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Posts posted by realmadrid

  1. The debenture holders (I am one) also still have a contract with the SFA for 2 league cup semi finals, 2 Scottish cup semi finals and the 2 finals going forward.

    Under Covid rules obviously we have no rights to attend and there would have been no objections to the game being moved.

    I am in the fortunate position of probably being at the final if we make it as part of our media team but for the likes of my Dad at 76 who knows if we will make a final again, he's already missed one this season so to miss a second will not be great

    With such small crowd numbers moving the game would cost too much , Celtic took more out of the 2014 pot than was paid to either Dundee United or Saints 

  2. 1 hour ago, The Marly said:
    On 28/04/2021 at 14:43, The Marly said:
    Too busy looking for a photographer to hurl Sectarian abuse at.

    Been told today that the photographer is actually a 17 year old schoolboy. He is convinced that McGregor is the guilty party. Absolutely shameful behaviour from a grown adult.

    Part one is true, part 2 is not.

    The videographer has shared the raw files with various members of our media team and its more likely to have come from behind the camera as there were staff there to get the balls out of the stands and clean them.

  3. 1 hour ago, anotherchance said:

    Dave Cormack speaking in definitive terms about crowds coming back in the summer in our season ticket speel.

    I’d have thought him and his respective numbers might be a bit more vocal by now about demanding guarantees on numbers, or at least a “roadmap” - still dreaming of him taking Clownshoes apart live on Off the Ball.

    One club speaking is no use

    They all need to in the same way as they will all follow the social media boycott at the weekend (despite a club meeting deciding not to and then being overruled by the SPFL so we have to do it)

    The SFA clearly are not interested just now , thats been clear from listening to Broadfoot on Radio Scotland now they have the crowds for the Euros 

    I believe Saints have a plan to sell tickets by stand rather than seat for the initial part of the season but with infections falling and vaccination rates so high there is no reason not to have crowds of 5000 plus come the start of the Premier Sports league cup in July. Anything less is a complete failure.


  4. On 24/04/2021 at 07:56, forameus said:

    Why is it an embarrassment?  With the Irish not qualifying, I'd imagine there was very little appetite to stick their necks out and risk hosting just to let some neutrals watch some group stage games.  

    If we hadn't qualified, I'd imagine we'd have done the same.  

    From a football fans point of view the chances of the likes of us or the Irish ever hosting a major UEFA event again are slim. certainly a once in a generation or more thing,. Feel sorry for those Irish fans who would have been looking to see some international finals action at home.

  5. 1 minute ago, Alert Mongoose said:

    You do wonder if Ireland would have made the same decision if they had qualified for the finals. I suspect not.

    If Ireland had appointed a manager and not Stephen Kenny they might have qualified and yes they would be hosting

    If we have not won the shoot out in Belgrade it would have been our games getting moved.

  6. 27 minutes ago, Left Back said:

    got a link to this?  must have missed this story.

    why just us?  why not the EU, the US and other countries with way more vaccines than we have?

    ETA I see why now.  Only their own Covaxin, AZ and sputnik have been approved for use.

    I guess it could be as a connection to the past and UK rule, India being part of the commonwealth and the very large Indian population in parts of England. 

    Are the 5 million doses due from India complete or just part of the process, either way I cannot see the Indian government allowing a shipment at this time.

  7. 23 hours ago, G51 said:

    Took a look at the teams Aberdeen and Livi can expect to face in the ECL, because curiousity got the better of me.

    The below is all dependent on Rangers or Hibs winning the Scottish Cup, otherwise it'll be Hibs and Aberdeen (unless Aberdeen win the Cup, in which case it's Hibs and Livi. I think).

    As it stands at the moment, both teams would be seeded in the second round of the ECL qualifiers, and to be honest there are some tricky enough ties in there. The second place side in Switzerland (Servette), Greece (Aris), 2/3/4 in Sweden (Djurgardens, Hacken, Elfsborg) are all potential ties. The rest of them are pretty straightforward.

    Third round, both are unseeded, though Aberdeen have a chance to be seeded depending on upsets and when the draw is made. Seeded side range from some really soft ones (Dundalk, Dudelange, Suduva) to some proper scuddings (Basel, Copenhagen, CSKA Moscow, Feyenoord).

    You can take a look at the teams here, but tbh I doubt either side are getting close to the ECL groups.

    I's say its getting less and less likely that Livi will qualify

    Id hope we can pass them for 5th before the end of the season, the gap is now down to 3 points and they now have a worse goal difference. The manager sounds more and more out of his depth and they are already out of the cup plus we have them at home on the last day of the season.

    All 8 sides remaining in the Scottish cup will fancy their chances on the day, id put us as outsiders just now due to the draw. Who ever finishes 5th would ideally hope for a Hibs v Rangers final to give them an extra week to plan but due to Tommy Wright winning the cup with us in his first season id not rule out a run from Kilmarnock

    I guess this season is a one off but there would have been many seasons in the last weekend of April where 3 sides have European football signed up , one is close to it and other 6 teams still in the hunt for one place (4 via the cup only, 1 via league or cup and 1 league only.


  8. 37 minutes ago, Jamie_Beatson said:

    Hoping first dose vaccinations will ramp up again next week. We’re ten weeks on now from that week in February where they were firing out 50-60k a day which is presumably why we’re doing almost exclusively second doses just now. If I remember rightly that fell off to about 20-30k about a week or so later. Assume the pattern will follow?

    Has it been steady since then?

    Im at the top end of the 40-49 group and hope to be get the first one at some point next month supply permitting.

  9. 13 hours ago, EwanMubs25 said:

    Anyone know why Liam Craig was at the game tonight? Saw him (I'm 90% sure it was him) driving up the hill around 6.20pm. He signed an extension with St Johnstone last month so I'm guessing we're not signing him.


    13 hours ago, mo83 said:

    Am sure he helps out with the loan players see how they are getting on etc.We have Cammy ballantyne on loan from the saints.

    Yes he is the link between the players out on loan and Saints.

    Normally he's part of the match day squad so will have taken the chance to see how Cammy Ballantyne was playing last night

    With the contract extension he is set to become our all time appearance record holder next season so won't be going anywhere.

  10. 17 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:


    Am I missing something? The accounts aren't due for a while yet.

    While they have the 3 month extension for Covid they have missed the deadline for applying for a UEFA licence. Accounts had to be submitted by now

    Should they hang on to 5th and one of the top 4 or Livingston themselves win the Scottish cup this becomes an issue. 

    I am sure should that come to pass they will find a way to issue a licence as they always do.

  11. 18 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

    Are fanzones any good? I've always imagined them to be like the worst parts of festivals - long queues, shite and expensive pints and drunken arseholes everywhere. 

    The fans zones at the World Cup in Russia were the opposite of that in the main

    even on the day Russia played Spain we were in the main fan park in Moscow less than 1/2 a mile from the ground with 80,000 at both venues and it was superb. The pints were cheaper than the pubs and they had so many vendors the queues were not too bad.

  12. 39 minutes ago, Ranaldo Bairn said:

    Falkirk played St Mirren in the Scottish Cup on a Tuesday night in 1986 and got a draw. We were then made to play again the following night!

    St Mirren played the next round the following weekend.

    We had to do that against Dundee in the 84-85 Scottish cup third round. 

    The original tie was postponed 

    Tuesday 5th February 1-1 at Muirton attendance  5995

    Replay 6th February 2-1 at Dens , attendance 5444.

    We were part time and heading to the second division at the time.

  13. There should be a rule that when the first ball of the season has been kicked there can be no reconstruction until the end of the following season.

    Thus to get the colts in for 2022/23 this would need agreed before the first kick of 2021/22  otherwise they would need to wait until 2023/24. it stops everyone just voting as it suits their team at that point in time.

    There should be no changes to next season.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:


    This lad thinks we have hidden covid cases and we will have a "third wave" in winter 2021.

    Reading to the end 

    He also stressed there is little risk of Covid-19 spreading outdoors.

    “One conclusion we can draw from thousands of studies around the world, is that outdoors is a relatively safe environment in terms of Covid-19,” he said.

    “When I say relatively safe, I do mean very safe. There are very few reports of outdoor transmission of Covid-19 on beaches or in any other outdoor environment and there’s been a large number of studies confirming this pattern.”

  15. 24 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

    Alright gang - opinions please. My folks have asked if my two kids (aged 15 and 10) would like to go and spend the night with them this week. Pre-covid they stayed with them once a week. They stayed once last summer, but that's been it.

    Mum has hat both jabs, dad has had one and their opinion is certainly in the "f**k it" category. They want to have a fun night with the grandkids. 

    I'm inclined to just let them go. Can anyone here tell me why not (aside form the fact it's currently not legal)?

    Go for it, they (both grandparents and Children) have missed too much time.

  16. 3 minutes ago, virginton said:

    How exactly do they 'go down this route'? Do they go into Ayr town centre with a sandwich board, asking random old biddies to declare then their carer to get a jab? 

    All they need to do is complete the form on the Scottish government website , its short and does not ask many questions.


    No checks are done from all the people I know who have done this, within days they get their vaccination and a second appointment date.

    I think due to the numbers doing this and posting about it, its come to light how open to abuse the system is, but also puts an end to the under 30's not wanting vaccinated .

  17. 1 hour ago, EdinburghPar1975 said:

    I may have missed it (so apologies if thats the case) but has it been formally announced when those in the 45-49 (or 40-49) age groups should expect their appointment letters? I know that April was to be a bad month for new appointments but i'd still have expected my letter by now for an appointment in a few weeks time given the numbers already done...

    I am in the same position and expect to get something in May despite being very close to 50.

    What I am finding frustrating is the number of younger people I know who are suddenly an unpaid carer for their gran or grandad and suddenly are getting vaccinated.

    I am glad to see someone has finally raised this .


  18. 1 hour ago, Bogbrush1903 said:

    Whilst the English FA Cup has went backwards as a spectacle, I actually think the Scottish version is at its peak presently. 

    I used to post a lot on the Football ground guide forum and got tickets for 14 of the members for the 2014 final at Celtic Park. 

    The English in the forum agree with the above point and some have been coming back every year as against the "commercial FA Cup final"

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