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Everything posted by TheCelt67

  1. I don't drive, but I assume this is a lot of shite?
  2. Some people might disagree, or point out that it's perhaps not quite as black and white as that, but in my opinion, classing the AOH as some sort of 'Green' Orange Order wouldn't be far from the mark. With, admittedly, limited knowledge on the Apprentice Boys, I would have thought they would be closer to the OO/AOH than they would be to a RFB. Loyalist flute bands on the other hand, whilst there will be some who will say they are nothing alike, I think most sane folk see the similarities.
  3. You're supposed to be practicing Catholic to join the AOH, the RFB's claim they are not in anyway swayed by religion and they tend to be more militant. The AOH's stance on the Hunger Strikes pretty much finished them off and saw a rise in RFB's throughout Scotland and in Ireland. Slight differences, similar arseholes.
  4. I can see why your mate would get confused, they do tend to attract the same clowns.
  5. Wasn't the AOH, I don't think they even parade in Scotland anymore, it was republican flute bands. Fairly similar with their nonsense all the same.
  6. Pretty impressive penmanship for a 4 year old.
  7. England tried that just before the Euro 88 Championship. Humped some amateur side by about 10 goals, sent them off to the tournament all full of confidence.......only to lose every game. I seem to recall Celtic hammering some Dutch outfit 21-0 during the mid 90s.
  8. Wouldn't be very Cellic minded of me to use a condom now would it?....
  9. He can also cure erectile dysfunction.....had many a stauner watching him in action.
  10. Just like the Koreans with Kim Jong Un, well if the Koreans wore football tops and drank Frosty Jack.
  11. Only a bellend would stick that on their bellend. The bonus of that though, is at least it decreases the chances of them breeding.
  12. You'd be better off in the West End anyway, regardless of an orange walk or not.
  13. The Doobie Brothers - Another Park, Another Sunday.
  14. Bob Dylan - Just Like Tom Thumbs Blues.
  15. That reminds me, I'll need to get the new home, away and 3rd kit for my holidays. To be honest I have never understood why an adult would want to wear a football top. Quite the chin dribbling perma-rage of a mess you've gotten yourself into over this haven't you?
  16. Would I be correct in saying it's along the lines of every 'Black' is an Orangeman but not every Orangeman is 'Black'?
  17. Well, he is/was a member of the Royal Black Institution.
  18. On the subject of black/non-white OO members, there was, apparently, a lodge in North America made up of mostly Mohawk Native Americans. Not really sure how that came about, but there you go.
  19. From my own point of view I was sent to a Catholic school as both the primary and the secondary were the best schools in the area. I'm from a mixed background, so religion was never a big thing in our house growing up, so it played no part in my parents choice of my education. My secondary school had a high number of non-RCs in attendance, from Protestants, Sikhs and Muslims, even at one point having the highest number of asylums seekers attending a school in Glasgow, many of whom were of a different faith. I'd like to think that the majority of people would chose the best school for their child regardless of whether it is RC or Non-denominational.
  20. Originally you said there were none, now it's "may be". Non-RCs can find employment in RC schools, like I said a Church of Scotland member was appointed headteacher for two RC primary schools, my apologies of you not being made "aware" of this, I'll make sure someone sends you the memo should future appointments take place. Again, I have to ask about the figures you used in a previous message, where did you get them from?
  21. Well that's progress, in the space of 40 minutes we've moved on from non-RCs being refused employment to RC schools making the odd exception. Whilst I don't disagree the number of non-RCs teaching in a RC school will be low, I am curious as to how you came about these figures.
  22. Try being the Church of Scotland member who was appointed the 'Heidie' of two Roman Catholic primary schools.....
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