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Posts posted by realmadrid

  1. 3 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

    They just want people to spend money regardless of what will happen. Its illegal to travel abroad so how can they be selling holidays?

    Talk of festival tickets selling as well.

    I'm sure coronavirus will book a holiday as well.

    I work in travel and we have been selling holidays in France the whole pandemic.

    We offer a covid guarantee and anyone who has not been able to travel last summer or this winter to ski has had their money refunded or transferred to another date

    Bookings for winter season 2021-22 are through the roof. Many people are going to be disappointed when they wait for last minute deals

    Are you suggesting we should do nothing until people can legally travel?


  2. On 18/02/2021 at 12:23, Yenitit said:

    Hearing rumours the planning applications have all been sorted out and agreed to regards Nou Campy and there’s  a possible announcement next month. Anyone else heard anything about it?Could be a lot of shite, time will tell. 

    is this not the week Dundee wait until 4.59pm on the final working day of the month to file the annual accounts , in the hope no one notices

    The would be the idea time to announce the move, a move which should kick things on massively for your club.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

    The point about the date being 3 days after the Scotland game may be valid.

    Its been pointed out that some of the restrictions at Easter in England with regard to holidays have been timed to be lifted the day the schools return so it looks like an early date but its actually a date no one can then use.

  4. 7 hours ago, Jambomo said:

    I wonder if the early-ish church reopening has anything to do with getting some religious groups vaccinated?

    I remember at one of the briefings Johnson held, they said that they were working with religious leaders and other groups to get people in their communities vaccinated where there was some vaccine hesitancy. I think part of the plan was vaccinating at the place of worship. 

    I would think that might be the case in some of the other faith groups in Scotland

    But its clear they have picked Easter Sunday as the opening date , which will not be the group they are trying to target with that reasoning.


  5. 20 hours ago, 101 said:

    I agree, it would be good to know the predicted increase on the R rate and comparable activities to communal worship, I don't think it would be particularly hard to find something that was a bit more accessible and relevant to most Scots without setting progress back, or maybe better still lump churches in with the rest of the easements.

    That should be known already from the autumn opening which had strict rules in place 

    Churches followed the track and trace procedures , at Kinnoull in Perth not only was it a requirement to book in no later than 6pm the day before any service up to Christmas Eve, but then a track and trace register had to be kept for 14 days after the service . People obviously had to sit socially distant in an allocated space and for some reason the Church of Scotland instead that all seat covers be removed, there was no singing and at the end of the service it followed the same rule as the football grounds with the test events in that people had to leave row by row from the back with an interval between each row to ensure no one could meet outside the church building for a chat.

    I imagine on return its going to be exactly the same, the building limited to 50 people in total possibly less and all procedures followed.

    I however fully agree that this return should have been scheduled at same time as other indoor pursuits of a similar setting such as the cinema. I assume they have just looked at Easter Sunday and decided to start then and I fully get the backlash by most on here to that.


  6. 9 minutes ago, Swello said:

    It will be interesting to see how they handle the return when it happens. There are quite a few grounds (eg, Ruby Park, Fir Park, McDiarmid, NDP) that could easily swallow a normal home support with a fair degree of distancing allowed versus grounds with a much lower ratio of seats:supporters like Tynecastle or Ibrox. If they put it in terms of % of capacity, then some teams will be able to return to (close to) normal trading.

    From a personal point of view, I'm not interested in the "test" games where a few hundred are allowed in - someone else can have my ticket for that sort of thing if it starts up (I also don't live in Lanarkshire, so it probably won't be my choice anyway)

    Sundays cup final , while I appreciate due to travel it was never going to happen could have been an ideal example of that.

    They could have offered each season ticket holder of both clubs a seat at Hampden and still had 48,000 empty seats, but the date is just too early to do that when everyone is being told to stay at home.

  7. Id hope by July for the start of next years Betfred cup or the summer Scottish cup depending on how they do this.

    Is the big issue going to be the old firm and the fact they draw fans from all over the place, everyone else should be able to have home fans only and cope within their stadiums but ideally id love to see a return of fans home and away 

  8. 3 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

    So no foreign holidays until we've offered everyone the vaccine.

    That's pretty much what people on here have been suggesting might / should be the case.

    I think some had hoped the UK /England would open up earlier and we would follow

    More from Simon Calder on the UK stay at home situation


  9. 7 hours ago, The Real Saints said:

    Not a massive fan of McAnespie on co-comms for us today.

    The aim is to find an ex player each week who stays as close as possible to the away venue to comply with travel regulations as much as possible (not been seen to taking the piss out of the system by asking someone to travel 100 miles each way) plus Kieran was a squad member when we were last in the league cup final..


  10. 7 hours ago, aldo_j said:

    I’d like to see a standing area as it would undoubtedly improve atmosphere at games. However, not entirely sure it would work in our place.

    For example, if you took all seats out of W7 and made that standing, what sort of gap would you need between the standing and seating area so that the people sat on their arses can still see?

    I’m overthinking this...

    Not as much as you think

    W7 is at the end of the stand so yes in W6 some seats may become restricted but not very many and the lower down the stand the less you would need to remove

    If it was done at an angle you could create a way where people could stand and seat very close to each other.

    It would be very different if the singing section was in the middle of the stand..



  11. 9 hours ago, IrishBhoy said:

    Just out of interest after seeing the segregation fence, is the area to the left of that photo where they away fans went? I’m unsure when the stand at the Caledonia Street end got built, but it must have been before the time of strict building regulations, because the steepness of that stand was ridiculous. I would go down to the concourse behind the goals during the game to meet up with pals from school, and I could have done with a Sherpa and an oxygen tank to get back up to the pie stalls at the top. 

    It was covered by regulations but I think from memory its was at the legal maximum

    A superb view.

  12. 18 hours ago, parsforlife said:

    Still a decent amount of boys clubs tbf. Tho we have lost some.  BB I only ever hear about in reference to football in the past,   They are, and have been my entire life a completely Irrelevant organisation.  I’ve never met anyone who has been in it and I doubt you could field a side if you asked a million people where their nearest one was.   

    There certainly is an element of ‘they only play for us’ in pro-youth,  which means if you only get 20 minutes in that weeks game that’s all your match time that week,  when you could have played the full game for both school and with your boys club.    However if your only getting 20 minutes at pro youth,  you are highly likely not going to make it and all the extra game time as a teen will have done is made you a slightly better Sunday league player.

    As a BB leader in Perth I think you would find the situation is very different from town to town in Scotland with regard to members etc. 

    Our football league stopped about 5 years ago ago, however one of our last players now plays in SPFL 1 and when  we meet he refers back to his start in BB football  on a Saturday and then for our boys club which was set up to provide a team for boys from that league on a Sunday

    I fully agree on the number of minutes situation . We would lose players to pro youth teams and it was great for the progression of the boys team and a way to attract new players, however in the main these players would then return a few months later frustrated with the lack of game time and the issue of also being stopped playing for their school.

    The reality is its an eye of a needle for most players to make it professionally , but the more game time they have the better.

  13. 3 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Do they not usually "weight" the Home/Away fixtures based on the previous season? apart from Rangers/Celtic obviously.

    Not sure how they'll work it since we didn't have a split last season, presumably off 18/19, where we had 3H/2A, so we'll maybe get a 3rd away trip somewhere this time.

    Just guesswork based on something I vaguely remember being the way they sort it.

    Pre split we will have played 16 games at home and 17 away so are due 3 at home and 2 away

    With Saints and Motherwell in the bottom six and Hibs and St Mirren in the top six as it stands the fixture seeding won't quite be correct

    If we are top six we should have home games with Rangers, Livingston and then a 3rd visit from either Celtic, Aberdeen or Hibs with away games to the two sides that don't come to McDiarmid for a third time

    More likely that we will end up in the bottom six so it should be at home to Hamilton, Kilmarnock and Motherwell and then away to Ross County and St Mirren , but if its Dundee United we could have a 3rd trip to Tannadice or a third trip to either Hamilton, Kilmarnock or Motherwell with Dundee United at home. 

  14. 3 hours ago, Ranaldo Bairn said:

    Yes I did which is clearly the point I was making!

    Anne Budge has been a car crash for Hearts after saving the club

    She has not got a clue about how to run a football club let alone a league. 

    I wonder how much wage she draws from Hearts each year and what input she actually has?  The main stand fiasco sums it all up, a stand with no seats built by a member of her own family.

    There are plenty good people out there who could improve things but Budge is not one of them.

  15. 2 hours ago, Burnieman said:

    Interesting concept of opening large hotels at Easter but keeping their restaurants/bars closed.

    Do you have to bring a jeely piece and  a scotch egg to keep you going?

    Part of my work is a hotel in the Alps in France and we have been in that situation since November, we have never been told we cannot open, some hotels in the village are, but the bar has to remain closed and you can only feed guests in their rooms.

    Who is going to stay in what is an open prison. 

    We did not open this winter.

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