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Posts posted by realmadrid

  1. 13 minutes ago, G51 said:

    I will be supporting my green and white brethren in this final. The big dogs have to stick together.

    Plus St Johnstone being guaranteed European football might make Ali McCann more expensive.


    Your support for Livingston in the last final, the race for Europe etc has worked so far, thus I am glad you are backing HIbs 😊

    Getting to both finals will certainly have added a bit to the fee when he does eventually go.

  2. Being involved as a match day media volunteer I can see such a big difference in the whole club in my 9 seasons of involvement.

    I like that we go about things quietly as too many times things like the big send off St Mirren fans arranged (Which I still think was great) back fire. We meanwhile put out a tweet telling people not to gather at either McDiarmid or Hampden.

    Yesterday in the Hampden car park pre game I park up my 7 year old Corsa with a giant BetFred sticker in the back, car next to me is a Porsche with a great private plate for a St Mirren fan. Again nothing wrong with that , id do the same if I could. He gets out to speak to a St Mirren official and they were both so nervous about the whole thing but talking loud enough that we could all hear. To me if the people at the top feel like that it indicates the whole club might be. They were also taking pictures outside etc whereas we just walked across the carpark and straight in. I'd not say its arrogance but I'd just say with the current St Johnstone squad and set up everyone knows their role and we just seem to get on with things just now. 

    St Mirren are getting very close to the breakthrough into the top 6 and finals. I do believe Goodwin is the man for the job but the set up in both semi finals just seems a bit cautious. You get such a good view of the formation from the top of the South stand and I had expected him to set up the whole game the way they did in the second half. Small margins in the end but as others have said we had a long run of semi final heartbreak before the current run.



  3. 29 minutes ago, Jamie_Beatson said:

    Does this work involve the seated areas though? If the games going to be played there anyway is it really beyond the wit of the SFA to get the stands behind either goal available for a couple of thousand fans per team for one afternoon? Can appreciate UEFA have standards of what they want for hosting the tournament games but does that also involve upgrades to the spectator areas that mean they’re completely out of action even to a small crowd for one day?

    From what I could see the areas behind the goals are untouched but many of the access areas to the stadium just now are.

    They are however building TV gantries into the corners of the North stand. Premier were broadcasting from one of them yesterday. I assume they are making use of the lower capacity and spreading the TV people out for the Euros.

    With all the talk of pinch points that could be the issue but if you are just talking about 5000 t0 10000 I don't see why not


  4. 21 hours ago, craigkillie said:

    The thing about Hampden is very clearly true given that last season's and this season's finals were both originally scheduled for early May for exactly this reason.

    There's no doubt they could have tried harder to have it elsewhere though.

    Being at Hampden yesterday there were already a good number of changes, half the carpark behind the south stand is already being converted into what looked like outside broadcast units and studios , the purple carpark has what looks like a hospitality unit set up and I had a UEFA VAR box and associated cables on the desk in front of me. 

    We were also told after full time to expect even more of the carpark to be out of use for the final and more changes inside the ground. 

  5. Just logged on to get the graphics package for tomorrows game at Hampden... to find the cancellation of all my tickets this summer.

    I've enjoyed giving UEFA an interest free loan for 2 years. 

    Oh well just need to hope for some luck with the SSC allocation.

  6. 48 minutes ago, Left Back said:

    Assuming there are decent numbers allowed I wonder how many neutrals would head along to 1 of the games just to go to a game again.  I'd be trying to get to one if I was allowed.  Not hopeful it won't be small numbers and home fans/season ticket holders only.

    That thought went through my head and i've been lucky enough to be at the majority of our games this season and have a third trip to Hampden this season to look forward to this weekend.

    I won't go in the hope that as many of the two competing teams fans can go and watch their own team.

  7. 26 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

    USA may announce green list status. 
    Travel companies driving down test costs and lft’s for many destinations.

    Is that the USA opening up to the UK as the list will be meaningless  if you cannot enter a county under their own rules.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Elixir said:

    One concern I do have is how they are going to handle the situation over the coming autumn and winter. Will they shit the bed if/when cases rise, even if the link is clearly broken between hospitalisations and deaths?

    Part of our business is a winter ski hotel in France and we are at the level of bookings for winter 2021/22 that we would expect to be at in September or October so in the main customer confidence is high. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Lang Toon Saintee said:

    If two of the tests were negative and they are still isolating it suggests that all four were is close contact such as travelling in the same vehicle 

    We take 2 buses to most games, sometimes 3 as it was at the league cup final.

    There were certainly 2 players buses at Easter Road so it could be as simple as sitting within 2 m of one of the 2 infected players on Saturday.


  10. 4 minutes ago, superbigal said:

    Unreal. Only 15 cases in total in Perth & Kinross and one football team with all it's precautions can have 13.33% of them 😉

    Hardly any of the players stay in Perth.

    As happened with St Mirren it can get into the squad via the players families.

    The club can take all the precautions they want but the players don't live in a bubble 24 hours 7 days a week.

  11. Unfortunately no one at the SPFL or SFA in any way seems to have a concern about this.

    Every time Darryl Broadfoot is asked on behalf of the SFA about this on Sportsound he does everything in his power to not answer the question and brings up the total success in his eyes of the 1/4 full Hampden for the Euros which should be looked on as a total failure. No answers as to next season, no plans past the summer as far as I can see and a total lack of leadership.

  12. 3 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

    Consistently (which big clubs in Scotland do)  none of them have.  Also, none of those clubs are either giants or sleeping giants of Scottish football.

    Does 8 out of the last 10 years not count as consistently. 

    The galling fact for Falkirk fans is they will now spend more seasons in the 3rd tier than St Johnstone have spent out of the top 6 in the last 10 years. Clearly for a club of the size of Falkirk that has to be unacceptable.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Yflab said:


    But it would seem our model of living within our means is better suited than yours. 

    Like you we sold our old ground to a supermarket. Difference is we cleared our debt and built a brand new stadium using the proceeds of the sale. You don’t even own your own stadium now and have no youth academy which is the lifeblood of a provincial football club.

    Face facts. You would love to be in our situation. We are the model for all diddy clubs to follow.

    Not wanting to take this off topic but you are not unique.

    As it stands St Johnstone have been owned by a fan since 1986, all directors are supporters and don't draw a wage, we have a 4 sided stadium , a youth set up providing players who won a national trophy this season and are aiming for a cup double, over 2 million in the bank pre pandemic and have players who we can sell for 7 figure sums  with more coming via the academy.

    Like you we are in good health and with a bit of time and investment I am sure Falkirk could be in that situation as well in the next 5 to 10 years, patience may be the key.


  14. Surely the chairman has to go, I must admit he sounded woeful on Sportsound all last summer and some of his statements such as the infamous " let our performances on the pitch do the talking" really make everyone at the club look stupid.

    When we had our 3 year stint in the 3rd tier in the mid 80's we pointed Alex Totten before the end of the second season and their was already a feel good factor about the club before that season ended. Who ever is in charge next season at Falkirk is going to need a great start after that end to the season. 

  15. On 29/04/2021 at 17:05, craigkillie said:

    The League Cup semi-finals weren't previously guaranteed to be at Hampden, so why would debenture seat holders now have the right to those?

    The argument for moving the game shouldn't purely be financial either, if there is an opportunity to allow supporters to watch their team lifting a trophy that should seriously be explored.

    its always been on the debentures as per the prospectus, they just move them some years and as a debenture holder if you wanted to go to any of the other grounds they would sort you out with a good seat. The same happened when some Scotland games were moved for the Commonwealth games.

    I fully agree with the non financial comment but to be honest from listening to Darryl Broadfoot on radio Scotland it sounded more to me that those in power are happy to let things run as they are this season. They will get into the final and won't have the inconvenience of any fans spoiling their day. They seem to think that a quarter full Hampden for 4 games at the Euros is a major achievement when I for one see it as a major failure.  Again those at the SFA and some government ministers won't be that bothered as they will be there.

  16. On 01/05/2021 at 21:40, Troy.1995 said:

    JustSo much rhetoric. Give me a break.Weve achieved what we had to do with aplomb..Yeh,its still in our hands for 5th.Not interested  tbf.More concerned  about next season tbh.We are a Premier team.Hopefully we will be the same this time next season .

    It was in your hands until Saturday, its in both clubs hands now with both facing the old firm then head to head on the last day. its likely we will both go into that game tied on points and just goal difference splitting us.

    The results since we met at the start of February is relegation form from Livingston, can your manager turn things around in the last 2 games?

    Whether 5th will even matter will be decided next weekend  in the Hibs v Dundee United game as if United win then its the cup winners only.

  17. On 24/04/2021 at 20:28, RossDee01 said:

    I was thinking about these scenarios the other day as am I f**k missing it if we have a chance in the 2nd leg of a playoff final. Can you see any of the pitch from outside the ground at Hamilton or County?

    Long way to go obviously before thinking about this but it did cross my mind.

    Some of our fans were doing this at the start of the season, the most of a game they got was up a tree at Kelty

    As for Hamilton, a bit of a waste of time, we could hear them and see them but this was the view



    And you would certainly not see anything at Dingwall unless you hire a cherry picker .


  18. The ballot needs to be before the fan allocation for the final 4 who qualified is allocated 

    Otherwise you could have a situation where an SSC member had tickets for one of the games so was not entitled to buy via the SSC then had those tickets cancelled by UEFA.

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