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Posts posted by realmadrid

  1. 5 hours ago, Scosha said:

    While it's good to see efforts being made for fanzone's, surely there could have been more than 1? Get them put up every where possible. In Glasgow alone, Bellahouston, Rouken Glen, Queens Park, Pollok etc. 

    For travelling to a lot of the cities in the 2018 World Cup the better fan parks were the big one per city venues. 

    St Peterburg had 2 and the smaller one was poor, Moscow had 2 stadiums but only 1 fan park but that held 80,000 and was about the Asda distance from Hampden with just a river between them.

    The smaller city parks with 5000 capacities were nothing on the big venues even when only 20,000 turned up.


  2. 11 minutes ago, CaspianChris said:

    I cant remember off memory but I think the relegated League 2 are still given a non seed spot for their region.

    I seem to remember that being the case for East Stirling and Berwick although I could be mistaken.

    Yes everything is based on the season just past so its the current 42 plus now 3 from the highland and lowland leagues.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Ayr23 said:

    Sorted. Expensive... But not missing the chance to see the games in the flesh!

    Exactly the same, got Wembley Cat 3 on Tuesday and two Cat 2 tickets at 125€ today for the home games.

    There cannot be many tickets left now. 

  4. its north to south or south to North in each section of seeding. (rank the top 8 North to south , then next 8 etc)

    Kelty's place will be determined by the location of the ground in the 24 unseeded teams in the draw, most likely in the northern half of the unseeded teams

    Thats why Dumbarton ended up in the North one year as there were 4 championship teams further south than them. From memory Falkirk have played in both the North and South sections and there will be other teams like that.


  5. The seeds etc are all known now

    Unless they change the format things should be as follows

    Into the last 16 as seeds

    • Rangers
    • Celtic
    • Hibs
    • Aberdeen 
    • St Johnstone 

    North group number 1 seeds

    • Livingston
    • Dundee United
    • Ross County 
    • Hearts

    South group number 1 seeds

    • St Mirren
    • Motherwell
    • Kilmarnock
    • Hamilton

    North group number 2 seeds

    • Dundee
    • Raith Rovers
    • Inverness
    • Arbroath

    South group number 2 seeds

    • Dunfermline
    • Queen of the South
    • Ayr
    • Morton

    The remaining clubs split North and South, with the one additional place to be awarded, possibly a play off between a highland and lowland league side but with Brora , Kelty and Brechin all likely to end up in the North section it would be better if this extra non SPFL side was in the South group.

  6. 14 hours ago, PartyFears2 said:

    I’d be trying to get the bulk of the compo back that we paid Tranmere.

    I'd be asking for it back anyway

    Mellon has destroyed any flair in your team who were the most brutal team I saw in the flesh last season and in my view were the team that most underperformed considering the talent that some of the players in your team have.

    The only time he let them play as they could was at Aberdeen in the cup and then he reverted to his negative style for the semi final.

    Maybe next season he will open up a bit but would the fans stand for such a negative style of play or has he got a free ride due to the closed door element of last season.

  7. 6 hours ago, resk said:

    Aye was just thinking the same!  Anyway fair enough, I just find it hard to understand the attitude of "play it at Hampden where I definitely won't get a ticket, because players like playing at Hampden, instead of somewhere worse where I would have a slim chance of a ticket".   But maybe I'm just a c**t.  

    To be fair in my part I should be there are part of the clubs media team (still to be confirmed) but all my mates last weekend got booked into pubs with tables our big outside venues where there will be a big atmosphere . Unless it's going to be 2000 plus for each club most of the fans I know had said they would not even enter the ballot for 300 and reckon they will have a better day in Perth. 

  8. 1 minute ago, The Real Saints said:

    Oh I seeeee. Interesting.

    My next question would be, wouldn’t the players prefer an empty Hampden over a small crowd at a smaller stadium? That was certainly Craig Bryson’s view when interviewed last week. 

    Personally, I think I’d just leave it at Hampden now.

    The players of both teams should be asked, not that I think anything will change now. 

    Our fans were 100% behind the players families getting all our tickets so I am sure they would respect the fact that the players did want to win it at Hampden or play in Aberdeen with a small number of fans at the ground.

  9. 3 hours ago, EH75 said:

    "contingency plans" and 600 "spectators" mentioned in that first tweet. Ballot for key workers from the Glasgow area or some other such nonsense? 

    The English did that for one of the FA Cup semi finals and I hope we never go down that road

    The game is for fans, not people who were doing their job,

  10. Does anyone know who is on the competitions committee for this years Scottish cup?

    Surely they all need replaced at the AGM

    Between the farce of the summer into Autumn when non league teams were told they could not play, then offered a bribe not to enter , followed then by a late start,  

    Credit to them for getting the competition finished but the lack of planning for the final with no thought for fans the SFA do share a lot of the blame for the mess this has become.

    Yet we will have Darryl Broadfoot on radio Scotland on Monday night blaming everyone else and refusing to answer why no venue outside Glasgow was ever properly looked at. 

    How can Rod Petrie look any Hibs fans in the face after this total shambles ?

  11. 1 hour ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:

    Surely in this day and age the game could easily be moved to Dunfermline or Falkirk with an Actual decent number of supporters?

    Id even accept Easter Road as they have not beaten us there since 2011

    it would need to be on grass, there should be no place for plastic pitches in the top level never mind a national final.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Mr Positive, sometimes. said:

    Can't remember which test event it was but I read that was being enforced elsewhere. 

    Can't find where I read it again either. Unless I dreamt it? 😬 it was basically transport came with ticket & wasn't optional. Presume to track and trace etc.


    That would be madness 

    Our stadium announcer stays less than a mile from Hampden, if that rule was enforced you would be asking him to drive to Perth to get in a bus with others to go to a ground less than a mile from his home.

    Way safer to allow people to make their own way to the stadium 

  13. 31 minutes ago, Mr Positive, sometimes. said:

    Covid cases in Glasgow apparently under the microscope.

    Queue the fans being banned again for the final. 

    Has there been any suggestion on forced travel arrangement? IE official travel only to and from game?

    I would imagine everyone should drive to the final in their own groups, I would certainly not expect any supporters buses to organised or if there are they will not have many on them to comply with distancing rules 

  14. Just now, Lyle Lanley said:

    Will be interesting to see how both clubs will decide who gets the lucky tickets. 

    Depending on numbers for us it should be easy, 1 per season ticket holder and then some for players families and sponsors and those on the ticket data base.

    For Hibs its going to be way more complex.

  15. 2 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

    Should be around 6k between both clubs. 

    I can see it being slightly less due to some building work that is needed before the Euros but its good news.

    Ive been at all our Hampden game this season but it will be superb to have some fans there, the celebrations after the league cup win were odd.  Chatting to the players pitch side who had no idea what to do next bar phone family and walk about an empty stadium.


  16. it appears from those I have spoken to those who ordered single tickets seem to be getting.

    One person on our media team ordered a single ticket for each game at Hampden and they are all still showing as valid. Another member had 5 tickets for each game and all 20 tickets were cancelled.

    I guess if everyone is to sit alone then keeping the single tickets and cancelling all the groups is the easy way to go.

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