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Posts posted by realmadrid

  1. 2 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:

    I was travelling all through the 80s and never once was restricted by not being able to fly from Glasgow. You could fly to any main Euro destination from Glasgow throughout the 80s. More fear mongering nonsense.

    ETA be interesting to know which routes and which airlines have moved routes from Glasgow to England since the announcements were made for some actual context.


    Even on the lifting of restrictions the decline of Glasgow airport will continue as Edinburgh has a far superior selection of destinations .

    Glasgow is basically where the package flights use and most traffic now goes through Edinburgh.

    Personally its 10 years this summer since I was last in Glasgow airport and while often checking destinations from their its always been Edinburgh and one occasion Aberdeen that have had the flights I was looking for 


  2. 1 hour ago, ICTChris said:


    Yet on Thursday some on here were pronouncing that everyone would be vaccinated by the May and that all the 30-40s would be done in April. 

    That looks nothing like that, still good but I was sure there was no way we could get to that level by May 31st.

  3. 1 minute ago, 101 said:

    Quite agree but for a huge swathe of working families that's what they can afford and what they enjoy, without package holidays at rock bottom prices "normality" is a long way off.

    Once the stay at home message is ditched at the end of this month you can go on holiday but I would hope the experience in April of going on holiday is something short lived as it's likely to still be a bit of nightmare 

    But by booking with TUI you often pay well over the odds as against booking direct. The downside which obviously will worry people just now is that if you book a package then they will look after everything if something goes wrong. We did our best for our customers when the French government shut the slopes a year ago tomorrow but while we got them to the airport but they were reliant on the airlines putting on extra flights. Thus for families I get them taking the easy option.

    I have put this on the holiday topic, at our hotel we automatically set the prices for for all outside partners 15% higher, the French in particular know this and always book direct.

  4. 3 minutes ago, 101 said:

    Exactly they are just another holiday expense for the next few months wil be interesting to see if airlines diverge on their requirements and obviously some countries will require them for a while yet

    Not everyone books a bucket and spade package holiday, there are far more place to visit that Spain every year 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

    How does one go about procuring a full families worth of PCR tests in a window of 72 hours prior to a holiday? Cant see that happening unless travel agents/airlines are afforded resting allocation. Are folk supposed to lie to get a test?

    As someone who works in travel id say if you want to go on holiday with your family to France just now thats something you need to sort out yourself.

    This however is the first change France has made and we would expect by the summer things will be different . Uptake of vaccination in France is still very low but thats their way. 

  6. Other countries will take into account our vaccination levels 

    That's France removed the "compelling" reason to enter the country for people from the UK


    You still have to have a negative test 72 hours before travel and I can see that being the case for a lot of nations this summer, which is perfectly fair


  7. 18 minutes ago, madwullie said:

    It's not just here either. All over Europe and beyond, the chat from leaders has made people more suspicious of the vaccines than they need to be. 

    Fortunately, according to that poll posted earlier, we seem to be far less vaccine hesitant here than most. Being a global problem though, every c**t needs to get on board as much as they can. 

    This was one of the lines from Biden's address to the American's last night where he said they were safe, that everyone should get one when it was their turn with the promise of small gatherings being possible on 4th July. It would seem they are also now way more cautious.

  8. 6 hours ago, GAD said:

    A year today since we were last in the ground to see Big Jon relegate Hearts. Feels like 10! 

    My other lasting memory of that day was the sheer panic when I arrived at my car after the game to realise I didn't have my keys. I'll always appreciate that steward letting me back in to find them lying under my seat.

    You can claim to be the last St Mirren fan in the ground pre pandemic 

  9. 6 hours ago, Radford said:

    The very first one was in 1984, which Saints were part of. Held at the Coasters Arena in Falkirk, whatever that was. 

    Looks like Saints went out on the toss of a coin or some such nonsense as both ourselves and Motherwell finished second in our groups with a zero GD and 5 goals scored. We lost 3-2 to Rangers and beat Hibs by the same scoreline.

    In the mid-eighties, they had Man City and Forest taking part when clubs pulled out. Imagine Cloughie at the Sixes. Skelping kids with rattles, the whole shebang. 

    This answers the question


  10. 5 hours ago, Radford said:

    The very first one was in 1984, which Saints were part of. Held at the Coasters Arena in Falkirk, whatever that was. 

    Looks like Saints went out on the toss of a coin or some such nonsense as both ourselves and Motherwell finished second in our groups with a zero GD and 5 goals scored. We lost 3-2 to Rangers and beat Hibs by the same scoreline.

    In the mid-eighties, they had Man City and Forest taking part when clubs pulled out. Imagine Cloughie at the Sixes. Skelping kids with rattles, the whole shebang. 

    We went out on the who scored the quickest goal in the first game.

    I think there is a thread on it running and someone asked that question.


  11. 16 hours ago, Elixir said:

    Great news if you live elsewhere in the UK. Doesn't seem like it will change anything north of the border in terms of civil liberties, however.

    When was that tweet as the dates don't add up at all.

    As its March now they would have us doing all those 30-39 and 18-29 in the same month.

    Is it not more likely to be over 50's mid April then go one month on from then for each group.



  12. 15 hours ago, FairWeatherFan said:

    I haven't been following it that closely, but haven't Aberdeen, Hibs, and the two Dundee clubs basically been taken over by "Americans"?

    Look at how well the Americans at Dundee can pick a good manager.  Hence why with each appointment they fall further and further down the leagues. They go from one strategy to another with the latest being just sign players who were once big names, they lose large amounts of money each year but at least its covered by the owners who one day will realise its not working and they will never see a return and walk away.

    The only way I can see it working at Dundee is the new ground which the Americans will own and they may get their money back that way. Even at the old firm its very hard to make a return in Scotland.

  13. 15 hours ago, jamamafegan said:

    I’m surprised that an investor hasn’t picked a Scottish club to turn into a Scottish Man City tbh. Okay, Romanov tried it - and it nearly worked to be fair until he sacked Burley and then financially it all went to shit.

    The investor would not need to spend nearly as much money as those would in England - desperate to get to the premier league - and a small but significant investment into the chosen Scottish club would make a hell of a difference. Winning the top flight is the holy grail of course but even forgetting that, making the club more competitive with the old firm would likely return a Scottish or league cup. High league finishes would also be achievable and then there’s the possibility of getting to the Europa League group stages -
    all of which generate a bit of revenue.

    All it takes is Celtic or Rangers to have an off season and they are there for the taking. Aberdeen were challenging Celtic in February 2016 but they shat it. With higher quality players and a bit more money behind them they could have easily beaten Ronnys Celtic to the title.

    Of course, the investor would have to accept that the returns might not be great due to the profile of the Scottish game. They would just have to be up for the challenge and have a genuine interest in Scottish football. It still surprises me though that someone out there hasn’t thought they would like to make a club a bit of a play thing an try to do incredible things with them. You never know, winning the league with another Scottish club would be massive news in European football and if they got said club into the Champions League group stages (this is unrealistic I know but we can dream) it would boost their profile massively. With a bit of marketing they could maybe make them more fashionable across Europe and the world.

    The quick answer to all of the above is TV viewing figures

    The owners at Man City etc can justify their investment in their hobby by the TV exposure it gets. The English leagues get a world wide viewing , we get some but thats mainly due to the trade mark due having fan clubs all over the world

    Yes a large investment could bring a team to be the best of the rest but they would fail UEFA FFP rules and look at the league cup final TV figures, 49000 people watched it, so they won't even see an uptake on sponsorship . 

    Another club winning the league would be big news .... for one day, it could cost you about 20 to 30 million a season in wages , never mind the transfer fees and there is no way anyone could make any money in Scotland doing it, if it was possible someone would have done It by now.


  14. On 09/03/2021 at 08:12, theboke said:


    I'm sure I recall attendances of 25k+ for Hearts' home games at Murrayfield against the bigger clubs.

    That would surely have raked in a lot of additional cash for them and made them more attractive to possible investors. Then again given their past experience of going down that road maybe they did make the right decisions.

    When we played them at Murrayfield in October 2017 the gate was 18,534 in part helped by a larger than normal away support due to the novelty factor. Thats only 48,610 empty seats, not a good look for Scottish football. Put that crowd in Tynecastle and it looks great.

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