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Posts posted by realmadrid

  1. 12 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Same at Saints.

    Some weirdo clearly complained as part way through the 2nd half there was an announce reminding people they had to wear a face mask, which was met by total silence as not one person bothered 😂

    Id have said the opposite

    The areas of the ground i was covering had just about 100% compliance. 

  2. 21 minutes ago, Les Cabbage said:

    Cool - suspect I’ll be doing a walk in by august because appointments don’t seem to work beyond longer than a week at the moment anyway so not sure if that makes it any difference.

    Don’t mind waiting the 8 weeks between it would just be easier if I didn’t need to wait 4 weeks for my first.

    They are strict on that ,but i am not sure if they can check your covid test data.

    In Perth you were asked at the door, at the check point and again at the desk if you had any symptoms or had had covid at any point in the last 28 days.

  3. 1 minute ago, cowdenbeath said:

    There must be some sort of time lapse re grants, don’t know how long the debentures were for.

    Once both expire a handsome profit could be made.

    The debentures last until they are paid back. Its effectively an interest free loan between fans and now the SFA although some debentures were given to the builders as the whole project ran out of cash.

    They were supposed to be paid back at the end of the 2019 but as a debenture holder i knew they would just kick the can down the road a bit

    its 2040 before the liability to the millennium commission grant expires (Half of the 24 million given) and i assume its the same for other grants

    The land without a stadium was valued at around 25 million and the stadium itself about the same in the sale ,so if they are prepared to wait until 2040 a profit can be made.

  4. 4 minutes ago, cowdenbeath said:

    I don’t think they would but they could didn’t they only buy it for £5m a lot of prime land which can be redeveloped at a big profit.

    It was only that price as there are a lot of grants that need paid back if the stadium ceased to be used.

    If the SFA had gone with the Murrayfield plan , Queens Park would have been stuck with a massive stadium , massive costs and little options until the grant funding (and debenture holders) had been repaid.

  5. Comments as a neutral on Saturday at Cowdenbeath v Raith Rovers.

    Raith were excellent in the first half , created a good number of chances and it was all one way traffic.

    Not sure what happened at half time but I'd be a bit worried if i was a Raith fan after that second half performance.

    The game was very similar to what was to follow in the Euro final except somehow Cowdenbeath failed to score, one of the chances looked harder to put around the post than in.

    Credit to Cowdenbeath on the experience.  E - ticket worked well, no time slots, food and drink available, masks only really needed to get in and when in queue for food and drink. 

    It looked like there were more away fans than home, which after over a year with no football for most was a shame. ive been fortunate to be at a lot of games in the last year but never got to a neutral game so it was good to start with one right away. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

    Is that for stadia where spectator areas are reached from outside areas or stadia with internal concourses?

    Hearts seemed to suggest there was one number for seating but it wasn't same number for the concourse.


    That might be the case, but then again Budge is still in charge so she probably filled in the wrong form.

  7. On 01/07/2021 at 09:25, Lurkst said:

    As much as I have fondness for the place it's been shown up badly in comparison to other Euros venues. Not helped by the much restricted attendance of course.


    That was showing in the 2014 UEFA report where the stadiums who were bidding to host were all evaluated


    In the final round of voting the 6 remaining hosts were voted in by the 15 delegates on a 6-5-4-3-2-1 system over the 8 remaining venues. Hampden made it by 1 vote from Cardiff in 6th place.


    As this was in 2014 and not a lot has changed since I would expect that's the last major event we will ever see at Hampden in its current condition.

    The only hope i have for improvements could be a UK wide bit for the world cup in 2030. Could that get funding to develop the ends, increase the number of cratering outlets and toilets and have a better number of turnstiles?

    I would hope the SFA do have a long term plan for the place or we will just be left behind.




  8. 10 minutes ago, Aladdin said:

    Surely some form of testing if you have not been vaccinated could cut the 10 day period.  

    You get pinged, if you have been double jabbed you ignore it, if not you are eligible for a  PCR 24 hours after being pinged which, if negative, means you don't have to isolate.

    Not ideal and would likely miss some cases but would cut it from 10 days to about 72 hours.

    I am not sure if that's how its meant to be working here but that was my experience the week before last.

    I was told by a friend that he'd failed a home test on the Thursday night and was going for the PCR the next morning. I thus did not go to the gym and let work know id remote access the next day as well as making plans for others to cover my camera duty at the church that Sunday.

    However on the Saturday when contacted by test and protect he gave a list of contacts who had all been at the Croatia game with him, on the train and pub as well as the house party we all went to on our return to Perth. The contact tracer then said to him get them all to test and if clear they are free to go and they counted his first day as the Thursday, which is not what it says on the government website. I booked a test on the Saturday night and got the results at 7am on the Monday so was back in work that day.

    its put me off larger groups for now , i'm not bothered at all about Covid , more 10 days isolation in a flat with no garden space.


  9. 7 minutes ago, Michael W said:

    I will be, yes. Second dose is 17 days before I fly so I'll just sneak in. 

    I'm comfortable enough doing the antigen test to get there, it's more the UK requirements I find annoying. Scrambling about Paris for a test (and it has to be a PCR unless I've missed an update) is a bit of a nuscience and the PCR after arrival is more cost. The testing will probably cost more than the flights. 

    I'd tolerate this (very begrudgingly) for 14 days away somewhere, but for 4 nights it's a bit much. 

    Meant to also say you wont be scrambling for somewhere for a test, over in France all the pharmacies seem to have facilities to do these tests.

    Les Gets is a small village with a population of under 2000 outwith the summer and winter holiday seasons and we have a facility with the next village which is slightly larger having 2.  There will be 1000's of locations in Paris and your accommodation provider should be able to assist in pointing you in the correct direction.

  10. Just now, Michael W said:

    I will be, yes. Second dose is 17 days before I fly so I'll just sneak in. 

    I'm comfortable enough doing the antigen test to get there, it's more the UK requirements I find annoying. Scrambling about Paris for a test (and it has to be a PCR unless I've missed an update) is a bit of a nuscience and the PCR after arrival is more cost. The testing will probably cost more than the flights. 

    I'd tolerate this (very begrudgingly) for 14 days away somewhere, but for 4 nights it's a bit much. 

    Just ask for your certificate the day after your vaccination 

    Our business is the main French based and they were asking for the original paper copies when the directors went into France in late June. Some on the flight did not have them and they were being taken to quarantine.

    We have in the main being telling UK guests not to bother this summer and wait until the winter ski season or visit the Alps next summer. 

  11. 10 hours ago, Michael W said:

    Was rather grumpy when BA decided to reduce the LHR-CDG flights to twice daily during August and left mines intact, meaning I was probably looking at a voucher for a voluntary cancellation. However this got my hopes up until I saw this:

    Get in the fucking bin. I can tolerate the test to get into France, but the extra £300 or whatever this will cost isn't worth it. And of course not to mention the faff involved. 

    I'll wait to see the rules when fully published, but I'm not hopeful. 

    Are you double vaccinated or set to be at least 14 days before your flight?

    These are the current rules of entry into France

    Conditions of entry into metropolitan France from the United Kingdom

    If the traveller is vaccinated(complete vaccination scheme), entry into metropolitan france is not subject to any restrictions. However, he must present a declaration on his honour attesting to an absence of symptoms of Covid-19 infection and contact with a confirmed case of Covid-19, as well as proof of vaccination status. As the United Kingdom is classified as one of the countries in the "orange" zone, it must present to the transport company and the border control authorities.a negative PCR test less than 72 hours before departure (departure of the first flight in the case of a connecting trip) or a negative antigen test less than 48 hours before departure (departure of the first flight in the case of a connecting trip). Children under the age of eleven are exempt from testing.

    If the traveller is not vaccinated (or if his vaccination regimen is incomplete), he must produce a compelling reason to return to the metropolitan territory. The indicative list of compelling reasons appears on the certificate of entry into metropolitan territory.Being a French national, spouse (married, pacsé and concubine) and children of a French national, is one of the compelling reasons. As the United Kingdom is classified as one of the countries in the "orange" zone, it must present to the transport company and the border control authorities a negative PCR test less than 72 hours before departure (departure of the first flight in the case of a journey with a connection) or a negative antigen test less than 48 hours before departure. (departure of the first flight in case of journey with connecting flight). Children under the age of eleven are exempt from testing. Finally, he must present a declaration on his honour attesting to the absence of symptoms of Covid-19 infection and contact with a confirmed case of Covid-19; a commitment on honour to submit to the antigen test or biological examination that will be carried out on arrival in metropolitan France; a commitment on honour to isolate himself for seven days and a commitment on honour to undergo a biological virological screening examination (PCR) at the end of the isolation period.

  12. 26 minutes ago, Lofarl said:

    Do you count 8 weeks from the day of your first jab?  If so then I’d be due it on Tuesday.  No letter yet and seeing as I deliver the post to my own house I can hardly blame the mail.

    As i posted yesterday i was over 8 weeks and noticed a drop in event in Perth all this week.

    People were getting letters for a couple of weeks away i just walked in yesterday when they opened and it works well.

    They pull up your record at the vaccination station and as long as its over 8 weeks just do it there and then. They looked to see if i had a letter on the way but it was not showing , nor a missed appointment, so she said if a letter comes in a few weeks just to cancel the appointment as things can cross and i may have been down for 12 weeks on a system and its not been picked up yet .

    So yes just go on Tuesday or any day after that.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

    I'd just delete the track and trace app if you've still got it.

    Due to staying in a flat i removed the app months ago.

    Its still possible to be told to isolate without the app if someone passes on your details. After the Croatia game i returned to Perth and went to a house where 3 others had been watching the match, one of the group then tested positive on Thursday and passed on everyone's details (he told us he was going to do that). 

    To my surprise we were all asked to take a full test rather then to isolate which is a better solution. Its certainly made me think about going in a group to someones house for a few weeks while this wave passes as i'm more bothered about having to isolate than getting covid. 

  14. The other fan who travelled with me to Wembley tested positive late last week , thinking this could happen we decided to do everything we could to be as safe as possible (knowing you can get it in Tesco never mind a crowd)

    Stayed in Watford and only came into London on the afternoon of the game, going to a pub for the 2pm and then early at Wembley

    However the area where a lot of infection could have been spread was after the game

    To get back on the tube the Scotland fans and many others walked down Wembley Way. However the police then stopped everyone and the crowd built up, full width of the way with more people coming behind, no distancing at all and everyone crammed together . It looked like there was a concern over too many people in the station at once and it was then easier to keep everyone outside . We will never know but those 20 minutes were like being back in time in a big crowd , lots of singing etc. I wonder if this is common practice at all games at Wembley?

  15. On 29/06/2021 at 21:30, Jamie_Beatson said:

    Three weeks today for my dose 2 appointment, which will be eight weeks to the day after the first.

    The website will let me reschedule and looks like I could bring it forward from that. If I did that would they let me have it early or tell me to bolt?

    Your post prompted me to think that perhaps my second appointment had got lost in the post so I looked at the walk in options.

    Went to Dewars this morning expecting it to be difficult as a walk in and in truth it was easier than the first time.

    I just quoted the date of the first appointment at the door and within minutes I was at a station , details pulled up and for some reason no appointment was showing at all despite being well past 8 weeks which the woman said was now the standard. She said this is happening to a few people and why they now push the walk in.

    Job done so now all Pfizer'd up.  No ill effects in round 1 so hopeful of the same today and tomorrow.


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