COVAX programme.

    Remember we need to continue to give everyone their second vaccination and that will slow things up going forward until we get to the very end of this.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Erih Shtrep said:

    Is it really?    

    I actually quite like wearing it outside if the weather is cold.    The last maybe 20 times if exited the supermarket I rather than taking it off, if kept it on till I reach the Car.  

    I'm the same now at the football. we are required to be in the ground at least an hour before kick off and while in August the first thing you wanted to do when exiting the stadium was take it off yesterday I went Tesco after the game and it stayed on in the car until I was home.

    I will certainly keep it for winter months in years to come.

  3. 1 minute ago, Erih Shtrep said:

    I'm hearing unconfirmed reports that the SG vaccinated less that150 people on Sunday.    If true Sturgeon MUST GO.  

    Well they must have all been in the Dewars centre in Perth as my Dads partner went for her's , they were over booked with a long queue and she had a wait of about 30 minutes. Dad said to me it was all very different from when he was done at his Doctors the week before where he went in saw one other person in the waiting room and then got his jag and sat in his car for 15 minutes before going home.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

    Wasn’t there a poster on here who claimed we should all live close to our place of work?  That would negate the need for commuting.

    I know someone who went an advert to help with  African water shortages  was shown on TV suggested why don't they all move near the well. 😄

    Personally id not want a commute of more than 30 minutes but I know a lot of people in Perth who work in Edinburgh or Glasgow. 

  5. 13 minutes ago, ahemps said:

    Last years tournament in Portugal was out of necessity. Even though the format was deemed to be positive the one legged affairs deprives the TV companies of matchdays so it is very unlikely to remain a thing. If you take games to neutral venues then they have to be 1 leg or a team gives up their advantage, neither are going to be long term options.

    I was more thinking in this expanded group stage of 10 games , possibly 4 home , 4 away and 2 neutral . 

    Id hate it, if I was a fan of one of the teams in the competition (ignore my user name) and went to all the home European games but why do you think they take the FIFA world cup championship to places like Qatar , its certainly not for the benefit of the supporters who might want to go if it was rotated around the confederations. 

  6. 39 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

    As is consistently pointed out - how do you prove you've had the vaccine?

    It is being discussed and they seem to be back tracking on statements of last week.


    Last week, Mr Zahawi said: "One, we don't know the impact of the vaccines on transmission; two, it would be discriminatory and I think the right thing to do is to make sure people come forward to be vaccinated because they want to rather than it being made in some ways mandatory through a passport."


    But he added: "If other countries obviously require some form of proof, you can ask your GP - because your GP will hold the records - and of course that will then be able to be used as your proof that you have had your vaccine, but we are not planning to have a passport in the UK."

    According to Sky News, the Foreign Office will help design the international certificate system - and the proposal has been signed off by Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab ahead of tomorrow's meeting. 

    But officials are said to be "nervous" about when to roll the system out - or even announce it publicly.

  7. 19 minutes ago, Steven W said:

    I don't see whats to be gained by instead of doing 65k for the past few days as they have been, only doing 30k and saving the excess for the coming weeks.


    Is it not better to vaccinate everyone as quick as possible , if they followed your idea that would be 60K people in the last two days who would still be waiting for their first jag and thus be further away from having some level of protection.

  8. 29 minutes ago, HibsFan said:

    Aye that’s what started off this obesity debate tangent, and it’s just farcical. I’m fed up of being told that anyone can become seriously ill from it when statistically - if you’re in any reasonable shape whatsoever - you’re as likely being hit by a bus.

    Driven by a fatty from Falkirk.

  9. 6 hours ago, ScottyDee1893 said:

    Programmes are from around 1974-76 so he was still with Arsenal/Derby then. His ill fated day oot to Tannadice came much later

    Charlie George was our tour guide on an Arsenal tour a couple of years ago and was superb.

    His knowledge of Scottish football was good and he came across as a very likeable character. Bizarrely Sir Trevor McDonald was on the same tour. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Arch Stanton said:

    "Opium suppositories. Ideal for your purposes. Slow release. Bring you down gradual. Custom fucking designed for your needs.."

    "Oh, yeah, for all the good they've done me, I might as well have stuck them up my arse!"

    Im really impressed with the new look Easter Road, great use to lockdown time adding in the extra tiers for the return of fans .

  11. 5 hours ago, Leith Green said:

    Inverness Chief Exec Gardiner sookin the Hearts teat yet again..........coincidentally the club he used to work for and the one he championed in the summer to stay in the top division.


    At least this time he does not need to order any seats for Hearts fans to sit in.

    A man of many clubs and it never ends well at any of them.

  12. 41 minutes ago, tree house tam said:

    Only problem is that where there's a stream there's the equivalent dodgy free stream. Big risk for a club our size to take.


    Part of my match day role just now im looking after the facebook page. Hopefully fans don't see the number of stream posts that come up there from around 1 hour before kick off as we have found a way to hide most of them before they show on the page. 

    Most probably don't work but it takes facebook around 1 hour to activate the ban on that account and these people just set up account after account. 


  13. 2 hours ago, akuram said:

    If the game is not on sky then it would be a great idea. Charge the same as OAP gate money for all clubs and sell as a top up on your season ticket.

    That would be madness for the club

    You could have a household of 4 people or a group of mates all paying OAP money to watch a game. It would work in England with the massive TV deal but with about 40% of our revenue coming through the gate if all fans paid OAP rates or less the club could not afford its players.

    It would need to be more than the walk in price to encourage fans to keep going to the games.

  14. 9 minutes ago, Jamie_Beatson said:

    As far as the pace of progress goes, if we go forward over the next week at 50k a day Mon-Sat and then 30k again on Sunday we'll be at upwards of 1.2 million vaccines delivered. We could be knocking on the door of 2 million doses by the end of the month at that pace. That's phenomenal. There continues to be a lot of chat about having the JCVI groups done by the start of May but at this pace they could be through them in the first week or two of April. Obviously they won't want to over promise if supplies are variable, but the hope is there...


    It's hard to work out the numbers due to second jags starting to be administered .

    Has it been announced what the split of new vs second jabs will be issued? Easier at week 13 as the numbers were low to start with but eventually we are going to have 50k people looking for their second dose when a number of 50 to 55 year olds have yet to get their first.

  15. 2 hours ago, BFTD said:

    As Moonster already hinted at, I've no idea what you're thinking with the first statement. With the second, they've no interest in seeing their youngsters get battered by seasoned lower-league pros on a weekly basis. Some cynics might say that Celtgers have shown very little interest in youth development in general up until now. The idea is to get a second team in the league, then use it to keep their bloated squads sharp in case they're needed for the first team. They know that nobody is ever going to vote for that, so they've been pushing this "it's just the kids" angle for years, and then they can work on adding more and more "experienced pros to help the youngsters along" over time.

    Then there's the holy grail of getting away to a more lucrative league and leaving the 'B' team behind to continue soaking up money from the Scottish game.

    The simple way around that is writing it into the rules that the B team can only stay in the set up as long as the A team does

    That would flush out the real reason they are putting this proposal forward.

    The best option however is just to say no to B teams.


  16. 3 minutes ago, Mr Heliums said:

    So what's your argument - that we can have fans back but Celtic and Rangers can't? That just can't work.

    They could start with limits like what they had before then scale it up






    possibly all of the above being home fans only or season ticket holders 

    You are not suggesting that Jeanfield Swifts cannot have 100 at Riverside just because Celtic cannot have 40,000 at Celtic Park (Plus the other 10000 that only go to Old Firm games but that they count every week)


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