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Everything posted by Raithie

  1. My auld man was at the game on Saturday and spoke to Turnbull.
  2. Turnbull not a happy chappy. If we had lost to Cowden Murray was going to be given his jotters.
  3. I suppose Elliot might be back tomorrow and we have Stewart and Vaughan (if he can play up top, think he featured as a striker last season) as options as well. Ellis at CB alongside Watson tomorrow if Perry is out?
  4. Val: "we're all Rovers fans eh???........we're going to support the boys in the 2nd half eh????"
  5. Rumours floating about that Smith is signing for us.
  6. Ditto. Will watch it on BT Sports with a few tinnies and a pizza.
  7. Well according to your figures we have one in Elliot...
  8. I really don't know what you feel is a suitable return in terms of goals for a striker who wants to sign for a club of our size however your figures are just guess work. Seriously? Unless I was living under a rock during that period it didn't come across like Murray was the favoured choice from the fans however it was almost a dead cert he'd get appointed as he was the cheapest option.
  9. For all we know Nade and Elliot could be fit for Saturday.
  10. Even if Nade and Elliot are out for Saturday I can't see Murray bringing someone in as quickly as Saturday. He'll lump Stewart up front. CowdenConvert summed it up after our win against Alloa in the sense we'd get humped by Hearts then be calling for Murray's head before the Cowden game. Wonder if he knows what the lottery numbers are for this weekend?
  11. Aye we're just going to let him go at his own pace and when he's ready he'll hopefully be fine. The potty we have sits on the actual toilet so might look at getting one that sits on the floor. Could be just a fear of sitting in a high position with his legs dangling that's putting him off. He's started going away to do his number 2's in private these days so having me or the other half hanging about when he's on the potty might be putting him off as well. We tried just letting him run about without a nappy to see if he'd go automatically or if he'd try and hold it in and let us know when he's needing. We got a bit excited when he'd actually come up to us and say he needed to go but minus a few dribbles he wouldn't let himself go on the potty so it was back in a nappy where he'd then do his business. I'll admit I did praise him for not defecating on our new carpet
  12. Similarly our wee one is great at reading as well. He used to enjoy getting books read to him but now he'd rather bring us a book and sit beside us reading it himself. We've not quite managed toilet training yet but he's hinted at us at needing a pee and will actually say he's needing to go. We've got a potty for him but he's quite reluctant to go once sat on it. GP said to leave it just now if it looks like he's holding it in so we'll see how he gets on further down the line. He'll sit and watch a TV programme that he likes but is reluctant to sit and watch a film, usually gets restless then goes off to do his own thing. We've noticed he's very sensitive to touch and sounds. He loves his wee cuddly squirrel which has a furry tail and whenever he gets sleepy he'll rub the tail under his nose, he's done this since he was born. Could be a comforting thing or another trait linked with his possible Autism/Asperger's. Lately he's started to cover his ears even if there's nothing noisy (to us anyway) really going on. We've been told this is another sign to look out for but again he might be just experimenting to what he can 'hear' with his ears covered. When he does this he doesn't have an episode of looking stressed so we'll keep an eye on it. All in all there's certainly a few things similar to your wee one. We've been waiting for quite a while now to see the specialist at the hospital but we'll see how it goes as time goes on.
  13. Spot on and that's exactly how we feel as well. I couldn't imagine my little boy any other way. How was your wee one at the 2 and half age behaviour wise? was it a case of the older and more aware he got you'd start to see changes in his behaviour? Touch wood our wee ones behaviour is fine minus the odd tantrum but he's also got his own wee routines that he likes to follow. It can sometimes be small trivial things eg he likes to play football in the house (I know a bad habit but thankfully it's just a soft wee ball) and he might kick it off the sofa but to him it means he MUST do this and if it doesn't pay off he'll get frustrated. I know that sounds more like OCD trait but there's other things we've noticed as well such as him repeating himself constantly until we repeat it back to him and most recently at his gran and grandads when he's out in the back garden playing with a ball. He has to constantly follow a strict regime of where the ball is rolled/kicked and where we all have to stand when he's doing this. If anything is out of order he'll have a wee girn to himself but it's usually over and done with fairly quickly.
  14. Our wee one, who is 2 and a half, has been referred to an Autistic specialist. There's certainly traits he's shown that are different from his peers. He seems hyper sensitive to a lot of things and whenever he gets excited he constantly starts to flap his arms. He goes to a Mummy and Toddler class every week and seemed quite reserved from everyone else and would rather sit and keep himself to himself. He's had an abundance of toys since he was born, most of which have had to be sold as he doesn't play with them, and would much rather sit and line everything up in order of size than actually 'play' with them. He's still a happy, bubbly chatty wee boy and as long as he is happy that is the main. When speaking to the Pediatrician specialist he said if he is Autistic it could just be very mild but would refer us on for piece of mind. I work full time and my other half is a stay at home Mum. We had this gut feeling that when the time came for him to go to school nursery that he wouldn't settle so decided to enrol him into a private nursery a couple of days a week to see how he got on. We felt this would also help him socialise better with other kids and prepare him for when the time comes to be left without us more regularly throughout the week. Thank feck we've done this as our fears came true as he just doesn't like being left on his own. Need to persevere though and hopefully over time he'll start to realise that he's not being abandoned and that we'll be coming back for him. Costing us a fortune but can understand why as he doesn't technically 'need' to go to private nursery at the moment with my other half being available throughout the day to look after him. God forbid she was working as we'd be getting phone calls left and right asking us to pick him up due to him not settling. He's not long had his 2 year check up (only about 6 months late I might add) and we were told his fine motor skills and intelligence levels are incredible for someone of his age yet his gross motor skills are slightly behind. Just need to keep an eye on things but if he's happy we're happy.
  15. To be honest I'd hazard a guess a lot of mediocre players probably looked good against us last season.
  16. I think the contact extension was offered just after we beat Annan in the Challenge Cup semi final and during that period we were doing relatively well in the league. He was clearly the cheapest option once McGlynn left and if you've heard some of Murray's post match interviews he gives the impression he's terrified to say anything negative and runs off the usual cliche patter. As paranoid as it'll sound it really feels like there's some background influence on Murray being in charge ie the board filling his head that as long as the club remain in the league then it really doesn't matter how we play and if it means scraping by in 8th place by a baw hair then it's seen as a successful season. The club released a 4 part video on RaithTV which consisted of the board and management staff sitting down and talking about the vision of the club and it's aims and whilst it was all seen as positive chin wag you could argue it had an effect on season ticket sales going well shortly after the video was released online. A few Cowden fans calls it right though, basically stuff the fans 'wanted' to hear and a board members final words being "please buy a season ticket" - or words to that effect. We're all apparently keyboard warriors in the eyes of Turnbull so people going off their tits on here, FanTalk and Facebook probably won't have any effect on the board contemplating on stepping in should results not go our way when the season starts. It's all very concerning as we've seen time and time again that Murray just isn't up to the task at hand either by games last season or games thus far. If there's one thing I will give him credit for I really do think he's got a knack at bringing in players that are good enough or at least capable of allowing us to compete in the league. It's just Murray seems unable to get the best out of them or really know what he's doing when we're under the cosh. We were unfortunate that last night we had 5 first team players unavailable who could have made a difference but when injuries and suspensions hit, especially if one of them is Nade, then we're fucked. Or in the words of Tommy from Snatch - "proper fucked".
  17. Not sure about McGurn but I'm more worried about Moon. On the bench against Forfar but not in the squad at all last night. FanTalk posters talking about a protest with fans staying back til about 17:15 to show their dissatisfaction. Probably won't happen mind you.
  18. Oh and for everyone that hounded Cardle for being to inconsistent and how they weren't bothered if he left I'd hazard a guess many would love to have a player like that in our current squad at the moment.
  19. Copied from the Dumbarton thread: I really really hope last night was the cliche kick up the arse we're needing but I have my doubts. The performance last night was reminiscent, if not worse, than some of the performances towards the end of last season and we already know Murray's inability to turn things around. The league campaign isn't even underway yet and so far we're treading dangerously close to looking Morton'esque. Another major worry is the board seem to be right behind Murray, they'll be looking at this season being another one where survival is the main thing and progression isn't really factored in. There is a severe lack of ambition at the club and dare I say it some serious 'behind the scenes' issues that the players aren't performing to the level they are capable. We're again a team, on paper, that looks capable of competing but with a management team devoid of any managerial qualities. We'll end up doing something mental like winning on Saturday...
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