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Posts posted by realmadrid

  1. 17 hours ago, gannonball said:

    Depends who it is tbh but the gulf in budgets is way under what Leicester would have had (talking well over a hundred million you would assume) when they won the EPL. Same could have been said for Atletico Madrid a few years ago also would say. Aberdeen just need two teams to have an off season where as Leicester needed about 4 teams who are season as proper title contenders. 
    It would still be a notable and outstanding achievement but it would be nowhere near Leicesters one imo.

    The gulf in budgets is way over what is in England

    What was Celtic's last wage budget?

    St Johnstone have just won the league cup with a player budget of 2 to 3 million in wages, I would guess Celtic will be 10 to 20 times that?


  2. Just now, Billy Jean King said:
    15 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
    Sort of leads into another fairly obvious (IMO) prediction.... PATG is done with, and long after the days of visible restrictions in the hospitality sector etc are gone, football fans will be having to jump through hoops to register their attendance at any level

    Is PATG a thing still. Clearly been in the seaside leagues way too long. I haven't been able to pay cash at a turnstile to get into a game in Scotland in god knows how long.

    St Johnstone still had cash gates last year, I think the long term aim is to bin them and go full e-ticket 

  3. 2 minutes ago, munro76 said:

    I will admit that my role is not a technical role and I don't work on the NHS Scotland account, but that is not a fault with the app.  Your phone GPS is used to determine your location, if you are in a block of flats and someone else had tested positive in that block then there is a chance you may have come into contact with that person.  It may have been briefly, but you could of passed them at the main door, on a landing or shared a lift with them.  It isn't perfect I will admit but I am not aware of a better way of determining someones location.

    I agree no system would be fool proof. 

  4. We will never know but I wonder if having the 3rd round at this time of year with yesterdays weather would have resulted in a big increase in gates as against the same set of fixtures in January.

    I feel for the likes of Clyde who have games every 2 days and this must be a frustrating extra but in a normal season could the cup start slightly later and then be more compact.

    League wise games could be moved to a March or April midweek where clashes occurred and the top flight have pitch protection so could use the extra days in January and February to play league games. The rapid flow to the cup this season now has a good bit of interest.

    My main thought on this is how many times do a team from further down the pyramid get a big tie and then have it postponed a few times before being played on a Monday or Tuesday with a fraction of the away attendance.  You would certainly have had big away supports in the highlands from Hearts in the last round and Motherwell in this due to the complete novelty of the tie. 

  5. 1 minute ago, 101 said:

    Depends what kind of flat you live in, if you have thick walls then the Bluetooth signal won't get through.

    It's not a perfect app but I'm not sure how it could be fixed in a cost effective way.

    I was working on that basis of switching it off when home and then on again but that messed up with my watch so I gave up.

    I wonder if that would be the case with this needless and unwanted domestic passport idea. Bar the government who actually wants this?

  6. 8 minutes ago, munro76 said:

    The NHS Scotland test and protect app was developed by Capgemini, who have had the NHS Scotland IT contract for almost 10 years.  I work for Capgemini and there are more than 250,000 employees in more than 50 countries, they are most definitely not a bunch of  charlatans as they would never have got to that size of company if they were charlatans.  The Westminster Government may have given a contract to a bunch of charlatans, but the same can't be said in Scotland.


    But it does not work if you stay in a block of flats as it cannot determine between floors and through walls. 

    I quickly removed it when the fault was reported and its never been fixed.

  7. 11 hours ago, Snafu said:

    EdinburghLive continuing with their outrage at people out enjoying themselves yesterday.



    F*** off, people have had an absolute shite time of it and we have been in lockdown for 3 months, the sun came out timely for Friday and Saturday and they needed to get outside and get some vitamin D. Also EdinburghLive not understanding the meaning of stay local in the Portobello article, the majority of these people will have come from the same area. These articles give the wrong impression, the angle of the photo from Portobello gives the impression of no social distancing, I can see social distancing.

    General views of the Public out enjoying the nice weather on Easter Friday at Portobello Beach near Edinburgh

    People enjoy Easter weekend on Portobello beach in Edinburgh

    Mental heath affects your well being and your physical health, this will probably gave a lot of people a big lift and a chance to get away from the house. Looking at the photos it seems more like an average cross section of ages you would find anywhere on a nice day and they are behaving themselves, I cant see why anyone's knickers are getting in a twist over this.

    Has anyone noticed that the huge jump in cases expected from the thousands of Rangers fans celebrating the league title never happened and was ignored when they realised the case numbers were still falling?

    Why does our media want us to hide under our beds forever?


    Quite a few fatties in those pics. 

    I am glad they are out and should be made to walk up and down to shift some weight as we know now overweight people are at more risk


  8. On 29/03/2021 at 19:13, The Real Saints said:However, the ultimate stand-out was Alan Mannus. I waited for him in the reception foyer at the usual time (just as the players were supposed to be finishing up with their day's training). Soon he emerged, walked straight up to me, shook my hand and engaged me in conversation about general life for a while. I asked him if he was ready for a few questions, to which he said 'yes' and asked the receptionist lady if it was OK for us to get access into the stadium and sit in the seats usually reserved for the chairman and his pals. He was incredibly warm and polite, running me through the details of his entire career before happily signing my dad's copy of 'Our Day in May' (a book about the 2014 Scottish Cup win)  and adding a personal message for good measure. We must have spent about 45 minutes overall before calling it a day. Just as we were parting ways, he told me that nobody at the club had informed him about this interview and he should probably get home for dinner or his wife would be angry. He literally had no idea who I was when he first saw me in the foyer. I could have just been a random fan wanting to ask questions for no reason whatsoever, yet he engaged me in conversation, was perfectly happy to answer questions about his career and also went out of his way to make it a memorable experience for me. I think that says a lot about the man.


    Allan Mannus is certainly a candidate for this thread

    A friend got various gifts for players after the 2014 Scottish cup win. Most said thank and spoke to him but Alan Mannus made a point of saying "Thanks but I will get you something in return"

    At the start of the next season my friend totally forgot but around October met Allan who said "I have something for you but can you wait until Christmas" to which my friend said yes of course.

    The club then made contact at the last game before Christmas to say there was an item at reception for him from Alan Mannus and could he collect it after the game which he did and then put the gift under his tree.

    Come Christmas morning the first gift he opened was the gift from Alan who had given him his match worn cup final shirt , personally signed to him . Needless to say he was blown away with the gift and could not believe it. The shirt (Complete with some marks from the Celtic Park pitch) is framed and takes pride of place in his house.

    Alan told him "I have my medal and thats all I need, I know you will appreciate this"

    I am on the media team at Saints and Alan was always so easy to work with , I took him and Rory Fallon to an ice hockey game and they were sound to be with. Alan was not a big one for nights out but once you got to know him he was superb. One of the other members of the media team used to sponsor his shirt each season and again at the last player sponsors night Alan recognised this and had gifts for his shirt sponsor as well as a letter of thanks. 

    Most players are sound 

  9. 3 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:
    12 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:
    A "traffic light" system for holidays would cause the complete collapse of the travel and tourism sector.
    The threat of your holiday destination suddenly turning "amber" or "red" when you are away will be enough to put people off going. Who needs that type of stress?
    Not everyone can WFH, and, even for those who can, being fired into a mandatory hotel quarantine and having to pay thousands because of "cases" is enough to put people off.

    Yip even the perma optimistic Simon Calder on BBC this morning very down about prospects. Very few nations going to be on the quarantine free green list and double dose vaccine passport required to boot. Single dose will give you reduced testing and quarantine and the lists will be updated weekly so in effect despite a massively successful vaccine rollout it's going to be not a jot better than last summer but hey, all restrictions gone by mid June remember.

    I cannot see the point in going to someplace that has restrictions for a holiday in the summer.

    Come September or October Europe will have caught up and it should be full steam ahead for the winter sport season. Our bookings are at the level we would normally be in late August or early September so there are going to be a lot of people disappointed when they try to book late.

  10. On 31/03/2021 at 09:49, Scary Bear said:

    Livi are doing very well at the moment, and as a Rovers fan, the likes of Livi, Accies and St. Johnstone give me hope that a club like Rovers can compete in the top division again some day.

    I would say there is no reason you could not compete in the top division one day, but it takes time and financial stability 

    I think it comes in 3 stages and in a way the Gr€tna season helped Saints, that team would have gone up but were not ready, we failed the following season then built a team which still contains players from that team. 

    In Phase 1 you establish yourself in the top league, we finished 8th twice then kicked on

    Phase 2 is trying to be an established top 6 team, that makes contracts easier and earlier, we had the advantage of no Rangers for a few years so there was an extra space but managed it 6 years in a row before a small dip then back the last 2 years

    Phase 3 then kicks in, you are totally established, can expect to challenge for trophies (Out with Celtic we have the most in the last 10 years) and the fan base should grow (Ours has not too much but they do show for big games)

    I would even go as far to say there is a stage 4 that the likes of Motherwell and Kilmarnock are at where they are just part of the top league furniture for ever.

    if we can do it others should be able to.

  11. I've noticed a lot of fans saying they are not bothered about the cup this year in the match threads.

    I really hope its a one off as the decline of the FA Cup happened very fast , probably around the time Man U had to withdraw one season to play in the World club championship.

    I appreciate those in the league one have a game every 3 days just now but it looks like the cup is only of interest to those in the top 6 plus St Mirren, Dundee United and Motherwell with everyone else having more Important matters in the league just now. The fact that there are more League one teams in the last 32 than Championship teams would indicate that the clubs may also see it this way this season.

  12. On 18/03/2021 at 07:54, Darren44 said:

    Keep the  premier League as 12 teams. But have the top four play against each other for the Champions league and Europa League.

    Teams 5-8 enter Relegation Group A

    Teams 9-12 Enter Relegation Group B

    The bottom Three teams in each group are relegated and replace by the top six in an expanded championship.

    Merge League one and the Championship to twenty teams with the top six promoted.

    League 2 increase to 18 clubs have seven premier reserve teams( Celtic B, Aberdeen B)


    The number of promotion and relegation places in that proposal is mental.

    All players would end up on 1 year deals, no stability at all

    With 5 European places a team could go into the last game of the season knowing if they win they are in Europe and if the draw or lose they are relegated 

  13. My worry for the atmosphere at the games could be they just reject all the lower priced tickets and just have the corporate tickets spread out.

    Zero atmosphere at any games.

    With no travelling fans some of the games will be so quiet. 

  14. 14 hours ago, ewan14 said:

    There are no minnows in world football

    North Macedonia (65th) were closer to Scotland (48th) in the last FIFA world rankings than Scotland are to Serbia (30th)

    A far better team than Israel (87th) who we struggle with every time we play them

  15. For each game they will have not sold 30% of the capacity to give fans from each country 15%.

    These will be in the tickets behind the goals at each game.

    The issue UEFA will have may be the number of category A and B tickets they need to refund as if Hampden was at 50% capacity , I am imagining that that would be over all areas and they cannot just have it like a Hibs v Dundee United cup semi final with 25,000 mostly at the sides and two empty ends.

    Thus a lot of those who paid the top two price bands may either have to be reallocated or money returned and those in the low cost seats should get in.

    The key will be the percentage they allow in any section.

  16. 1 minute ago, invergowrie arab said:

    It's been enforced when people have been caught out doing other things e.g. having to call out mountain rescue. I don't think police were ever stopping cars

    I've heard of people getting stopped on the Fife side of the Tay bridge but in my time of travelling with the Saints media team i've been to Kelty, Peterhead, Dunfermline, Hamilton twice, Hampden twice, Ibrox , Motherwell and Dingwall and not been pulled over. Early on the roads were very quiet but its not been like that since December.

  17. 2 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

    I'd change back to the badge in a heartbeat. As in this:

    Dundee F.C. - Wikipedia

    It's much more interesting and appealing. I wouldn't go brand new now though.

    I think we went back to the shield under Bob Brannan in order to try and stick to a 'brand'. It's the reason that's been given for not subsequently mixing it up between the two as well.

    is there a significance to the 3 lines in the red above the DFC?

  18. 22 minutes ago, ScottyDee1893 said:

    I remember the game well for all the wrong reasons. Saints were absolutely magnificent and destroyed Dundee who finished 3rd that season after being relegated for the first time in my lifetime the season before. The start of the decline that we've never recovered from

    I was talking with a younger Saints fan about this and for some reason Dundee are the one of the established teams from the old 18 team top division who have been affected the most by the introduction of the Premier league in 1975.

    There is no apparent reason for this, as similar or smaller clubs have thrived, even prospered in periods or even the long term . Kilmarnock and Motherwell have been in the league for ever and yet Dundee just cannot seem to build long term in the Premier league or its various titles since 1975.

  19. How would the affect our league cup?

    Could it see those in the group stages of the European competitions withdraw? The end of the domestic treble?

    I have loved our runs in that cup and id hate to see it go so that every now and then 1 of the old firm have a 10 games against the Euro elite .

  20. 49 minutes ago, accies1874 said:

    In all honesty, I'd prefer a return to Friday night football - nothing could beat a game between two diddies the night before your own team played.

    The BBC Scotland championship game is perfect for this

    I don't mind that style in any way at all as its a good build up to the weekend and the BBC have shown a variety of teams this season.

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